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from Illy sight. 111'as again in Illy sanctum struggling with the duties of life in the shape of thirty-seven tin)' creatures-regular Lilliputians on the point of maliciousness. In the space of three seconds. my condition physically rivalled Baron Muncbauseus, and the grey property of my brain dwindled painfully as the soprano (superlative ill degree) of the thirty-seven filled lily ears all engaged with the same theme You have not prophesied for Bessie AnderSOIl r You haven't prophesied for Mike Watson! You haven't prophesied for Emma Shipley! You haven't prophesied for Jack Galt! etc., until the activities of nature were suspended. Upon regniniug consctousuess, I observed a tiny lady whom T recoguixed as the fairy royalty of Illy childish literature, and encouraged by her benevolent countenance. 1 complained bitterly to her. "My child," she smilingly remonstrated, "a posteriori; trace the effect to its cause. No is too severe for neglected duty; but considering the difficulty of your I will furnish all instrument to ligbtc» it. It is a magic telescope, upon whose object glass is inventions in the work- shop of Fate, and an by whioh time may be computed. Apply it to your eye, and a future scene the lives of each of your class-mates will be presented;" and placing ill my hand this curious donation, my tutelary vanished as a harmonious selection of fairy music soothes one with recuperative power. Bewildered by so extra- ordinary an experience, I proceeded to test Illy beautiful gift almost suspiciously. 1897. There stands ill the citv of -- a newly erected building whose archi- tectural beauty attests both the lll'unificence of the founder and the skill of the designer. Located ill the solitude of the suburbs and surrounded by cultivated groves; it repudi- ates the idea of a state edifice, nor can it be a private residence. Ah! through an open window the spectacle of sufferers and nurses moving quietly amOllg their cots reveals the melancholy drama of the hospital. Upon one of these cots a cripple lies, to whom a visitor is tnlking. In the waning light, the picture of the lady, whose face is radiant with sympathy, and the rapt attention of her listener, is a touching one, and disproves the Parisian psychology of "l'eternel femillin." Thus continuing her generous philanthropy, Bessie, the founder of Anderson Hospital, has fulfilled the promise of her girlhood. 1900. The vernal sun rarely smiles IIp01l a scene lovelier than the old colonial mansion of the \Vhealton's, euscouced among the spacious grounds. But the restless grandeur of the ocean; the fragrance of Flora's favored courtiers, and the general festivity of nature are unheeded by the group upon a piaza joyously welcoming the elder son and his bride. It is mother's tum now I As they stand clasped in each other's arms, tears glistening all their lashes, the sun falls upon the silvered head of mother and the golden head of daughter with n transitory splendor as if in benedic- tion. Truly the love of Naomi and Ruth repeats itself-and the bird 011 yonder hough pipes" long life and happiness to Edna Boulden." !910. t( A great teacher has said' the Humanities 111USt outweigh the Sciences at all times,' and he is unquestionably true, if only for the reason that ill their sweet wisdom every human heart, sorrowful or perplexed, may find refuge." There is no necessity, Ellis, to await your signature. This simple sentiment betrays you. surroun- ded as you are by all the appurtenances of wealth and fame, and developed by the partial hand of Tillie into extraordinary loveliness; therein lies the secret of your
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