Page 30 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 30
Lauren Hamby, of Women's Issues Group, Laur~n bas been an active who has helped Class of2012, presence at McDaniel on campus. Lauren to continue a fu- of feminism Hamby: tradition English Major ture teacher, knitter, drinker of tea, baby enthusiast, and soon to be McDaniel graduate. She's gor pa- Dani Allen, Contributor nache and she'll soon be responsible for the mind of hundreds of young, impressionable minds. A legacy There is an inexplicable few inches of sunburned skin found only on the backs of Lauren Hamby's knees, finished? No, a legacy begun. most likely acquired from spending rime outside What are you doing after coUcge? in the sun, reading on a blanket with her fellow Women's Issues Group housemares. These past few Iam raking a ninth semester to do student teaching weeks. Lauren has often been found our on the patch then getting my reacher certification. Hopefully, after of grass in front of 187 PAAve. Being able to enjoy a that, I'll get a job as a secondary English teacher. good book in the warm weather is a pleasant respire from the all the responsibilities she's had in her final [1IRciMMOtillhet) year at McDaniel. As co-director of a successful pro- McOarlIelF~ duction of the Vagina Monologues and co-president participation their Linzie Bonds, Bio rendance at meetings, they are of you. I'm grateful for in events, and how receptive Major, French Minor my members and fellow cabinet members who have given me plenty of feedback and I'd like to think Ial- tered my leadership approach to accommodate what What has been your biggest accomplishment at needed to be done. It's important feedback on how McDaniel? you handle situations and people, even when not in a I think rhat my biggest extra-curricular accomplish- leadership position. ment has been making the CCI Puppy Club more What advice would you give to underclassmen accessible and active on campus. When Ibecame about getting involved on campus? president of my club Imade some executive decisions Ididn't have the power to make previously, such as Iwould tell underclassmen that if they want to be moving where our meetings were and organizing our a Hue leader they should pick 1 or 2 causes/clubsl time more effectively. activities that they think they can truly be devoted to. How has being a student leader impacted your I think if'S better to do one thing really thoroughly time here at college! and responsibly than to try to and spread yourself our across multiple cabinets and be overwhelmEd and Having the opportunity to be a leader on campus hence not do your job well. has allowed me to realize a lot of my strengths and my weaknesses. If you're not an effective leader your rn,,",bern ......illle~ you kno",", it: t:hrough ~heir a{- In Love and Engaged Edward Ezekiel and Wendy "Farley" Howe, who are Sigma Phi and Phi Mu respectively, in Alpha met in a Trevor Hammond, Staff Member western world art class their freshman year. Although they didn't start dating until the end of their fresh- ,VJhile many college seniors are looking for ways man year, they became friends from the very first day. I W to purchase a new car or looking for a place [Q live post graduation, a select few at McDaniel College Junior Year, they studied abroad in COSta Rica to- are looking for ways to finance their weddings, gether, which Ezekiel recalls as providing some of his fondest memories with Farley. As another academic year here on the hill comes to a close, the class of20 12 pre-pares to venture into That winter, the twO spent rime together skiing with the world with their newly obtained degrees. Some Howe's family which provid-ed some of her favorite memories. Watching Ezekiel learn to ski proved to be seniors are going straight into the workforce while extremely entertaining considering she had been ski- others are going once graduate school to acquire more advanced degrees. While most graduates do ing since long before she was ren years old. this alone, a very few number of seniors chis year are moving OntO the next phase of their life's wirh their significant others. Seniors Priyanka Sengupta and Seth Marple are Q recently engaged couple. McDaniel Says Copko i~ a man of mariy talents and for anyone who Goodbye to Green Man knows him, he is passionare about them all. 'Til tell you it's not easy doing a lot of things in life. Eke Trainor. Staff Member It ~akes me well rounded, but its hard to find one orrest Gump once said that life is like a box of thtng to say that is my rrue love in terms of passion. I· C chocolates, you never know what you're going I want k to be versatile in everyrh; mg. 1 do." exp ams "Wh 0, Fto get. op l;' d en we got a compurer Istarted to teach r m~se co e a~d programming. When T could hold a For Senior Sean Copko, he's' going to try a little bit Uitar T t~ught myself how to play. When r found our of each piece to find out. ~ cO~~1 h7' I wanted to be one of the hardest hining oat p ayers who ever PUt on pads I al . If you ever look for Sean, you may never find him. wanted to be the best at eve . '. ways Just He could be in the weight room, lifting getting ready guitar. Cheering on the sidelines of basketball games waming that." rythlO g ... 1 will never Stop for a football game for Saturday. He could be in an dressed in his "green man" leorard, or maybe he's fix- art studio, designing incredible tattoos for himself or ing a student's troubled computer software. friends. He could be in his room jamming OUt on his
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