Page 34 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 34
McDaniel Fraternally Speaking to the Administration, and to the Community RYAN POWELL Casey lmrncdiarcly affirmed when asked versus Contributor of the coileges Policem'crcime by a srodem D) fund mont')' being used \,('esnnimt('r Things aren't going welL \Vie haven't from the. crowd, "J want to debunk the Westminster been the neighbors for a long that rime. lr'~ prctt)' notion that eI,e dominant view of non- we need to be for e~ch other srudemresidcm.sisanegariveone,"heacided, evident th~1 we don't tfusrone another, Senior Ben Manox suggested to Ihe but arlenst wc're taking steps to (maybe deans and faculty presem rhar there be CULLEN MURRAY-KEMP somedayj rcrncdy rhm more college appro\'ed srudent get- -Co-Spcrts Editor Yes.we are angr)' with each mher, But logethers on-campus that would allow Ihat'S nOI what is important tight now, for studcnrs to unwind on the weekends. If you ore a McDaniel We need to try (() put emotions and ger-togerhcrs student thai partakes in precon~eptionsof each other aside:e\'en and These conn-oUed by could be monitored if police campus partying and socializing you for JUSt a small time, and realizethat what necessary, as this'\vould bcn much better have probably heard about isimportantislhalwetakethech~nceto option who the many complaints of loud USlcnmeachothcrnowbeforethingsget getting for srudents and, among want other to avoid ~ arrested things, noises and raunchy partying won;e,simplJ'bccausctherwcmwithoul putilieirfururecareeraspirationsincheck" ht YOOI'hlncb Toto I,.tIlt by Westminster residents Ihal discussion and subsequent resolution ''These patrols will not arrest whoever prompted an article in the ThaI is wbat brothers are supposed to do is on the suect," responded Dean Gecl, after tha::::-!1~90~!~~·I!:t:s of Carroll County Times. . for each other, and this should not be an)' "This is about getting things to StOP the\Vestmillstcrcommuni~ The article brought to light different from whac we as neighbors arc beforeil getS anv worse," AI the sarne time, students need !(I on issue thai hcs significantly supposed to do For each other. BUI some students are sa)~ng that the recogni~e that we ate a part, if not the worsened over my two-year Thankfull}; the Campus 411 that collegeadmini~trntionshouldnolbetaking (hat",e largCSI parl,of the underage stint here on the Hill. A Hill took place at noon in the Forum last such a palronizingtone with its students, ass:udenls need 10 "is this: conundrum. Drinking is good, which college educated, well- Wednesday, ~Inrch 28 was a step in the Speaking of (he 411, senior And)' members of the college administrnnon (hinkingi,bcner. off students sit on while peering right direction, Ihough we as students Heimann responded: "I WIlnt you to arc only human. As such,prioriries ha\'e Yes that sounds c.«:acrly like what down at the primarily working wiU Fi~\'e 10 wait umil April 9 before we look atmeas an adult, If we were gi\'en to be established before any changes C~1l someone m'er in WlinslO\v Center will class Westminster community represent ou[sei.-es in the a fair atmosphere on campus, people be made, and if we bombard the Deans, tell roc, but before we r~ign ours~h-~S (excuse the metaphor, but I presence the Westminsler Common would accept their punishmenrs, and campussafe!y,:lnd PresidcmCase),with '~c;n:'i~'s:~~;;: \:,~p~:~~e'!O's~;:~~I~ be lieve jt appropriately describes Council, since their last meeting took phce maybe things would be different, but every Twitter hnshtag-w'Orthy 1'IkDaniei the collegeisn' during spring break. A surprisingl), large right now we're a marginalizedvoiceless problem that comes 10 mind, we're only that some "'ramtul,all- the way many residents look 01 number of students were presem at the powerfl.lldeit)'lhatdecidesourf3le--- we McDaniel and vice versa). 411, and many rook their chance to voice population, Too often the college feels playinginto the perspective rhar we don'r do, We're adults, And adults plnr Ihe deserl'etobetrcatedasadults,bccausc:ill Having said that, McDaniel like they're mr third parent." their frusrrauom with their egregious Srillothersrudenc; fdtthm rneCampus411 we want 10 do is complain, and let the 'real g:~;~sch::~~t~;d~ame, students are fist fighting on two lack of representation and, among other fronts: things, address concems of thi'eollege was a complete either failure in open discussion, for a a~:' :~~':~I~::~i~:~~:s ::d~~ to the college !O play ''I don't think side i~ looking 1) Students are looked upon admi~strntion's paJ~ng \'<7eStminsler compromisc," said seniorJaoob Genehnan, recognize th~1, while they can be held wilh the eil}' o\cenimc monerand by college-aged Westminster police overtime to "specifically target ''People pretencl aboUl eomingIO!,>ethcr, and liable for :ucohol-relmed incidents !IS a :~:~i:~S:~)~nl~a::~:a:~~. ::~:~:sa:~ residents as snotty, rion, stuck disorderl\'holls~"off-campus, • at some point thaI has ID Stop. The mL-eting up, and perhaps with slight Mike Webster, Director of Campus [the 4l1J \vasn'! a discussion, it was jusl :u:~::P~~~:I;i:mg" n~:;;::~~~.:~:, our minds, we would al\l':lj's bc this angrr OIlier ~f whatever each and accusing iealousy as well, but it is pride- Safety, responded that the coUege had people repcating things." ~~:p~~g t~:::~ros~::n~~~~::;~ ~:~ ~t could (hink of--e\'en Ihmgs that we fully masked. Anyway, with the reeei\'ed a grant from "the Carroll ""atrox, Heimann, and Genclmno were addition of alcohol, the nst-fight COUnty Public Health Deparrrnenr." aU rnrgeted by policc lx'Cluse of Ihe rccem c\"en just posscssion of alcohol (even ,for k~~; :;~ o[t~na~a~: b~~~:: be ch.i!. past tlwm those analogy becomes more literal [and thatl the moneris used tOmOnilor noi.seoomplainlsliledagainstdldrproperty, ;:~:~s, who ~re 21 and over) is nOI solvmg recognize our own weaknesses ~s human and in recent weeks there have alcohol abuse in the community, monitor As a member of a fraternit)· atMillaniel 1~~~~~;~~cI~n~re::s ;:; beings, and then try to move been two serious fights between events like Spring Ring, and of course who is willing-ro lend no ear 10 the off- :'o;.;e:;"'~~: a,~u~,::~w c:::~'~o~;~:~ if ,Iud..n", and locals. underage drinkingcspeei~l\)'," rnembers-of the Wesrrninstcrcommunit),. to drink, and ,hnrmeans mO"mg 2) The second tront is a '''l'Iut\o ,he, gtrul, ney," Pres>lnt to supplemenr cornJ'\1ents McDaI!.icI 'e bWly~pni~W'wI Weurttins,",wr¢1lCbWt~,';'to~yow-- \X't:stlllins!f:randr,,!cD<>nieL Second, he ~uggests crearing a heud. c:.m-on now the relationship concerning SQnlClbing .IS ~!mpleas nei@hbOm~ ..~ tht:.utidCti. The \'(/estmin~t:CrCitrCouncil1'lleeringat sounding board consisting of McDnniei Westminster and McDar:liel eomp.lilil'it$ig1littd'dlC:~'$I,} siNlltll'>Ii be6uni: PoA,~~to<;iilfF'a<:ebook:~ City Hall on April 9 brought six McDaniel srudcnts who could attend city meetings College is Aimsy at best, lJ)Ue~nrthJ.lthe'iQnlllt. We.,wiJl~(, studem. \\'ho voiced their 'concerns o\'er and inform the cit)· of college student~' Take McDaniel sporting impombl<,to ignOtc, '. JQUm"bgfIl~' 01' at ltatt, n'1\' id~oo McDaniel'S repurntion Ihroughoul the thoughts and needs. Additionall)"lhe f'<.>rMps iI's alwAf$ b~~fi this way, 6t events, for example, In my two ha!;.hlet!,growit)grOfiiiQng~jf$.(ly ~ Mit. ,ill, meant W !ipd\k Wf I~ \'\'esrrnins(er city, as wcli as suggestions board could help promote McDaniel years of playing basketball lllumiil 'are re:ldirtgihl,;"rhe Ff<,i~ Pre<;li vOkc)~s: hh lI\IPJ'oocd ro teveal prt:ibl~~ for solutions to !he col1tf(wcrsy, events to the communitl- and the cil\, for the school, I have rarely, if ,",wid Iovtwhear your pmpcctlVel;m the: and th~~' eocburase rhoSetl,'Sf.i.inU('h addi-~$thelrt. at :'I1cDaniel, Katie Pickett says, "I am Patton sa)'s,"!t would be cool and I'cry that doesn't have some sari anim(lllityhllildt()chhl¢'.f!he~ijjfroin3tudents: medfOf yOu:it!pm in damg $0, ~!:;u~~t~;t~h: a;~a:Ct~~~a:~~ ~~~~~ in regards to the city's \'iew of the be nxed with some sports is SO full ofJ,ilieriiW 'andf'nliuiliQt!, Admittedly, rht«: is nili 'worlcf()l' 11$ Ij) want the disparity between ~!cDaniel ~~~~:~ ~~e~~I:~~d o:a)'ls~~";~~' c~~~:~i~ promoting within the city, Wmethirtg that is ~,w r¢it' the and Westminster to e"ist." fortunate, for a cit\' this size, to have a their summer training camp 1!XfWl'it:n«dIi~mitirk.r~withrhccityof~ the cit), gOI'ern~enl, admilS that there c~~;;:r !~~nit~u~:~a:tu;:~~: Owings Mills, McDaniel is sure w~tbttimire'Clnnrliunityo~ng IS a problem with some students who ; Chia\,:lcci. On April 9, Dr, Ca.<.e)' informed to toke a big Public Relations hit, t:u~U::U:e~ndrr the: ~urme,a plBeenxcv~body, do ~ot act as courteous and respectful me council of the comments made by The camp hod been a staple for CQaipbint here. A &tWnFM TeD III hQ\V you t,hink·,his shoUld dunn~ late hOl,lrs as the), 'should, but srudentsattheCampus411 di5Cus~ionon the city cnd for McDaniel and for t1lltrhuUldha\'uddtq~ these Isllt!e!I ~:~~t\~Sot~ $:d~~I~roup, and not the Mar~h 28, ~ccording to Chia\'3cci pedmpttbiop;s: the two together-no more, rlti6'p\\\ l1iiQijlJ !)(jlbe,at Ma)'o~ Kevin Utz, whose daughter 'l~~Ja:~~CIS~~~ :~l~~~en~~~r ld~:~ ~: One thing is for sure- After the. McDaniel' 'km~ ,'of 1m W~wantrobelll¢SOu«:c,:tSllQtordJ'~l gra~uatcd from ~kDanicl,. says, ''\Xle evetybody complainin) aOou~~ If we the tension is unsettling for Spring. rhe'tQ~'~ RoIdlOgClmpw:; new~K>urte, but. pbtformof ~~, ~a\e seen value In ~kD~mel and :"e can mke a few Steps, th~re ~re economic Westminster residents and "U C;,\'l.\ntt l1li, a ,!JU:>In~ {.f plO\>idUlil Hi)w..u;,i ~doi:ng?\\'hllr'ClItI we. do McDaniel students olike,lfoctian 5w[>p(l(t1,\JJity to, !let h¢ntr?\X'h$(~dQ~'l..>UWI'ImrrQn.lthc ~~~:nt:h~:v:~~een ~~~:;,t s~~~~m~:~~ a~,c~ltural be~etils, as well ~s a better is not token, the complaints, the liJcir'VQkl';:hrnnl. l'~1ffiO(.lgh?S~.,.,d McDaMI Ftci:i PresQ of grudcn!.';,'" e~n C~.e~~:~";::l:r; arguments, the fights (or worse) on rhe ,,"o!u;ofIM
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