Page 20 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
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- BRANDON DULANY Find a time slot that fits you at the bottom of the page, along Portal to Ease Stoff Reporter best and fill our your information. with several other links, These are Students' lives An email notification will be provided for additional srudenr The McDaniel \'{Iriting Center, sent before your appointment to aid. where students can get free remind-you .. The online scheduling rids the BRANDON DULANY Staff Reporter feedback on written work, is AddicionaUy, if you want a sloppiness of pen and paper making it easier for students particular time but it is not including c:lncellations and One recent change is in the do~aif~~o~ to schedule appOlOnnentS available, you are stillable to sign the prevention of annoyances has housed the school's website this semester. Owen Horton, up on a waiting list. If in fact it such· as double-booking. The long time. Portal will be ta~in~ ov~~~; the Writing Center director, opens due to a cancellacion, a .• McDaniel's homepage. With Its tme program nor only the has recently created an online rexr message will be sent to your staff of benefits center, but the up to dote features, the IT depo nt I' the schedule with the intention of cell phone, alerting you' of the student body as well. hopes thct Portal will make s,IU d en 5 encouraging more students to opporturnry Horton explains that when the lives easier. d l 50 use the service. ',\'{Ie wanted 3 website that staff's job is made easier, it is Because nothing has change ~nthe All one needs to do is go to would integrate new features," l long, many students do not fln I The W.riting Center is open on l f the Writing Center page on the said Horton. easier to help the students. current McDaniel home page US~ u . to McDaniel College website and This website does thatinirs use of Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 One 5tud~nt said,. "It's a~n~YII:9 gel click the link tirled, "Register for re.xtmessageandemail notification. have 10 dick 10 different lin "" y an online appointment now:" It also provides gateways to other p.m., Monday through Thursday ~;;~~~ ,:;:err~s~:~~~I~wf:~ 10 where I want 10 ,?O, then type In m Once an account is made the resources for students. A link for ~~:::~o~m~/~l~:~. p~:.:~~ implementing the Writing password anyway. . a user online schedule is open for use. the Purdue Writing Lah is supplied p.m. Center's new online scheduling With Portal, it only req~lrr otion system .. to login once. His/her 10 crm the r is saved temporari!y, and acn1:s~ will service a student wishes to a be ready. it takes a numbe~ 0 f clicks Currently, hwoy, Hoover Library implements to student to email, Blackboard, McDani e T~el c~~endar, get the f these and more. With Portal, U 0 t m the services will be accessible . (0 officer 'Text a Librarian' service in the IT department chief informatlo.n"porlol home page. Esther Iglich, said center th.ot, the is like dent to It allows of websites. one-stop shopp ll1 9 stu service any ANNtEBROWN comes in to my phone." access their information or any Art Director on the brain to set up an appointment in the Once the te'Kt message is received, the library. Library appointmems can help srudehrs from the home page." '11 includt w""-......lsandcreatesearchrerms She continued, "Portal WI en" for there ISnow a new WlIy on campus for them to an <:mail", the qu="<>n. the,c rhe <0 seck information. new features like announce~ librarian can type the answe~ "At the from ~nd ~em. This faU,Hoover Ubraryimplemenred Students are not limited to sending text the day, athletic scores, eV~~'P'Pt\e' desk," into a box and hit send. The Student a servrce csuej "Iexr s Libtarian." The service would receive a text message with an answer in messages to have their questions anm/etea. Another feature porta has been in the works since last spring and There is also a form online for questions to be is access to the student's was de\'eloped by Reference and .Inscructi"onal reply. Typically, it only takes a few minutes for submitted. Students can go to hoover.mcdaniel. information. For example, An a response. Technologies Ubrarian Rhonda Stridclett, who edu and click on "Ask a Librarian" under the information will be readily also9.nswers tex[messages received through the The information the library can provide "Need Help?" mb. A database \\~th answers to program alang with Reference and Instruction through the Ten a Librarian service is not frc'luently asked 'luesti.ons is also on that page. from the homepoge. rtlClllar Coordinator SallyJones. limited to information about the library itself. The Text 9.Libranan sen~ce is not limited Iglich talked about a po "There Students can teltt all sorts of 'luestions, such feature she excited about. IJ con The service 9.UO.Wistudents to send questions to students either, From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on ta the Librnry VIa lext message and receive as, "\'(fho was the.sinh preside.m of the United 1\."londaysthrough Thursdays and 9 a.m. to 4 is .a 'task' service wher i:: ds and Sates?" and receive answers. respon!es from a librarian. p.m. on Fridays, students and aflyone else can create a group with your f r ·'Let's say I'm a Student and I want to find Of Course, admits Srricklen, [e'Ktingisn't the text their 'luestions to 410-346-5640. "We do plan your own events." . ded for out'Wherecanlfindrese~es?'''saysStricklett. beSt way to ask complex questions. However, This service is primarily Int en be ,lJsed "'When.a studenrsends a textrrreSsage, it actually it's a good way to stan a conversation. For ~;tb~~~~~St::o;e:~o~u:~%f~:~a!~nCkletti study group purposes, but. can comes In on the computer to us so it's nOt like it example, il "WOuldprobably be better for a t student to know the effects of music ::e t~e!~,9.ble to answer questions as p~;le for whatever students deCide. I to be The IT deportment expects porta , up and running by Fall 2012. THE MCDANIEL FREE PRESS 2 {ol!egelIil! Weslmjn~ler,MD21J57 ' McDaniel Increases Bandwidth Ir&epress@m( 410.857.8600 ~~~~~o~~ULANY in order to give us the 200 megabits I r h .d "about 80 [0 ~~ we ha;e/ohday. . p~;~ent s~r' studentS ~c~~S~et~et EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ART DIRECTOR Faster Internet is noc just a hope "Sometime Wi-Fl. hones, Hanna Barker Annie Brown for s~udents at MCDaniel, it's an next s~~~e~x~l:lned~ te Will be a fiber internet through laptopS, P Of it be through opt! . li on.goln.g pmcess. Esther 19tich, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER chIef ll1formacion officer at the cou~lel~~o n;t~~:t connec~s all the tablets." ou f o"v!l Nathan Wuertenberg Karly Ziegler IT deparrmem, said, "Everyone tObuYdght~t .. McDatue~ plans ''We are an ISP of m earls to two years the IT department and access b::;~~~:~t~:tPl~eline entity", Iglich sai~ (lS'~Ber...veen WEB EDITOR STAFF reason fo;r this is so that teo The tnternetservicep~oVld~t;- scudeI1tS, Kaitlyn Vadenais Sean Thomas Beaumont at McD~niel works to double years, doubling bandWidth n :u ture aU of the resldeno a more, the Cassandra Berube the bandwidth. It's always being as it usuall :v ill upgraded." NEWS EDITOR Brandon Dulaney b~ as expensive not classrooms, ~ffices, an~ th [0 the Charles Mullin Ben Grant Many students have. complained hlrlng private companies ~ IS when sch~ol supplies baodWld n." Trevor Hammond about the speed of the internet at to. the school. The COunties 0 Come equlValenr of a small toW .dth, the FEATURES EDITOR Dan Lomond M~D~nie1, whr;ther ir be through WIUbe Cartoll H affected ''The more bandWl "ThiS Lisa Vasapol!o Monika Lemke WI-FI or thro~gh a wired network. Montgomery, :ndo;~:~:::derick, ?etter," loglich concinU:~t here Sarah Miller One Student mentioned that, "Later The schOol hopes to 0 fr· ~s why the IT ~epartm eohaJlC'~: SPORTS EDITORS Van Huy phom at night, when you want to do YOUt ~OO megabits We have ~ow ~: the IS cQnstantly tfYI~g to to Ilvojd Matthew Arnold Abby Richardson work, it's hard because everyone is In the next upgrade, Which' h 500 OUr internet e.xperten.ce net LIse. Cullen Murray-Kemp Elec Trainor on and the Internet is teall}' slow." ~appen wi.thin the next twoS ould the other option fOf lflterscudeflC5 Breyonna West ears COMMENTARY EDITOR T.his student is not alone in his CUrrently It is thOusands of d: . This option would be [he interrlet complaint. Maria Mercorio FACULTY.ADVISOR a mon~ to SUpply the sc liars haVing to buy their OW.O other Kym Byrnes JUSt five }:ears ago the school ~andwldt~ from privatec!:Ola:lth from .other ISPs whlchto ARTS AND CULTURE was running on 24 megabits. The y tappIng into this .p les. schools ha\·e had ro resort . eflt EDITOR WeadGmGnt~prarJi(9Ireedomolsp8e(h. For IT department upgraded that to McDaniel will save money Pipeline, The McDaniel IT depa~tf1'Ithe Zachery Brown ony(ommenl5ofod prcing, pitll5e smoil us. 50, then a year later 100, and finaily the JUSt a few years ago ·mos continue~ to move JOt ,lind installed another 100 megabit line thro:tudents accessed the inte:n of fu[U~e Wlth better technolo~~!1ges , gh Ethernet cables. "No e ,; CO~tJnuc: to adapt to the ~s w , of Internet usage by sruden .
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