Page 35 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 35
T Co-Sports Editor service." This evening at 6 p.m. McDaniel students received a notice In anomer email tostudents.j\.lo).et:spoke of me resignationsof that the "fcDaniel athletic department look a big hit [0 Women's soccer coach B'1= Shumaker and women's voUeyb:ill MATIHEW ARNOLD its staff. Carole Mollo)', Bryan Shumaker and Tin Keating coach Carole Molloy "Both Carole and Bryan have exemplified COo-Sports Editor "stepped down" from rheir head coaching positions here the values of outstanding coaching leadership and have played imm~urnble roles in guiding hundreds of srudcnrs in their on the Hill Keating leaves McDaniel afrer his 19th season coaching educational journeys on the I·W!." McDaniel College has selected the Green Terror football squad. Keating certainly win be Molloy, another 19·year veteran coach at McDaniel has Michael Hoyt as their new head regarded in the upper echelon of not only McDaniel football also led her women's volle)'ball team to multiple centennial football conch, according to Coaches, but of any coaches in Centennial Conference championships (rwo), and has enjoyed a successful coaching an e-mail sent to students and history. His seven conference championships (most in career at here ar her alma mater. faculty. McDaniel history) and five straight NCAA playoff birms Shumaker has coached the Mc.Daniel women's soccer Hoyt has served for [he (1997-2001) are sure to ellrn Keating a ,pOt in the McDaniel ream for the past five seasons and over them has guided the past eight years as defensive athlcric Hall of Fame girls to IS victories. coordinator and assistant. head In an email to McDaniel students, first year athletic None of the three roaches will be returning to coach on coach at Albright College in Paul Moyer said, "Coach Keating has exemplified rheHiU next season. Pennsylvania. Interview with AD Paul Moyer the American he was a finalist for In 2011, Coaches Football Association's assistant coach of understanding of the srudenr- the year award. athlete, a strong knowledge of MATTHEW ARNOlD Moyer said, in response to the fact that the volume and In the college's release, The top programs in the region, Co-Sports Editor riming of the decisions were catching people off guard McDaniel Athletic Director Paul and relationships in recruiting "that's jumping to a conclusion that isn'r there." Moyer said, "after a nationwide areas where we have had great 7JJ( flflowing is I()/Ja! I transcribed .from my inurview wit/; "The coaches made decisions on different days, even Pa'IIMrryn-: though we packaged the announcements tOgether, so from search, Mike's experience as an success cur perspective, it was better to put them all together for the educator, coach and leader of President Roger Casey, also On the riming of the announcements. public rather than one at a time at a time. To JUStcontinue young men separated him as the commencing in the release, said "They didn't resign on one day. We don't talk about that process over weeks and weeks doesn't make sense." top candidate for our program. "with Paul Moyer's leadership, personnel actions at the College, but the bonom line is you He embodies everything we Mike Hoyt's appointment, and h3\'e conversations with your entire department, over the On why the football coach's resignation was announced wanted in our next head football the new Kenneth Gill stadium, Course of years, but in my case oyer the course of my first Independently of tbe other coaches, coach," McDaniel is poised to write a year here. I think all the coacbes understand where we're "I think that ulrimarely this is probably driven by external Albright's football team finished new victorious chapter in our going, what we're doing, in some cases, it's not going to media markets. I don't put any less.interest on our women's with a 6-5 overall record in 2011, 117-year tradition of Green work out ""ith individual coaches in their personal lives and with Hoyt'S defense surrendering Terror football." their own goals and aspirations and, )'OU know, this is the soccer players or our volleyball athletes than I do with our end of the fall season, so that's when these things normally football athletes, and I've talked to all the athletes and I 23 points per game. Hoyt will officially take over as happen. It mar look like it's allan onc da)" bur rhey were think they understand that we put as much emphasis on Moyer continued by saying Hoyt head football coach on March not all on onecla),." their programs as we do on football." "brings with him an excellent 19. lAURA NICHOLS free, and if you're lucky, it won't take tOOlong fan. Two of the biggest fiJe-sharing sites, decent Internet connection. And yet, the Contributor to load. But what if you have to wait? Lots of mega-upload and megavideo, were shut rest of the world, specifically the television networks wait two or three days, sometimes down this weekend by the government, networks, don't seem to understand this. a whole week or more, to post their episodes and it was seen by some as the precursor to We have to wait days and days to watch People don't watch TV when their shows are online. And most of those episodes are not SOPA (stop-online-piracy-act), which. was television, and by that time, we might not aCtually on anymore. Well, they do, but these up there forever, which means that if you get originally scheduled to be brought before even remember that we wanted to watch it, People don't live on a college campus, where bogged down with work and activities, and congress, on Tuesday, Jan. 24. 2012. It has or have the time to do so. lf networks want You have things to do during primetime. You ~'ou miss the window of opporrunity, then since been postponed, but the outcome and to get viewers, then they have to connect go to parties, you do homework, you have it's tough luck for you, kid. effects of the mega sites being gone remains with the new generation in the increasingly club meetings; any sort of extracurricular So you would do what any college srudent the same. new technological ways. I know that they that takes place after class usually takes place does. You turn to your friendly Internet Many other sites have already started delecing are trying, but there really need to get their SOmewhere berween SPM and 1OPM. And pirates and find a nor-so-legal sit~ to television shows in order to avoid being shut foot out of the door, and shove their whole this is when a lot of your favorite TV shows your show, and if you're mto It, mO~les down. It's becoming increasingly harder to bodies inside. are On, because it's primerime for television, from all over the world. It takes some orne find shoes to watch on these online sites, Start making TV shows available the day When everyone else in America is sitting in to buffer, and sometimes you're stuck with which should make much of the government after they air, either on your website, or on front of their TV, ready to catch the newest limits on how many minutes you can watch happy. But it's also going to make the public an associate website. If you have to put the epiSode of their favorite show. We can't, and in an hout, but the shows are always there. very unhappy, especially the young adult same amount of advertisements in, then because TiVo and OVR don't exist on this Alwavs. Even back episodes of really old demographic, i.e. college students. fine. We can deal with it. Don't wait longer ~arnpus (or possibly any campus), we ha:e show's, Of really obscure shows that you can't We are a generation born of instant than a week to put shows on the air, and keep o way to catch the shows except to tune 10 find anywhere else. It is a good rime waster, gratification. We see. something, we want it, them online for longer than a week and a ;nijne. This is where the problems ~rise: and because the shows weren't downloading and we get it. End of story. Generally, you half. We can watch more of your shows that he easiest way to watch TV online IS to directly onto your computer, you don't feel don't have to wait longer than five 'minutes to way, and you can make more money off of try and find it on a legal site, like Hulu, or like you wefe dOing anything tOO illegal. get a new song from iTunes, or ten seconds advertisements that way. E\'Cfybody's happy. f:ancast, or the nelWOrk website. It's legal, And then this past weekend, the shit hit the to load a webpage, assuming you have a Instant gratification. End of Stor}'.
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