Page 21 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 21
Ihe workers of Ph)'5icol Plant are McDani,1 (oll'g,'s unsung heroes. Ihe free Press witnessed this firsthand during our offi" renovalions this Jon Term, which would have been completely unS~[(elsful without !heir help. Physical Plant: Much more than meets the TREVOR HAMMOND George Brenton, Director of the be more extreme, such as a campus-wide Staff Reporter Physical Phot Sill'S that, in general, power ournge as a resl.llt of a massive "mos! of the physical planr- work is amount of snow, as the case was in earh· McDaniel's campus is comprised of unappreciated because appmximmeh' 2006. . approximately 70 buildings spr~ad 01.11 60 percent of the v.urk done around Another aspect of the Physical Plant over l40acres,whichisa 101 more than campus is routine such as cleaning up is the Steam Plant, which is localed Six_.girls from Alpha Nu Omega one might think. As a whole, the campus trash and cuuing grass." adjacent to Pennsylvania A,·enue, (l"anSUlOnooover to Alpha Sigma Tau, isexcellent,plentyofspace,yelsrillsmnll Brenton also noted that "the Phvsical something most people do not know including the current President Austin enough 10 get to your 9:40 a.m. class on Plant also helps the Admis'sions exists. Although extremely "under the W'estcrmann time regnrdless of ~e fact that rou woke depenrnem in It major Wit)'; if no work radar,," the SI~am Plant supplies hOI The girls who were a part of Alpha Nu up 9:30 a.m. were done by the staff to upkeep the water and heating to a majorit)" of the Omega last year were offered bids that i We're all thankful for certain campus grounds and property of the school, buildings. Addirionallyrbe Steam Plam are good fo~ a year to join ,Alpha Sigma I I and Trustworthy.~ , offices: Academic Aff.airs to get advice McDanid would lose its app"'~1 to fulfil!sanrneeds to the Kitchen; without Tau ~ong WIthother a1umruof the local girls are encouraged 10 get to know the on schedules and academics, Admissions prospecuve snsdents .." tbe Sream Plant,we'd aU be eating off s~ront}'., . prospectivc girl by t.1kinga walk or going for ulurnarely allowing us to be h",re,and Physical Plant staffers are also dinydishes. 'Thcres.~o bad blood tx:rweenthe girls to lunch togerher, "I'm really happy the the Residence Ufeoffice forgivingusa responsible for upkeep of the athletic The Physical Plant as a whole operates who tmn!illlon~ and the girls who didn'l. school implemented it." place 10 li,.e during the so-<:alled"best facilities, the golf course, turf, soccer off a budg<:t of approximately $4.5 Th~ ones who didn't had personal reasons One of the b'l"OUP'S bigge5! supporters l'ears of our lives." field, and tennis court, all of which are mil!ion dollars a year, with around 35 wh~ch)'ouhavc to respect," has been Phi j\lu, a natianaisororil)· thaI What some students might nor know maintained reguJarl)'-lnaddition, Harlow percem going towards electricitv, \'\estermann also talked about how lang hllSbeen on campus for ~ much longer as much about is the Physical Plant. Pool, located underneath Englar Dining "Peopl"'takeitforgrantedb~au5ethe\' of a process II was for the members of time then Alpha Sigma Tau. Loca!",d next to the North Village on Hall, IS worked on three times a day, don't ha"e [0 worry about it," mentioned Alpha Nu Omega to find a 50rOOI)'that A new benefit to being a part of 1 the other side of Pennsrj,'aniaAvenue, scveo days e week. Brenton. fitwhat they were about as a group. Alpha n.1tionalsororirv is being a part of a large the "under-rbe-rader" groups of STAff "lfwe'rearound,we'reu5uallymaking Andheisright.Speakingfrompersonal SigmaTau became the best chOIce. SIsterhood. o-, the summer, Chelsea at the Physical Plant are basically somNhing better or Ii~ing it," noted ex~rience, growing up I was always One of the things.the gids had to do in Watkins and Sara YOStwere all able to responsible for the well-being of the Brenton. being [old to turn off the lights by to gel the.n~nonalsorority to come travel to Indiannpo~s to rneer sisn.."rs school. Regardless of the fact that most of my JY.lrentsin their d~matic effort to wasinceease thelr numbers re other chapters,includingSalisbury.1-, . The Physical Plant is made up of the work done is "under the radar," conserve ele.:trify. I'm sure man)' other they had the numbers in a strong sisterhood is whm sororities three subsidiaries: building services and approximately 35 percent of the ~"Ork srudemscanreJate. II· in rhe summer bv ar about housekeeping, grounds maintenance, done is requested. As of Feb. 23, there graduating seniors. ''The giri~ get along sa well. and building maintenance. Collectively, have been almost 6,000 work orders approximately 70 staff members are in placed since August ;:::. ~n::fn~; !:~i:lY::i~~~ineaC;~:::~~·. charge of making McDaniel the best it These work orders might be as simple I':''''" of the "'~ i"fmm.l recruim 00"' i, \'l;'cstt'rmanncontinued. can be-physically speaking. as a broken doorknob, but they can also ''ltfeelssogoodtobeback,''saysaio)"aus Lucarelli. "Most of us love being proud work done, there is always that sense of of our work because if 'We ain't do it guilt one gains by not being there," said ~~~~:.,th<:nthm i~no pm'" indoingit ~C::;':;bt~'.:.!;~~=~::,=..!e: On [OpOr finding satisfaction in seeing IntO Sra}~ng and working '" the theAh"" the final product, many ,,,chie. point when we ;hould be doing school work to the cight-knir communit), thaI one I don't blame anyone In parcicular for becomes a panof when panicipatingin that, though; working with ml' fellow a theater production. technicians creates a cerrain kind of "Even after all of the rimes I have camaraderie between us." complained, I wiU not regret it in any Even if techies feel pressured (0 work way. The knowledge. skills, and friends longer then they cm afford to, there are I ha,.", gained oUNieigh all else," said solutions available 10them junior light crew membc:r Logan Professor I'an den Berg said, "1f Otremba we hear from someone who was Techies often also receive credits for Ol>erworked, then we will talk to the their work in the theatre, considering people in charge of the crew at the time mOStof it is part of a class. Putting in to manage time bc:tter to get everyone CHARLES MULLIN the extra work is simply a way to hone out in a three hour rime window." News Editor their skills. Research shows that six to eight hours Most of the hard work that goes ''1 think of it as their learning labs," of sleep are needed to have an alert and imo making every McDaniel theatre saidProfessorofTheatreAnsEIizabc:th healthy day. Techies would barely get "r\ major thing I lIiould add would be production passes bj' without van den Berg "It is JUStlike actors in six hours of slO!f:pif they had a class at daytime. classes on sound and sound design as acknowlecl8"'ment. Although many rehearsal. They are learning their craft." eight the next morning r\ possible solution is Ihe futur", of the student actors dedicate a large Of course, being involv",d in tech ''At rimes it can affect grades very renovations of the theatre which are well as the lechnology 10support it. The is only audio call offered at hkDaniei portion of their tim'" to ",ach project, would be easier for someone in me poorly," said Lucarelli. ''Espe.:ially if predicted to finish by 2013. Therheatre the techies-students who handle Theatr'" major as opposed 10 other you are in a leadership role as a designer workshop will be turned into an acting that in the communication deparonem everything behind_the_scenes-:-often academic pursuits. or Master electrician or any role mat studio after being moved to another taught (\>ery spring. However, it only do nOt even receive IIpplaU5efrom the Senior and President of Alpha Psi you are responsible if something is not building outside of the theatre, while focuses on radio and telC\>ision,"said audience bur, fltther, 11 name in the back Omega Ale.xisDavis said, "Since 1 am working right." the underlobb)' will become a light lab. Elizabeth Lucarelli. If circumstances allow, I",chies ~ke could change one thing in "If! of a program. a theatre major,;,lotof my work in the Otremba said, "I have most certainly light crew would have the opportunity the theatre dcparunent," said Logan During II tech week (m'" week ~fore theatre is included in the classes." noticed that my grades drop, especially the production's opening), 11techie can But even non-theatre major techies near opening night of a show where the to come in during the day and get some Otremba, "It would be th'" safety work an avefltgt'of 41 hours. And some, feel the importance of showing up for hours get insane." work done insr:eadof coming in late at hazards that pop up sometimes. [ can think of s(\'eral instances wherc even if especially light crew, put in their hours their work on each th"'atre production, However, many poim to time- night. It is obvious to both faculty and I was paling complere attention to what students the great nCl!dfor renovations not during the day, but latear night whether they'r'" receiving credit or not. management as being the main issue 10the thearre. I was doing, I still have almost fallen out Such a large amount of man hours ''1f I wasn't there, then there wouldn't in causing a loss of sleep and a drop in what When asked would they might beg the t]uestion: \Vhy are they be anybody else to do it," said junior grades. Ir sometimes just comes down change ~bout the theatre, mnn)' of the of spaces and ladders rhatgo up alleast 18 feet 10 the ceiling where we hang not being paid or at least protected ~ sound design",r Dani Allen. ''That's to planning ahead. rechies and mculty had a long list of lighting insrrumem:s." a labor law? Athletes are protected m why I',>c never missed a tech week "We all know when a production is And under all of these circumstances, terms of amount of workouts. Why not r",hearsal." with such hl'avy going to occur," said Lucarelli. ''\'ile possibilitiCli. the techies and the theatre faculty However, '1 honestly wish me deparunent had can, for the most part, plan our lives techi",saswell? a bigger budget," ,aid Alexis Davis. still work and produce exceptional After inrerviewing multiple techies, responsibility comes a large amoum of around it by doing homework IIleeks productions for the c-ampus and we found that the answer was simple. pressure. To combat this high demand, in advance when possible so that "Overtheyears,lrnandEIizabc:thhave \'ilesoninster community every year. had their visions cut because they don't Techies were proud of the wo.rk ther the unwritten "Three Hour Rule" was ever),thing due during the week before have the time or money for it." So next time )'DU are about to go the production is finished ahead of implemented to let techies know it was PUtinro each and everyproductlon.~nd Professor van den Berg said, '1 to sleep at night, JUStremember that could care less about what recognttlon okav to lea,'e afTerthrcl: hours of work • time." wouki build a bnnd new perfonning while you are going to be dreaming A main reason, tho~gh, that te(:hie.s or legal protection they get. Money h~s if they needed to. arts cemer on campus. It would have comfortably in your shO!f:ts, other this While has been sometimes never bee!"!a concern for them. It IS effe.:tive in putting academic and health are forced to work so late into the night a gallel)' of fin", an and classroom students just like you arc going to be (especiall)' light crew) ISbecause of the only about seeing their hard work come working into the early morning concerns first, in other situations it has lack of facilities open for work during space for music, Ihcaue, and dance. to conclusion on stllge. left techies fecling guillY for haling to the day. The rooms that are used for Whal we have here in Alumni Hall is And because of that, they aren't JUSt "We work untilYo'Care satisfied with all convertoo space which was never students. They're McDaniel Techies. what we have done because we know lea\.e "early" to 8"'1same shut eye. work on theatre productions are also "While I ha\'e been told time and time used as classrooms which prohibit designed to be a theatre in the first ~rlillgl,l\!I.ftrlnlribli,edIfyAIhlO'Dl!Jalld ~~ ~o:res:~~lcd~::;~nt~~:~ again thar I can just SlOp and 8"'t my opportunities to come in during the place." SIlII,gW.
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