Page 33 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 33
Dear World, Posters of "In our world, people are different. but we can't treat It's wrong to treat people with prejudice and hatred, I am a white., heterosexual male. Sometimes, I'm a Privilege everyone exactly the same. n Christian (mostly when I'm desperate). I'm about to graduate from college and (hopefull),) go on to graduate KRYSTINA SHUlTZ to be colorblind, they may whose was bctrer. Most materials didn't bother me, school. I tell you this, because I have an announcement Staff Member u nin ten rionally ignore another students spoke up sa),ingtheir just the final decision," to make: person's background. own was better. "\'(Ie bad an awesome idea of I'm tired of talking aboUTprivilege. . On our poster, outside of Dr. Orza observed that designing that went into the expected I to Just not in the way you think. I've talked about it in a dabbing never glue onto magazine be the figure made of black the group with the fewest poster," said Yichong, "not brge number of my classes from history to sociology to cut-outs in college, but Dr and white photos, we glued resources "were the loudest onlv because we had more psycbologynnd beyond. I know I have it. I'm familiar with color photos showing our about saying how good [their supplies, but 3150 we had its origins. I've studi~:d its effects. I know lowe someone, Julia Orza was offering extra reality. In our world, people poster] was." They felt they ideas, our nrdsric intuitions. somewhere, something for the fact that I've done very credit. Dr. Orza, through the are different. It's wrong to had to "defend and speak Privileged people feel their little to nghtit.I'vc hnd those discussions. use of arts and crafts, led treat people with prejudice up for their group more ability being overlooked They're not what I'm tired of. I'm tired of ,People in those us to sec beyond the poster than the ochers." Dr. Oraa because of their privilege." but we can't treat discussions (people like me) who refuse to acknowledge paper on [he wall nnd hatred, exactly the same. equated this with people of When I asked Dr. Orza everyone that they have what I have: privilege. They don't want Art time in class can still We can't be colorblind. less privilege feeling the need about choosing our group, to admit that they mar nee have completely earn~d their send a ripple of excitement People are not the same to defend themselves. After she said, "I thought the other place in the world. So, instead of trying to help people Ihrough rhe classroom, even and do not have the Slime surveying the posters, Dr. ones were good for what real problems they spend their time ignoring the at college. The goal? Create cause of those problems. a poster rbac would be an experiences, and it's ok to Oraa chose my group, the they had," but she believed I kn()"l.V, on some level, they acknowledge that rhcv have advertisement for our honors treat people different by being one with the most resources, the poster that mr group had privilege, They make memes online about "Firsr World class, tided Worldview and aware of their background as the winner. created was truly the best. Problems" (which, by the way, was originally phrased as Privilege: Why Colorblind and acknowledging their So what happened? Our Normally, she wouldn't see "white people problems") and, with a wink and a nudge, Means You 'Can't See Me. Our culture. If we ignore their groups had been presented the creation process. If this admit mat other people have it worse man they do. But, professor, Julia Oraa, split the culture and worldview, we are with varying craft materials as was an actual assignmenr and they don't acknowledge that their culture is the reason class into three groups. Each not giving them the respect a demonstration of privilege the group with the fewest those people have it worse. Moreover, even as they group was set up with posters they deserve. and differences i~ available resources had turned in their acknowledge that they have very little reason to complain As our group struggled resources. The definition of poster, she says would have in comparison to other people rhey keep complaining. and materials. My group to complete OUf poster by privilege is "a special right, been like, 'Really? You did They whine. They gripe. They bitch: about stupid, useless settled down to planning. the deadline, everyone was benefit or advantage given [hat with just a few peocils>'" shit in their lives that no one else really cares about. Our professor had given us a cutting pictures frantically. to a person not from work, Dr. Orza gave an example, Now, when I say "they," I actually mean "we." I'm one challenge to advertise our class, Each person had a job, either effort or merit, but by reason saying rhar an elementary of them. Iwhine, Igripe. Ibitch: vabout stupid. useless and we set forth to complete finding pictures and words of membership in a majority school teacher giving [he shit in my life thar no one else really cares about. I know the task. It's strange that we group with the power." The assignment to a class can't that I do this. I hate that I do this. Now I'm !ping to do never stopped to wonder why. in the magazines, cutting of privilege a person see what's behind rhe scenes. something about it, 1r may have something to do them out, or gluing them to amount Remember that part in the begim'ling where I said I with Dr. Orza dangling extra the poster. Yichong mainly has mal' influence the resources One student may go home to a was a Christian when I was desperate? Now is one of credit in front of us for the direcred the maki~g of the available to that person. computer with graphic designs, those times. Lent starts tomorrow. This year (for the best poster design. poster and made sure our work Someone with or a large array of glitter glue, first time since I was TOughlyeleven), I'm going to give After some debating on came together. Everyone had economic privilege, who stickers, and colorful paper. up sornerhing. bicchtng. Fo~ the next forty days I'm going how to meet the challenge, a part and there was a sense lives in an upper-class area, Another student whose family to try not to complain about personal shit in my life that my group decided to follow a of accomplishment when Dr. can print Out a professional is in a low socio-ecooornic doesn't matter. Instead, I'm going to listen to other people Julia Orza called "time,' resume and has a computer to class may have to rustle up a suggestion made by-our group talk about their problems and try to fix th<:m rnembeI", Yichong I...i. She Turning from our poster, w,e search for jobs. but a penon crinkled picce of paper and I'm not asking you to agree or disagree with the reasonS began to observe the others who does not have rha r a broken crayon, The child's boohind[his d"dsion. Frnnkly, I don't care what rou think. suggesred that we construct and noted a severe difference privilege, and who rna)' be parents may nor be available I want to do this because (for once in my life) T'mgOing-to a human body using black among the posters. At first r living on the streets, probably to assist the child because of tIl' to be a more tolerable person. All I'm asking is that, if and white photos from the wondered why the other groups docs not have a computer, the need to work long hours. )'ou see me and J complain, you call me on it magazines we were provided had decided against using their much less a printer. The two children return and to represent colorblind. In Sincerely, magazmes. The first group The poster project reflects the teacher assigns grades NathanWuertenbetg class, we've been learning had drawn a giant eye that ~aid the Limited resources that based upon the end results. "Wocldview," where the blue iris some people have to face on Remembering the treat was the "0" and the pupil WolS a dar-to-day basis, and the that was originally offered, an image of planet Earth. The advantage of resources that a student sdll asked if my group eXtra would be getting poster read "Worldl'iew Political Controversy in Budapest 'entire Privilege." in gray and people with the privilege and credit. "Yes," was the answer,' power have. Slowly, we began and blue. The eye represented an to dissect what had occurred. sending a new ripple of ABBY RICHARDSON financial woes, but the EU has al~o done little to individual's view of their world. Yichong noted, "It [seemed] conversatio; into the class. Staff Reporter help alleviate them The second group had a picture likenoneof ourgroup realized Sarah Holbrook, member According to the\'(lashington Posr,lateJanua(r, of Eartll,drawnincolored pencil, rhatothers had less supplies." of the group with lhe least Political tension over t!i.e new Hungarian Orbanagrecd to the EU's austerirypact,although working on a puzzle. Belowwere I certainly didn't notice, and I resources, said, "1 felt realll' constitution conrinues in Budapest. capital city of d,c rrea,,-'willhavenorcal effect on Hungaryuntil the \vords, "Let's Piece Together think our group received the upset thar they had gOttf~~ Hungary, and home to many McDaniel students it joins Theeuro, which is projecu:d br Hungarian biggest surprise to find that extra credit that I hadn't studJing at the school's sisfer campus abroad politicians to be unlikely until 2020, In addition, Your Worldview." The puzllie Conouvetsy arose when the llC\!l consriturion \WS the EU has forccd Oroon to back off from some pieces represented the pans-of other people didn't have the gotten the opponunj.ty to get. drafurlb\'Prime~1inisterVikl!.>rOrb:inandhiscenter- of his eUfo-criticizing rhetoric as he seeks an an individual's world view. Puzzle same resources. That made me reflect about tight~\ which holds twO thirdsof the seats in the IMF credit line to bolster his country's finances pieces had Words representing Kristine Harjes, a member what opportunity I [do] get HungarianParliamentOver the past fewwttks there and Orbin has said he will make changes to the p~ts of one's worldview, such as of the group with the colored that others [don't]." ~ been much pubk debare over issuesaddressed new cemral bank policy, social class, language, race, age, pencils, stated, "1 did not see A student in my group 10 the constitution and =nt changes.Orhln has Thus far, Orban has been successful in and sex. the under,privilege of the expressed feelings of gJlilt for made to ,he (Xllitic".r'yslm1 in Hungar)( Showing his political e!'dcavors. The Fid"sz won· an It looked like the other lowest group. I only envied receiving extra credit because link: n:gard fOfsignificantpublicdisapproval,Orh:in overwhelming victory in me 2010 gene(lll groups hadn't pur very much the I'rivilege of the higher our group had an advantage USed his prut}. majori!)' to pass the !lC\\' Hwtgacian elections. His manipulation of administrative CO!lstitution,whichrookeffectJan.1. tools to pass rccentlaws a'l.d mcasures however, effort into their posters, and group. My oblivion, when it in resources. On the other Orblto's new constiturion has been met ,,;th has ~cent!)"been called into question along with I couldn't understand why was pointed out to me, was hand, Yichong considered, harsh criticism from the European Union as this par[)~spossible condoning of illegalactiom they decided agaiost using shocking." "I almost don't feel the guilt many of the changes made arc considered commincd by paromilitary groups magazines and markers. There was some debate over because I felt the reason we borderline un-democratic, The most worrisome McDaniel sophomore Sam Wilson, studying this Turns out, they didn't have Dr. Orlla's choosing the poster won was because we bad good of mese, noted in B BBC News article on Jan semester in Budapest, saysshe has nOl personally maga7;ines or markers. I;:reated br my group as the ideas and it's nOt JUSt because 3,has)"o,entheremovalofchecks:lndbalances witnessed or hCllrdmuch of therecem events, Mygroup had been presented hestone. of supplies, it's because we set up in 1989, when Communism feU. So far ;;nJ:~n~:~:~"~~: ~~;'~:~~t ~fepl:~~a:~ with a bag full of scissors, "I saw immediately that had good ideas." glue, markers, magazines, we were at a disadvantage," Sarah Holbrook said, "It makes ::u~~~~ti~~~::~ o~:~;ar:::s:~ ~~::::~~: angry and frustrAted with the situation. but I do stickers, everything but said Jason Stein, a member you more aware to the amount ~~t;h:n r~~~U:i~i:~ ~~~~:~~:il:~da~:~:l~r:: n~~:;es:~~~;~~~'~essor, Christina Le~hr,.a the kitchen sink. So, as we of the group with the fewest of difference there is in Whlltyou turned around, we gOt a bit resources, "but I thought have available to youin resources. :1=~~~t~leb~~~~rnm~nt greater control o\~r a _ ~~~:;::!:e::~:"~a{~j::~~~~~;e:::.~n;~~~~~: of a shock finding one group she would put each of our You grow up around people in Opponents of mese new changes fear a return fed any direcr.effect~of the politlcal SltuatlOn,at with merely colored pencils, groups intO perspecth'e when society and don't realize how far ~ on.e-party rule. Francis ~~~~a ~~ T.he ~;: :~:l~~;:C i~~7~~~ ~:~t~':!n~at:\::~~: and the final group sporting anal),zing extra credit. I thought away others are." be::~~a:n I~~~~:~t.~:~n~in s~i~n:har :;~~; abrol'ld,~inceeveryt.hingis currendr so cheap due pcncils and a blue tra),on she WQuid be judging over Kristine Harjes said, "I While the students from creativity, [using what we had], think it's fairly reflective of ;;;,~e~~~~ ~~~OSici~;ss:;nu en~: :i:ni~~ tOp:~e::~~~:,hn~r:~~m~at, "rhe more my group turned around as opposed to overnll appeal." . what we see in the real world; . p ng p po repression the government exerts, me more oblivious, the other groups "I was upset that she picked people see when they're at p~~~:~~~~ of financial crisis however, many porencialt.hereisforresistance,civildcmonstrations had a better grasp of the the [group with the most a disadvantage, but don't ~::~~f::;b<:::;~:i:~~£,E~~~:,~~:~;::~~;~:~;;~:Of:i:~:;:E::; at the resources] to prove a point," always realize .when ther're . Looking situation. ones." the pri\'ileged posters, Dr. Orza questioned Kristine "The explained.
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