Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 18
Welcome to the "Best of 2011·2012 Issue" of the McDaniel Free Press! on the web this year, as we desperately needed to keep up with the This has been a year of many changes, not only for the paper, but for the progression of journalism in the real world in order to provide our writers McDaniel Community. with a decently realistic experience to prepare them for future careers. We began this year with a new adviser, as Lisa Breslin become a dean and we realize Not all of our staff members are future journalists, though, in the Academic Affairs office. The new year also brought a new format that for everybody, writers and readers both, this transition has not been for campus announcements, the new meal exchange program for campus easy. dining, a brand new online portal called OrgSync, and that strange new Thank you to our loyal readers who have stuck with us through this number system in the Pub. year. The work we've done has been worth it. Of course, there have been bigger changes. the loss of the Ravens, the Creating loss of some members of our community like Professor Harry Rosenzweig, motivational one. this issue has been a reflective experience, but also a Next year, we will be able to hit the ground running the initiation of the stadium renovations, resignations of several coaches with a fully-functional website, new advertising model, and publication and of the Provost, Tom Falkner, and more. ~any of these stories, we re- both online and in print, all because of the hard work of the Free Press print here as a collection of the most important or most well-written stories staff and editors this year. of the year. , Please join me in looking back at this year, and looking ahead to the If if's the first time you're reading them, that's because you haven't next. I can't wait to see what it holds. been checking our website. The Free Press has concentrated our efforts Hanna Barker, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL NATHAN WUERTENSERG ever gOt any comments on. Igor The Free Press Introduces New Logo Managing Editor several hundred. I read them all. I started OUt on [he Free Press They were nor nice. Apparently staff as a casual commentary suggesting that the stereotype that writer. My freshman year was black people tip less might nor be smack dab in the middle of (he true and might, in facr, be a ste- 2008 election and I had quite a reotype was a bit controversial. It few things to say. I didn't really was around thar point that I real- think anyone was reading to be ized J might actually have to in- honest but I enjoyed it none- vest myself in my contributions to theless. (wrote articles because the Free Press. So, I started work- it was fun and easy and' guess ing even harder on my articles I had nothing berrer to do. It and at the Free Press in general. was nice to write like that. No My sophomore year I became the grades, no professor bloodying editor of the Commentary section your paper with a red pen, no and stayed there uncil this year. I've nightmares where you think it's wrirren more hard-hitting pieces in the day after your work is due that time (I covered the Green Ter- and you haven't turned it in and ror meme last year) but I'll always you wake up with the swears. have a safe Spot for myoid section. Nothing like thar. There wasn't Opinions are awesome. any of the usual pressure associ- This year, however, has brought And the winner i. Graham Miles! would like readers to know that we ated with school. more change to the Free Press than We received 18 submissions from only counted votes from McDaniel Then. I carne to the crushing I have ever seen. As co-Editor-in- nine students, and hundreds of votes! realization that P"<'>ple w"r", in Chief "nd Managing Edi,or l' ....e community members, daub; fact, reading the things I was tried to make that as smooch a C:-0ngfotulations to our runners-up: checking this using the $lUd.n't writing. J wrote one piece after rransirion as possible. But, it was Barley Hylbom and Mong;e Moreno, faculty directories located on rne , the election about why I had the work of my cc-Edircr Hanna There was some controversy d b '"e t supported John McCain as a Barker that really made sure any- over. one of the submissions, which Thank you to all who su lOr registered Dernocrar. After that thing was accomplished. She has I d/ ' co ntes ' or voted came our people started com- entirely devoted her life to this received on overwhelming amount ogos ,an forget to 10 ~~r" the [ike Don t ing up to me and sharing con- organization and she's made sure of votes, In the interest of Fairness spiratorial McCain-supporter that our product will be better and transparen'cy, the Free Press free Press on facebook to sta~ winks with me. It was like there than it ever has been in the past. updated about future contests, was some son of secret network I want co thank her personally for of mavericks and they were all all the work she's done and every_ reading my stuff. one else should too. She's awe- Then, I wrote an article about some (just like opinions). The Lighter Side Oprah and tipping that was POst- That's about it. ed online. It was the only article [ Peace. We are pleased to announce the Campus Safety GUt P of the Campus Safety Blotter ' 'J + 2012-2013 Editorial Board + ears p 0 revent Drinking and Street Racing (?) EpJ ern lc of the McDaniel Free Press! CULLEN MURRAY_KEMP Co-SporbEdilor ~top there. A few nights later a Quick thinking from Campbell I: EDITOR-IN-CHIEf NEWS EDITORS bew freshman lost their cool and her to Webster's secret h:~:: s~he Kaitlyn Vadenais lisa Vasapollo ~e spring season has offi<::ial1y began. ripping posren off the walls, . (an underground b I.'Y'.' ,h""~ '/ reakl~g doors, eating drywall and Id g Amber Slater arnved at MeDaniel College and COmmitting about every other type ~:m~~;wS::t). u~h:nwas in luck. best MANAGING EDITOR Students are doing heavy their drinking, to of ~andal!sm imaginable. by After a The spare set was there! be t (0 :; :x' 3JI the Investigation campus continue Matthew Arnold COMMENTARY EDITOll non-Stop partying spring break e rys rncsr potent detectives the JUSt as the final race was a u for Trevor Hammond atmosphere. perpetrators Were apprehended and t:ke p~ace (a no holes b~lc~:P on WEB EDITOR In fact, over the last few months sl-ri:_pedwith a hefty fine. plflksllpS), the Durango P scattered the seen. The ruckus crowd et~racing rhe Zachery Brown ARTS AND CULTURE McDanie.1 and have had surrounding Anne peeps parents were not happy. C of the Campbell, Director commurury a number EDITOR of issu~ with all of the fun being ampus Safety Office, was the brunt :r:~!:e:;~~r~e;;~i::ion. Ann ART DIRECTOR Abby Richardson ~:~~ seen in the Carroll County :I~he plethora of pissed-Qff-phone_ Campbell had saved the d~\in and Hanna Barker from the parC'nts. The rant did In reaction to all of the drin cr!n id Rouzer Last week a few noble SPORTS EDITOR students dC'cided they too had not :: ~~~~:~~ becaue a Campo crisis street racing, Campo and M driving CHIEf Elee Trainor had enough fun on spring break Campbell received another phone reamed up to buy a drunk NE machine called SID simulation PHOTOGRAPHER and took to thC' parking ca.!! fro~ a franti.:::student who was (pronounced Sidney), Campo ho~ Wlt.nesslng the annual ded(~t d Cairlin Bennett ADVERTISING lot to COntinue their drinking and ra<::lng.(t was like a SCene from ~g that SIDNE will help McDanl~ carousing. A beer pong table was sec MANAGER up and in no time campus safety was and ~urio~ (Tokyo Drift), with th; students realize that drin~n~, a~r especially drinking while driVing gh COpy EDITOR Karly Ziegler on the scene. Armed with ping pong ~:~:~ ::ie!ir~ in bj~nis, and whilC' watching a drag race th~U Meghan Schatz balls and guilty looks the students only Campo car tha7~~~H~ The McDaniel's campw) is a bad dung· ARCHIVIST were no match for the officets who ~: th ese Speeding bandits w: t~~ toked pepper spray and nightSticks. fEATURES EDITOR Annie Brown The pseudo spring brC'ak fun was ge D urango! 1Ju Lighter SitU of the QtmpJlS IXf1 Lauren Murray soon PUt to an end and citations C::;:sw;:~ prob.lem. Director of Sa_foty 81oftn- is h.utd (somaimes tht eampJlS 011 nltnts.from loosely) were handed OUt accordingly. lC'ft for the Z~':!::IiWebst~r, had Sa_fory Crime log and shaul4 not bf The Rouzer shenanigans did not the Durango keys inor~:t ~~~ inttrpmfd 4S truth. 1his columll isfor tnkrt4inmmt pU"fOUI only.
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