Page 47 - YB1893_Classical
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break, broke. Oh, see!" as murmured by thy victim, dejectedly gazing at the non- rotundity of his lucre depository. Visiting hotels, restaurants or other places where refreshments are served is especially encouraged, nud shouldst than contemplate same, thou shalt notify the faculty one week previous, that a reduction adapting the college grub supply to thy absence may be made. Y, Divine service shalt thou attend each succeeding Sabbath, thou and thy clerical attire, thy white cravat nnd thy saintly countenance. Whither thou shalt go will be dependent I1pOI1 the religious persuasion of thy sweet-heart. VI. Thou shalt not eject anything from thy semi-translucent light admitters, except it be a troublesome Soph or the contents of the slop receptacle on the head of a verdant Prof. During that portion of the sidercal year when the beautiful suow clothes mother earth in a mautle of white thou shalt consider it incumbent upon thee to seriously and irremediably bend every assailable rectangular body composed of silicates of calcium, potassium and sodium. VII. When the solar rays illumine this terrestie! ball, thou, damsel, shalt confine meandering to thy portion of the campus and thou, lad, shalt not depart from but when the dusky shades of night have spread their kindly mantle, then the earth thine to roam where thou wilt, VIII. Thou shalt not use firearms. Thou didst not enter the classic halls to develop thy Buffalo William propensities, Only ideas are taught how to shoot. Neither shalt thou indulge in exhaling noxious effluvia produced by the rapid ignition and oxidization of the carbonaceous substance kucwu, in the language of the vulgar populus and verdant freshmen as "tobackker." IX. At the morning inspection the mathematical professor, with the aid of his improved transit, will take the sill/! of the accumul ated dust strata on the floor of the domestic domicile. When Said sine indicates that the lower strata was deposited during the Paleozoic era, the happy inmates will be notified of the discovery and furnished with a lightning excavator. X. If family physician dost prescribe for thee change and rest, hie thee not away to the of the gently heaving sea, bot betake thyself to \V. M, C" where the confectioner gets the change and the president gets the rest. When the president receiveth not the rest there will be none for thee, so submit thyself to the inevitable. XL Ccnuuuuicauons between the departments is especially encouraged. \Vhen ill immediate proximity to the gruIll and demure prof, thou shalt keep "mum," not ad- dressing the miss lest thou speukest amiss, and the mister mistaking the sad misde- meanor takes the miss fr011\ thy presence, and, lmviug dismissed her, returns the as- sister of mysterious misauthrophy, misconstruing mishap for mischief. Smiling is conducive to the beautifying of thy facial and as a miss is as good as a mile, try a smile to beguile from thy miss all the while to better the style of thy handsome profile. xrr. rf thou art a male student thou shalt not he allowed to receive a visit From thy Female admirer, unless by written permission, signed hy thy parent or guardian, and elldor.~ed by the president and three members of the faculty. If thou dost wish to 53
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