Page 15 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 15
New Athletic Director seeks to move McDaniel Athletics in a positive direction through community building CATHERINE FRONDORF act details were not disclosed, it is apparent said Moyer. ence like the intercollegiate experience, Staff Reporter that we are beading in a positive direction. For those who might not feel so con- Moyer says. So what makes it so special? When asked how he plans to effectively nected, I asked Moyer how he might ''You live and die with every moment create positive change at McDaniel, Meyer encourage students to get involved in our you share with your teammates: meals, McDaniel Col- noted that it is not just one person that athletic community or how athletes can classes, life experiences, figuring out lege recently creates change but is instead an entity of reach out to the student body. the future, hardships, hours on the bus hired anew people, such as a community. "There is a \Nlly for every student to together going to and from games, wins, Athletic Direc- McDaniel is not JUSt a college, but also connect on campus and even if you do losses (on the field and off the field), ~U1d ror, Paul Moyer, a community in· which Moyer says that not wish to participate in varsity sports, you got to have teammates that support whom 1 had athletics are seen as pan of the educational which are a huge commitment and very you. The shared experiences are special, the opporro- experience. demanding, there are also intramural they don't fall by the wayside, you'll have nity ro interview So what then is the value of an athletic sports," explained Moyer. them for the rest of your life, and not Moyer, from our program to a school? Moyer explained "This is a blTeat opportunity to get everyone gets to experience that." initial interac- that athletics affect not just the students with friends, to be active, to reduce stress, "That is what makes the experience so tion,comes in our tittle community on the McDaniel and have fun in our fantastic facilities, he unique because unlike professional sports off as a genuine people person. He has a campus, but also within the citizens of said. ''A healthy mind plus a healthy body teams, there is a competition for jobs., it's positive energy that is uplifting, an air of Westminster, and even beyond that to our equals a sound mind." a completely different perspective and excitement that draws you in, and a focus alumni all across the country. You don't have to be a varsity athlete often times you're a competitor, not a that Twould attribute not only to his years For those who do not play sp:>rts and to understand Moyer's three things to teammate," said Moyer. of working as an Athletic Director, but disagree, Moyer illustrated the enormous keep in mind: "Opporrcniry Responsibil- According to Moyer, that is why the also to his years as an athlete and coach. role athletics play in the lives of student ity. Commitment." As a varsity player, you intercollegiate experience is the ultimate Moyer, who played both soccer and athletes and non-student athletes alike. have the opportunity to experience some- experience, and no one can take that away baseball since youth and though his col- Athletics not only help students to grgdu- thing special There is no other expen from you lege years, also served as the Men's Soccer ate, but the department itself is a form coach at the University of Chicago, Man- of public relations, through fundraising Afew fun sports-related fads about Paul Moyer: hattanville College, and Catholic Univer- and clinics for local kids, like the Special sity, where he coached Women's Golf and Olympics. Local soccer clubs who some- Soccer. times participate with student athletes also Favorite sport movies: Ienrh Inrter, Vidory, Mirade, Remember the Titans, Glory Moyer contributed time and skill at help build bridges to the local community. Rood, and The Notural (even though he thinks it's kind of (Qrny.) _the I?rofessionallevel as well. He spent AdditionaJ]~ the sports ru:e a source of _ -arne:: With me \,Vashihgtoll Bullets (now revenue, which help provide funds in Professional athletes he is most inspired by: Wes Unseld (played basketball the Washington Wizards), Team America areas and departments outside that of the for the Washington Bulietsl,(urtisPride(playedbasebaliforth eYonkees;heisolsodeofJ,ond Soccer, and served on the Los Angeles Athletic Department. Like a ripple in the Kyle RoteJr.(who iso personal inspiration for Moyerl. Olympic Organizing Committee. After water, everyone is affected and connected. having worked in both fields, Moyer says ''You can see it through the pride our Favorite professional teams: Orioles, Senators, Redskins, Ravens, and both the that there is no other experience compa- students have in wearing Green Terror Men's and Women's Notional Soccer Teams. rable to working at the college level, and shirts, cheering on our football team at we are fortunate to have him. home games by tailgating in the masses Greatest sports stories of all time: the Underdog stories- Mira(le; Jessie Owns- It is dear from our interview that up on the hill; there is a uniqueness and with Hitler watching, U.S Men's soccer beating England in the 30's, and the Saints winning the Moyer has plans to create change within closeness about our college that separates Superbowl after Katrina- special times with special teams willed on by the entire city. the Athletic Department and although ex- us from the rest and makes us so special," Swim team faces season optimistically ANNA PLESKUNAS "Making nationals is a goal for the previous coaches the team members years." Staff Reporter next Casey four McCole wants to break six have Hanzel had. explains, "He's a lot more minutes in the 500 freestyle. But with focused on adding in weight training ~ The McDaniel swim team is at a turn- a good coach and hard training the and he's very good at all the strokes, ing point in its history. The change team believes they are capable of any he has a good focus on all of them." in camaraderie, goals, and confidence goal. The swim team's wining is very on the team is palpable. Afrer secing "I swim because I jusr find this dif- well-rounded, between conditioning greer success last season, the team ferenrlove for it and respect it more workouts outside of the water and finished only cight points away from than any other sport," she said. an important focus on developing the school's highest score at the cham- Lexie jacobs explains that swim- good technique in all the strokes, C1Ich pinnship rneer. ming is challenging "because swim- swimmer is becoming more diverse in Jeff Heistand.who started as the ming is not JUSt physical, but mental." their skills, Green Terror swim ream assistant "Jeff has goals in mind for each Heistand believes in his team as coach in 2001, had his first season as of us individually that when he firsr well as in the work that he muse put in head coach last year. Now being well te]Jsuswethinkarecompletelyour for the team to be able to achieve. into his second season it's apparentthar of the ballpark and unreachable, but "Swimming is a great sport be he has high expectations tor his team. I think through the years with him we cause it's a skill spore and hard work is "If all goes well and as planned have learned to trust him and ttUSt the great equalizer and that is one of ship between the men's and women's Recruirmenris a huge factor in this, we'll have won a conference champi- ourselves and know that we can actu- the reasons why I feel like we can win ream. The team bond outside of the and the team has become much more onShip in 5 years," Heistand explains ally do it," said senior women's captain the conference, because I'm willing to pool is also great motivation for the involved with recruits since Heistand "I think the ream has begun to RachelWalega work hard," he said. teamduringtra.ining. became head coach. With Jeff Heistand being their The McDaniel College swim Start to believe rhar they can win, and "When you are training with "There are srill some t.hings ehar beat anyone. And this year they have head coach for only half of the ream is nor only about being strong people [hat are doing that same work seniors' collegiate s\vimming career, athletes. When talking to the freshmlln are somewhnt bothersome, mke for begun the season with that conn- that you're doing and finding success, smdent dence"said Heistand. it's clear thc)'havcgained a locfrom on the team, they all described the you begi.n to believe in )'ourself and insrance is notpanof tours the ]whcre] Irwe the tour. pool The freshmen this year are quite his coaching. strcfij,rthof the team as bdngclose- it's conmgious," said Heistand. ambitious individuals. Jon Ham>:el ''The team aDllosphere has be~ ness between teammates. were taken seriousl)' j[ would be Iran come more serious. \Ve still have fun "The team is more Or less like a The biggest problem the tcam has of rhetQur];'cxplains Heistand hopes romake nacionalsthis season in thc 100 backstroke. Coming in with bue we are much more goal-oriented," famil),," answered freshman Andrew is llumbers. With \B spaces avai!able With somc support from the a time of 54.95 and the nationab cut sars senior men's captain Jason Widmann to both the men's and women's team McDaniel College community it is ap· Heistand scoring used being 50.7 feat seconds, CJualif)'ingv.~ll says be Harder. Coach Heisrnnd h; different from word Coach "unity" Jeff to describe also the relacion- the at champs, without point all [he spaces is falling parenr that swim rhc skv could be the limit -- shorr filled. team. for this for Jon. no easy Hoyt Stevie
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