Page 26 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 26
The Top 3 Things That Have Changed Since I Was a Freshman (and How They've Stayed the Same) Nathan Wuertenberg, Managing Editor to eat in any given meal.and carry it all Soothing back rub? Stop being creepy. free? FRE~. Not five dollars at the l.Glar. in one trip. Then, in the winter you If you couldn't get something done bookstore. Free. could steal those very same trays and use them as sleds. there (doubtful), there was always the How things have stayed the same: Ev- Everybody remembers their first trip to Office of Multicultural Services or Cap- erybody complains about the admin- Engler Dining Hall. It's Orientation, Now it's all gone. They made beautiful board. But regardless of where Ihad to istration. Always. Regardless of the there are upperclassmen everywhere renovations, put in televisions every- go, T had all of it figured out. I knew changes or rearranges. wearing yellow shirts. and they're telling the utensils to the every office I would ever need to go to, where, and scarrered you that it's called "Clar," nor Englar. four winds. They took away our hand and Iknew how [Q fill out every form I 3.1he BLAR Plan. For some, it is a moment of supreme dipped ice cream and replaced them would need once Iwas there. I had this disappointment. It's crowded, it's dirty, with a confusing array of vegetables. college thing figured our pretty well. Istill remember hearing upperclassmen and the food is less than palatable. For (Who eats vegetables really! They're moan about the BLARs and how awful me, it was like entering some sort of food for food.) But mosr tragically, Then they changed everything on me. they were. They always said we were beautiful paradise on Earch. My house they took away our trays. Granted, that Not cool. so lucky to be on the McDaniel Plan growing up was an "every man fends for happened way before the renovations because it was so much easier to under- himself" sort of place. In Glar, I could were even a twinkle in some architect's We gcr a new President, Capboard dis- stand. Now no one exists besides the choose from a wide variety of selections eye, but it sdll hurts even to this day. appeared, College Activities became professors who know what a BLAR is. of passable merit, and I could ear as What am Isupposed to sled on? rhe Office of Student Engagement, and I'm pretty sure some people just think much as I wanted. I did. I ate all of the OMS became the Office of Diversity I'm mispronouncing Glar when Isay it. food. Everywhere. Then I gained all of How things have steyed'the same: Ev- and Mulricultural Affairs. (I had to the weight. Everywhere. eryone still complains about the food. text a friend who graduated a couple How things have stayed the same: To be honest, Ido roo, except for chick- of years ago JUStto remember some of Everybody complains about the Me- Remember when there weren't any en render Thursday. You'd have to be those names). Daniel Plan JUStlike they did about the TVs? What about when all of the dead inside to not like that. BLARs. They're confusing and hard silverware was all in one place? Ev- Even worse, all of the forms-went on- to complete, and I'm seriously still not erything was that dingy brown color 2.1he Administration. line. This school is paperless now. Re- sure whether my year was one of the that reminded you of old wax paper member when it wasn't? Remember ones where we had [Q take an SIS. I and dirty bathwater? Remember how By the end of freshman year I had man- when we gOtour class catalogs every se- took one so regardless I'm in the dear, there used to be hand dipped ice cream? aged to figure out one thing for certain: mester before registration? Remember but if Ididn't have to Ikind of rerroac- HAND DIPPED. How about those you went to College Activities for every- when we got that big thick book with tively regret the wasted effort. trays? Remember those. Those were thing. Want to reserve a space? College everything academic that we would awesome. You could get ten times the Activities. Plan an event? College Ac- ever have to know ever to graduate? I guess what I'm trying to say here is amount of food you were actually going tivities. Fundraiser? College Activities. Remember when we gOt planners for that students complain a lot. Step it. Post-Graduation Plans fenna Little, Copy Editor eniors are sad, excited, and anxious to gradu- ate, but what is waiting for them in [heir fu- S ture? The class of20 12 has a variety of plans for post-graduation, whether they are attending graduate schoo!' starting a job, are currently searching for a job, or are just taking a year off to relax or work. Graduate school is a popular option for many seniors points per game com- this year both in this area and farther away. plimented with 4.3 rebounds- per game. Cullen English major Megan Franey will be artending gradu- reached the 20wpoint mark four times this season, ate school at Towson University ro study professional most noticeably torching Ursinus for 26 points dur- writing. ing an 81~68 victory. SOCiology and Criminal Justice major Ryan Byrnes 'Before starting his junior year, Cullen transferred will be attending the New England School of Law in to McDaniel from Millersville University, Initially, the ('lIL Also during the fall, Edward Ezekiel will be Cullen transferred for his love of basketball, but attending Emory Law School in Atlanta. upon arriving at McDaniel, he found journalism. "1 found journalism and ran with it. 1t has become a Exercise Science and Physical Education major Steve passion of mine now.') . French will be returning to McDaniel for graduate school [Q pursue his master's degree in the B.E.S.T. After he graduates from McDaniel, Cullen has program. many options and he hopes (0 incorporate both his love for sports as well as journalism. Cullen has job French says "Graduation is an exciting time, I offers in journalism in Washington, DC and New it was just yesterday that I graduated from high school Jersey, bur he also has an intriguing offer to move right here in Gill, JUStlike l will be again in about a to Charleston. South Carolina to work for ESPN, month or so. It is a little intimidating but definitely which he is considering.Cullen has left his mark on something that 1 am looking forward to." McDaniel through basketball and journalism and will be sorely missed. If you have any interests in $JX)rtS or journalism, Cullen Merrey-Kemp Is a man you will heat about in the future.
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