Page 56 - YB1893_Classical
P. 56
"ROPHECY be correctly defined as ante-dated history. As all attribute of ~ may - ~ being, it has had no existence save in the i.I1spired characters of Biblical litera- ~ il ture. By a wise provision of Providence, it is without the range of human possi- bility to predict contingent events; the very essence of iife is hope, expectancy; ~v and the finite constitution without the food afforded by the unceasing revolutions of Future into Present, would become debilitated as by slow starvation. From times so remote as to be almost mythical to the present era of advanced civilization however, anything savoring of the supernatural has borne the insignia of power-the creduilty of the ancients vested the prognostications of the astrologers, the decrees of the augurs and the verdicts of the oracles with pivotal importance in governmental affairs, and the treatment of the So-called sixteenth century witches is a fearful testimony to the continued influence of the mysterious, even in the present day, the arts practiced by "gypsy fortune-tellers" and "magicians" hold the less cultivated ill their ccpuve thralls. But the writer being skeptical 011 this subject in whatever gnise it may assume, has invaded the realms of dreamland in search of succor. The day with its labors and vexations was past, and I sat resting upon a lofty veranda while Illy thoughts ruiugled with the stars of the celestial galaxy. Awed by the weird brilliance of the constellations, my mind unconsciously appropriated the transports of the English poet: 011 majestic Night I Nature'S great nncestor! Day'S elder boru! And fated to survive ure transient SUIl! By mortals uutl seen with awe ! A starry C1'OW11 thy ra vcu adorns, As azure %OI1C, thy waist; clouds ill heaven's 100111 'wroug'ht through varieties of shape and suede, Til ample folds of draper}" dh'ille, Ilowiug' mantle fO\"1I1; graudem a sable curtain starr'd Is drawn o'er Illy labor past. But as archaic opinions respecting these constellntious and the legends connected with their nnmes were recurring to me in rapid succession, the scene receded slowly 6,
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