Page 36 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 36
_.s:::rc-=--.= Ground Broken for New Stadium MATIHEW ARNOlD Co-Sports Editor With the call of "let's dig in," College President Dr, Roger Casey led a group of students, coaches, and trustee in breaking ground for McDaniel College's new athletic stadium The new Kenneth R. Gill Stadium, which will replace the existing Scott Bair Stadium, "will provide first class seating that showcases the academic ridgeline of our campus," according to Mr. Martin K. P. Hill, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. J\Ir. Hill reported in his remarks at the ceremony that the stadium committee has raised over 57.7 million in gifts and pledges toward the construction of the new stadium. $2.25 million of that total came from a donation given by the committee's leader, ]\i1r. Kenneth R. Gill. According to Mr. Hill, the new stadium hall been a part of the Board of Trustees' campus master plan, approved in 2003. Nearly a decade later, on the windy, sun-splashed afternoon of February 3, the plan moved one step closer to reality At the ceremony, Dr. Casey remarked, "roday's event is the culmination of much teamwork and much visionary leadership from my predecessor, Dr. Joan Devclin Coley," and called rhe new stadium's construction a "high point" for the College In his speech, Mr. Gill, who grnduared from Western Marviand College in 1961, spoke of friendships he made at the college mat lasted a lifetime. Mr. Gill said "wherever my life has taken me, no place feels as close to my hearr as this McDaniel College Dr. Roger Casey holds up the ceremonial college. Whether you call it Western Maryland College, McDaniel College, or simply The Hill, I have benefitted from the shov~1 althe ground breaking ceremony for the new Kenneth R. Gill lessons learned from the faculty, the coaches, and my classmates." Stadium. The shovel was Bret used in the ceremony for the construction "Today, I feel grnrcfuJ to give back to [hem." of .M~Daniel Hall in 1922 and has been used 10 break ground for Construction on the new Kenneth R. Gill Stadium is scheduled to be completed by next football season bUildings on campus since. Photo by Matthew Arnold. The Financial Side of the"Stadium Project CHARLES MUlliN for only through philanthropic donations. News Editor The stadium committee interviewed countless alumni who were football players, lacrosse, etc. They The renovations on Bair Stadium--expected to also pursued leadership groups like team captains, finish by the 2012 football season-will be a proud eventually focusing on around seven networking accomplishment for not just the faculty involved, but groups. Twopopuiarones, for example, were the mid- the alumni of McDaniel College as well. The funding '50s and '60s athletes. Finally, conunittee members for the projected 9.5 million dollar budget was the made personal contact with each and approached the first capital project provided completely by gifts and situation pragmatically, often receiving generous gifts <'I<:nutlons. in return. For man}" years, Bair Stadium JUStdidn't fit with the "It was wonderful. The responses were very c~mpus aesthetically. The Board of Trustees (along positive. There were a wide variety of personalities Wlth the Insdruconal Advancement Division) made and attitudes, giving us an opportunity to bring back a decision six years ago to start a Stadium Committee alumni who felt alienated," reported Primm. to oversee ell aspects of the future renovations. The Alumni participation is usually very low compared decision, many believed, would complete the campus to many other colleges, so the countless gifts equation by building a stadium that would meet responsible for the stadium renovations can be students' expectations. considered a huge achievement. However there is Ken Gill became the chair of the committee along always a bewer way to look at things. with Directorof Special Projects Lee Primm as faculty ''1think there is a misinterpretation of the generosity advisor, Vice President of Economics and Business af alumni,"-saidScidel. "There is a lot of it butit isn'r . Ethan Seidel, and a few trustee mem bers. As part widespread over a large percentage. There is a low of a more comprehensive objective, the committee participation only in the Annual Fund which is the looked on the future of the stadium renovations as a Operating Budget. But when it comes to big projects, recruiting tool for future students. the alumni are always generous." '1 was asked to head up this project and bad Some of the largest gifts from alumni ranged from previously played football for Western Maryland 1.5 to two million dollars. College from 1957 to 1960," said Ken Gill. "1 really Currenclythe stadium committee is waiting roreceive valued my college education. I felt like this was a the derailed archirecrural specifications. Previously, wonderful way to say thank you to McDaniel. We contractors were hired to look at the floor plans and previously had the worst 'stadium complex despite confirm that seven months as an estimated time for our popular tailgating. It was hurting recruiting construction was reasonable. The committee expects because it was not a very attractive building." to start in January. The firstfew years progressed slowly as the committee After the stadium committee receives the spec extensively discussed the changes that would be made drawings, the renovations will enter the bidding and how much money would be used. It was very phase where numerous construction companies will important to renovate the stadium in a way that wO)lld .make bids on the project. "It usually takes a couple be similar to the campus' current architecrurc. of weeks to build a bidding strategy," said Seidel. Because many current McDaniel athletes said they "They have to make sure they bid high enough that loved the charge down the hill from GiU Gym, the they will profit and low enough so as not to lose the committee decided to keep the locker rooms in Gill job at the same rime." and JUSt build team rooms in the stadium bottom Although the renovations for GLAR ran into floor. A new access road will also be built to ease numerous delays due to last minute architectural transportation. changes, the stadium project is expected to finish on The bottom floor is dedicated to sports staff like the time (unless "Snowmaggedon" recurs) because many officials, visiting ream and coaches. The second floor years were dedicated to the designs. The construction will contain hospitality rooms as well as catering, the will only affect Men's and Women's Lacrosse. president's box and rooms for radio, television and Many might fear the new stadium construction press. The top floor will contain an overhang that might impede the McDaniel College tailgating will prorecr film crews during each game. Any money experience, but they can rest assured that me new left over in the budget will go towards expanding the building \\;11 still allow fans to pull up their cars and Gill Gym locker rooms. set up tents all along the outer rim as is the tradition. 1n order to fund the project, the committee laid out Of the stadium, Gill said, '1 believe it will be one an effective plan to ask alumni for gifts. Because of of the most state-of-the-art stadium designs. It is the recent recession, the renovations had to be paid rewarding to get the job done."
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