Page 49 - YB1893_Classical
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they SOOl1 make fast the staff and the echo resounds "all is well." Turning their faces to the windows of their loved ones they sing "She sleeps, my lady sleeps," and the moon looks down with placid smiles and answers back, "She sleeps;" and each star traveling its journey o'er peeps in npon her conch and whispers, "She sleeps." She did not sleep long in the morning though, for she was one of the first whom we saw admiring it as "the mom' waked by the circling hours was with rosy fingers unbarring the gates of light." What did they do about it? Oh, nothing but fume and kick; they took the oue clown from over their hall 1.1.Ild intended to take down the other also-but let us here drop the curtain and all join the chorus' 0, say, can you see by the dawn's early light 'Vhat so proudly we hailed at the ruorniug-s first beaming, The '93 nag with its colors so bright, F"om ench of the towel's they were 0, how they did yen! it would be As saw the flags death kllel\, But t he waved all O'er W. M. C. aud the 'niuety.two After several games the honors for first place was again bestowed 011 '93 as leaders in the field. And now our hearts were sad. Father Time commanded us to divest our- selves of our junior ganueuts and to prepare to don the Sr. robe. Who can or will live up to the privilege of the jolly Jr. when we shall IHI.Ve gone; 10 care for nothing but taking advantage of every opportunity to have fun, even at the expense of the higher dignitaries of our college? Could we be otherwise than sad? Yet, it must be; "it was in accord with the eternal fitness of all things"-(Doc Nelson)-that we pull lip and away; in other words, "get our hens away." Having had so much trouble in times past by exchanging hearts we decided to leave them as they were, but first we made one another "deed and double deedy;" we would not lose them or swap them off; but we soon wished we hadn't. 'Vhen we had gone to our respective places and had seen a new face-and. Oh, some sweet faces-and when an exchange of hearts was proposed we had to confess ill doleful tones that "it cannot was," "my heart is not my own;" and how of len we had wished we had exclaimed with the poet, Maid of college, ere we separate us, Give me back my cardiac apparatus. 55
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