Page 32 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
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''1 This year, several college polities fated scrutiny from both students and administrators, and such ",ufinly was encouroged through new programs like Compus41t '¥!:!i:fit"+ i.!,ii:ii'H1+ Get the 411 on Campus Mission Statement under reconstruction KAITlYN VADENAIS 0;(.• CULLEN MURRAY KEMP Web Editor Co-Sports Editor public appearance of its institution (one of which being McD:mid) via p~er evaluation. CfJQq}) Becky Carp~nrer, English Professor at Mcljontel, said she found If students are tired of passive- Th;.s past week McDaniel Presi~cnt Roger Casey sat down with rhe absence of the "liberal am" phrase troubling. aggressivel)' reacting to Mcfraoiet vartous faculty mem~ers to d,scuss the cratting of a mission "We prof~ssors think li~ral am is a good method of teaching, happenings through social media and statement ~r Mc~amd College. thinking and learning. so why not advati~e what we do in our cooversarions with friends, there is 2 CAMPus"n At the ISsue arose. mission statement," said Carptnter, hIMS.OCt.13.Nl1 solurion and it comes in the form of @ ~-===;:. '[},e words ~h~cral amP were omitred from the draft of me new Carpenter emphasized rhat mere is no reason to be stealthy aboUT Campus alt. McDamel mISSIon 5latement- a cause for much COncern with the fact rhat McDaniel is a liberal arll college, and that incoming ThegoalotCampWl411 isforsrudents ~1f.;;!E:'~~5~ faculty. srudents need to !,.now what type ofedu'cation rheywill begetting and adminisrrnrors to discuss hot topics answer after the presentation of One concerned McDaniel faculty member wondered, "Are we here on the Hill. . on the Hill in II seeing conducive that month's topic. So far, the topics offeringatruelib~ralamc~ucadon.:.howimportantisit'" Once of the reasons that McDaniel professors and the to making a difference on campus. As of now the I~beral ~r~ IdentIty lS.?ne thatM.cD~id CoUege administta.tio~ are taking mis issue,o seriously is mat our mission they have covered include Internet Students can voice their concerns about and Information Technology and holds true to. The ~lsslon.rcad5, Our rrusstun IS you (the statcmenr IS Vital in rcpresenringwhat our imtitution has to offer, campus issues, with the hope of leading student) ... Centered m the bberal arts :m.d. sci~nces, McDaniel "We are working toward a more concise mission statement that Smoking on Campus. education teaches you to think and act crtncally, creatively, and rrn.Ily embodies McDaniel," said Kachur. m producrive changes. "Not only should students get Allsrudentsarewekometoanendand involved humanely," .. Born Kachur and Carpenter weighed in on tht implications phrase "liberal art{ Robert Kachur. share ideas. Not only will the President need to. with This the is our forums, campus but they and selected to be on English and one offive faculty members me ~hind the controversy humanity causing and profeSSional means explaining that the "seraregic head of education, thinking board" who McDaniel has both and Vice President of Student Affairs crafting of me new mission statement said, "many reachers WCre but that the more profeSSionally .direcred classes tended to be for be present at all meetings, bur also we need to make it our own. The alarmed at me fact that we left OUt the words '1i~f31 arts,' but it graduate students and mat the liberal art, and sciences education is only way to make it our own is to the Dean of Students, to listen to the is just a d~aft at this point an~ we will take meit concerns into dir~cted more towards undergraduate students. understand the campus and to relay, students and eliminate misconceptions consideranon at me nexr meenng." Kachur justified me extremely dose consideration that me board to the McDaniel administration, or misunderstanding about the school The mission statcm~nt is under dose reviewby the Middle States is taking over mis issue .uying, "this mission statement really has the staff, and faculty, the changes we "The Campus 411 was formed from Association of Colleges-an organization that internally {<:views power to completely change the direction of our schoo!." a need to benet communicate with would like to see and our reasonings behind those changes," said SGA students, receive feedback, and to make Since this article was first written, McDaniel College adopted the new mission statement, which we have reprinted below: informed decisions how students will be President Rula Zaru. Students can suggeSt monthly affected by various issues in the campus "McDaniel College is a diverse studenkentered community committed to excellence topics and submit questions to community," said Christine Workman, in the liberal arts & sciences and professional studies. With careful mentoring and the Director of Student Engagement. thecampus41 The attention to the individual, McDaniel changes lives. We challenge students to dev~lop Campus 411 rakes place in the Decker next Campus 41 t meeting will be their unique potentials with reason, imagination, and human concern. Through Forum in the Decker College Center Tuesday, November, IS. flexible academic programs, once a month from 12-1 p.m. Students With opportunities like this, students engagement, McDaniel prepares collaborative and experiential learning, and global service, students for successful lives of leadership, can grab a bag lunch in Glar and bring can be more proactive towards it to the discussion. Generally, the getting a satisfactory experience than and social responsibility. N format of Campus 411 is question and ever before here at McDaniel. F.liii,ll,Ji.fHi' i Administrators, Faculty Mull. Inside the Honor and Conduct Board "A lot of srodents coming b<':fore the much. TI>ere "-"'= n rnml of 16 hr=i.ngs for Changes to Honor Code KAITlYN VADENAIS ~ board don't seem to realize how severe the2009_2010sch.oolyearandI7heanngsfor Web Editor the minimum sanctions are," said Krome. the 2010-2011 year. "Perhaps awareness will make them think "1 think the college sends some pre~ clear MATTHEW ARNOLD Dr. Falkner ectd the forum Unlike the menu of greasy 1000 served at 10 students," Dean Towle said. Co-Sport$ Editor that almOSt aU of them involve the Pub, or the everyday hours of the libntr)" twice before breaking the code." messages some son of electronic source, students are less likely to know the ins and For example, man)' srudents do not However, for the Honor Board, ~e Professors and administrators mosdy plagiarizing from the outs of another very important part of the realize thal even for a first alcohol violation, number of cases had been decreasmg at Mcl)aniel CoUege are Internet Or cheating using a McDaniel community ~ the Honor and minimum sanctions may include completion over the past three semesterS until a currendy reviewing the smanphon~. Conduct Board. tlf a 2-hour :ilcohol education class, parenml sudden spike in fall 2011, Last semester, institurion's Honor Code and Srudcnrs, in rnediscussion lcd The McDaniel website deso:ibcs the hearing notificarion, and a $50 fine. 17 smdents werc found guilty. From 2009- 'Considering what changes may by school president Dr. Roger The mL'{rure of faculty and sruden~ woclcing 201 'I, only 18 total smdents appeared have to be made to it. A facultj· Ca!;Cy, were also opinionated boards as a fusion both of smdents and and faculty tagether is what makes the boarrl al.lnique before the board. non- working academic to resolve board has been impaneled and about the rolc the Honor Code academic ch~s of misconduct, possibly and valuable part of campu5;, according to Dean TcrwIe speculates that the numbers at least onc student forum ha5 p\a)'1i in ac~demic life. fucultymcmbers. been held in order to obtain students raised the idell that resulting in suspension or expulsion from the may correlate to campus conversation about input on what alterations there must be a separation CoD"", '1 think it's an important senice th.'1t faculty the code, and that more talk means less should be implemented. between how cases of incidenral A combination of 10 faculty members pn:Mde to the College," said Julia Jaskr:n, an problems. The student forum held on and purposeful plagiarism are and 10 students serve 011 the board, ".ruth Associate Professor currently serving on the The anonymous professor on the board Nov. 15, attended by a small punished, and that First Year is overseen by EliZllheth TQWle, Associate bo=l. believes that the Statistics do not accurately groupoffaculry,adminisrrators, Seminar courses, where the Dean of Student Affairs, and Beth Gerl, Vice '1 appreciate thar both sruderm; and represent srudent life at McDaniel. and students, provided a Code is supposed to be taught President and Dean of Student Affair.;, and fuculty are on the board because we each "Many students do not rum in other glimpse into the faculty'S to incoming students, arc not divided by Honor and Conduct alleg.U:iOflS. bring unique perspective to the table. I also studentS,~rrumyfacultythinkthatthecase mindser on what changes could 'consistent in how they educate Professors are chosen 10 serve fora rhree- apprecian: that Dean Gerl and Dean Towle they PUt forth will not be judged in a fashion come to the Honor Code and incoming students about it. year period and studentS, once chosen, modenttetheproceeciingsbutareverycarefu] that has the OUtmme that theywish," they say. wh)' the~' are necessary. Dr. The administrators became serve until graduation. Ths creates constant to ensure that the ultimate det:ennin.'1tions "1 think chatrhey undcr-representthe acrual Kate Dobson of the English aware of a funher problem on the boord, are made by the HCB [Honor and Conduct turnover ~l.lnt of both dishonesty in the classroom deparrmentsaidtharthefacultj· after they learned that tt:ylsfer For each scheduled hearing, twO fuculty Boan:IJmembers." that occur." panel is focusing on the role students do not receive the twO students are randomly and conduct violations members and Sen~on the board am be an eye-opening Currently, is a committee that ptofessors have in the same education of the code 5dccted. Members thcn listen to the accused expcnence for both the students and faculty. there headed by Honor 51'stem, as well as the because they do not rake a Kate~n,AssociateProfessor,thatis student, involved professors, and other "I like seeing the o~er side of college manneri~whichcasesinvolving First Year Seminar course. The re~the code of ethics guiding rhe wimesses applicable to the case before life; both from a social and an academic McDaruel violations of the Code arc other major problem with the community. concluding whether the student is responsible. perspective," said one professor, who wishes heard. Dr. Dobson specifically Honot Code that was discussed "\'\Ie need to figure out what's working and '''The [SUldentJ handbook lays our very toremainanonymous. ''I feel the Honor Code discussed the need to update. involved the accessibility of its specific guidelines, so we are not JUSt making flOt'Mltking," said Dean Towle. parts of the Honor Code about contents beyond the Honor isessentialtothein~tyofoorhstudcnts It is important for students to understand up sanctions we see fit," said Sara Krome, a and faculty and participating in the heru:ings the use of electronic sources, Pledge displayed in every fee! :=,=:Board works, according to facultY senior and student board member. "\'(Ie are help me undersmnd why some students such as regulating the use of classroom. lJke many other smart phones during exams, school documents, the specific following the h:mdbook." they nced to cheat." '1f they [studentsl don't understand the and generally spoke of creating details of the Code arc no longer The HonO( and Conduct Board is based Junior Ashley Conroy sharW student board, theywiU not be able to be an upstanding a "culture of academic honor" printed and are only found on a around the McDaniel HonorCode. 'Thiscode perspective of the board. "Since I became a member of the McDaniel community, and at McDaniel College. on the school ,,"'Cbsite. of academic integrity acts as a foundation member of the board, I've learned a lot about theywiU The college's provost, Dr. After the meeting, Dean fO( faculty and student relationships and this school, the people who go here, and not take theboatd scriously," said the Thomas Falkner, further of Student Affairs lkth Get! is emphasiud beginning with a student's about myself:' she said. anonymous professor. D.~ Towle said, ''The hope is that the emphasized the need to review said "there needs to be a very acceptance to McDaniel When incoming "Some of the cases that I\~participated ex.penence educating srudents about the use thorough review of the Honor StudenlS send in their deposit, they also send in and the sanctions that rve brought down and through with the Board becomes p:>Siti\'e of electronics in academic work, Code" and that, from what she a signed copy of the Honor Code. Upon haveba:n the hardestdccis.ions that I've ever the process [students} realize saying that the college needs to had heard in the forum, "it arriving for orienmtion in August, students had to make. I have a myriad of stories that people M:: there for them." spend much more time "raising needs to be updated." atrend an assembly regarding the code and :;" as cautionary tales to my friends," she The Honor Code is meant to help students the consciousness" of how Although there appears to be sign an Honor Code banner that hangs in :::;:~ as ~ and encourage th~ srudems use electronic sources. a consensus that the Honor Decker College Center. Statistically, the numbers for the Conduct Ie poSJtl\'C!y to the commurutv Code needs to be altered, no The administrntors present at Although the Honor Pledge is only 24 Boarrlhaveremainedconsistentoverthe as respcctfuJ members of socictv a~ the meeting stated that there timetable has been given for easily.memorizei:l\\Ol'ds long, it has large past two years, showing that the drinking and ~~OOQ ' are between six and 12 Honor when any changes would be repercussions for anyone who \-iolare; it vandaJismhabitsofsnxlentsh:lVenotevolvo:l "You don't stop making bad decisions after Code cases each semester, and announced or implemented. college," said Dean Towle.
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