Page 50 - YB1893_Classical
P. 50
'93 AS SENIORS. 0, v= llluse of Heavcll AI] yom powers And tell the ill lofty Let them rillg over hill and plain, From the golden Slate to piue.t.rec xrniuo, '93'S deeds when seuicr s. rrrm. ~rHE historian feels more than ever his lack of ability. as he attempts to give the (iJI~rJ)!~ record of the closing year of '93. To give the truths-for truths we want-ami 51, IJ~ yet to conceal the appearance of braggadocio requu-es superior abilities, bill ~} we can do one thing at least-record the truths-and if we appear to boast, remember it is more desirable to bear the name of braggart than to stand accused as a falsifier. \Ve returned to college in the beginning of this year with the same number as that with which we left. As om revised platform suited us so well we decided to leave it unchanged. \Vhile we were cheerful because we could once more look into the blusllil1g faces of our be tter lialves and because we were the recipients of many smiles from across the dining-hall, yet we were sad because we must desist From those things permissible in others, yet very improper [or a Sf. with his digllity_ Did we have an y? 'Veil, a li ttle. How could we help it? All the scboottccked up to \1S. \Ve now headed the pro- cession in chapel and down to dinner; many of the boys took off their hats to us and many other things tending to remind us of our position and at the same time reminding us that we could no more hang 011 the back fence or peep through the knot-holes to smite at her, as she, hanging herself half out of the window returned Smile for smile, and often, two for one. No more could we play Romeo and Juliet, which in the Fresh- and Soph. years means the fellow IWfIIlS all around the building beC<1use he OWl'S her a letter for which she lets down her little basket, he ill the meantime telling her what, he said ill the letter. Now, old Dig. said we could not do such naughty but nice things. He also said we 111UStnot go into the pantry any more; it made 110 differeuce how hungry we became Could we be other but sad? Yes, we could have been hungry had we wished, but we did not it. We submitted to the llullification of the Romeo and Juliet act and promised to consider the pantry question; we did it. It was 011 tbe 28th of October, aile of that kind of nights which makes one think of ghosts. Tt seemed as if untru-e had determined to aid the boys ill their plans. 'I'he nighr was clark. The winds shrieked through the leafless trees and moaned around the corners of the huildings; the windowg rattled, the shutters shook, the doors creaked.
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