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~rn0X!D~ www.tncdanielfreepress.cotn You may recall that the McDaniel Free Press went online last semester, and this issfill the case. Go to our website to check out new articles, photos, and videos posted daily! On this page, you can see a sampling of what to expect to see online. The Lighter Side Smoke on the Hill of the Campus Safety Blotter ANNIE BROWN of people I can greet before Staff Reporter class. Even if people smoke 15 feet away from the build- CUllEN MURRAY·KEMP balls hitting plastic" in North Village. And, ing like they're supposed co, it's Co-Commentary Editor as we all know, drinking games are highly I'm not really a big fan of still quite difficult to avoid the 'smoking. It smells pretty bad, prohibited in campus housing. The officer smoke. And, as an English ma- it's unhealthy for smokers and joe, this isn't something 1 want had no choice but to, as the great Notorious nonsmokers alike, and when I With the pressure of football season and aIG once put it, "Kick in the door waving was eight my dad and J were to have to do for the next four years of my academic life since mid terms building, Campus Safety has seen the Four-Four." Once the firefight came rear-ended by a guy who was I'll be spending most of my a supreme increase in alcohol violations to a stop and only gun smoke filled the air, lighting a cigarette while driving, time around that building. from last year here on the Hill. In fact, the alcohol citations were promptly handed Out. causing me enough physical in- On Oct. '13, the question jury that I had to go to physical of whether smoking should be months of September and October have September/October delinquents were therapy for a year. So through banned on campus was dis- had 35 alcohol related write ups in compari- everywhere on the Hill. A group of West- this negative association, the cussed in the forum. Before I son to the 20 of those months in 2010. minster juveniles were sniffed out by a concept of smoking does not went to this meeting, I thought The past Halloween/ "Snowcoming' Campo officer, and found in the baseball make me tOO happy. that a ban on smoking might be Idon't enjoy having to get weekend welcomed many party prone dugout huffing and puffing on a pack of into Hill Hall as quickly as pos- the best option for this campus. reduce the It would certainly alumni, Current McDaniel students felt it Marlboro Reds (rhey're called cowboy killers sible in the mornings simply amount of smoke I'm e"posed necessary to show off just how well they for a reason-x-I guess-these teens didn't get to avoid my exposure to the to. But since, I've slightly modi- had learned to party-making liguor luges, the Marlboro Man memo). stench of smoke. It forces me fied my stance in part because, basting brownies and cookies with all sorts The dugout was a hotspot for McDan- to eliminate a few more pre- though the administration could cious moments that could be enact a campus-wide probably of psychedelics and roughing it in the iel Bob Marley wannabees too. Thinking spent breathing in fresh outdoor smoking ban, it would not be subzero Halloween monsoon for the classic "Didn't someone just get in trouble for air. It even Emits the number met without resistance. McDaniel Homecoming beat down of the smoking cigarettes in the dugout? Well then opposition. Campo will certainly not catch us smoking Yet the past two months of McDaniel pot there," a group of brilliant McDaniel SEX ON THE Hill mischief was not held only to "Snowcom- students hauled off to toke up in the dug- mg." out. With the Campo nose on high alert, it According to an arrest report a campus safe- wasn't long before the geniuses were hauled Everyone Dies Famous ty officer "heard the sound of ping pong off to McDaniel Jail. on a Small Campus TALKING ABOUT TELEVISION FOREST FLEISCHER met a cute and conveniently Staff Reporter single person and proceed- Baring it does lead to a few interesting shirt off, male or female. For ex- ed to hook up with them. when someone values. But but old-fashioned doesn't take their It was fun at the time, but How much sex on TV ample, The Secret Circle has been questions. is a good thing? How much is roo on for only a handful of weeks, Here it comes. now as yon are passing each much? How much is enough to It All: sell a show convincingly? better than the same character has taken off that you were hoping to not having fun at all. and on many of those episodes, other in Red Square you are The awkward moment Is being his shirt. But. one could argue that left to the imagination So what do you do in this avoid, but, you know you theCW The Implications of no holds barred? Are our appe- that's what viewers want to see on can't. Maybe if you quickly situation? causing tites for sexual simulation problems in society? Do we even Sexy characters make an ap- head down another side- On a campus as small as Sex on Television care? pearance on all of the big five net- _ walk they will not notice McDaniel's the only thing Sex on television is a clifficulr works and on cable. If you've ever you. Maybe. you can do is face your thing to get done. Because of the watched an episode of The Secret LAURA NICHOLS Life of the American Teenager, Let's be honest- you al- hook up with confidence. Staff Reporter FCC controlling the airwaves, e!l sex is mentioned about 50 times in ready made the awkward For many people this be mereis a sec of ruleawe've seen the side-boob. That sliver of every single episode. Secret Life, ey~ contact so the only· comes a normal debate. skin right before the artfully Cut however, is a ridiculous television thing now is to wave or to Most people on this campus We've all heard rhe Family Guy shirt or bathing suit. And if you've show, used by ABC Family (and pretend it never happened. said that they would at least theme song. It's ironic, bemoaning ever seen a show on the Cw, you therefore Disney) TO show the the lack of old-fashioned values know that they sell sex, or at least hazards of sex, and the overcom- But it did happen. It ac- say "hi" to their fling and on television, mostly because the premise of sex, heavily on plicated relationships of teenagers tually happened last night. try to pretend like nothing Family Guy represents anything their shows. I~s a lone episode in high school. You went to a party and happened. FOR THE FULL STORIES, GO TO WWW.MCDANIELFREEPRESS.COM ......., ~'~;I~~.~~.~~.~~;~~;:'~.~~~;~~.~;~::;,~;~~',;.~~.~~.~~~~~~~~! .
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