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McDaniel Students Help Boys and Girls Club with Writing LISA VASAPOLLO Features Editor Over the past five weeks, mem- bers of the Boys and Girls Club of Westminster have been coming to McDaniel College to work with student consultants on essays they will be given recognition for. The idea for this partnership between the McDaniel Writing Center and Boys and Girls Club of Westminster (BGC\XI) started last year when Lisa Breslin was the Writing Center director. She had done a program with the stu- dents that involved them entering a scholarship contest by writing essays. Owen HOrton, the current act- ing director of the Writing Center, was approached by Beth Tevis, one of the Boys and Girls Club's Honorary Board members, and they talked about what they could do for the students since there was no scholarship concesr that they could point them to this year. The result was a six-week program that would allow the BGCW members to work with current McDaniel students on essays. ''1 really wanted a program that would get the students to think about academic achievement I~ m~~ ac:ade'nic:: achievement. Too often their ath_ them to have something to work working letic achievement or extra circular toward like a goal that would keep to BGCW continue and help out wid! the dent consultants on his essay. er McKelly Carnes said that ~he with the achievement is what is celebrated, them interested, motivated, and current program. Aznt loves the "It helps me learn how to set likes doing the program because so 1 wanted something that would up a story and it's fun to write and it "gives me something to share with others and helps me add de- make them think about their writ- engaged throughout the process," experience and enjoys that it will have this experience. Ir's also cool said Horton. help him with his education rni- to meet older people and get their tail to make my story sound ber- ing as a special thing that they can McDaniel junior, Ben Azat, got point of view on things," said rer." do," said Honan. The BGCW members read their involved last semester by working The Boys and Girls Club mem- Weller. In order to recognize these stu- stories on November 9 in Hill dents, Horton came up with the ~or the Writing Center and Lisa bers involved with this partner- The stories the members of the Hall at 4 p.m. The event is open ideas for a "prose-slam," which is Breslin. ship come from East and West BGCW are writing are about an to the McDaniel and Westminster like a poetry slam but has stories "Usa Breslin approached me Middle Schools and are a mix- important or special day in their communiries. being read instead of poetry. saying that they work with BGCW ture of sixth, seventh, and eighth lives. The titles of the stories have ''We are really hoping it is a "We wanted to celebrate but on Wednesdays and asked if I graders. ranged from "The Game Tag" positive experience," said Horton also wanted them to sort of have wanted to help out," said Azar, Sixth grade East Middle school to "How I Broke My Leg" and "We have nine young writers and "rhis sense of ownership and per- who gladly agreed. student Matthew Weller said that "How 1 Burnt My Toast." I think they are really excited to formance with it. 1 also wanted That interaction brought him he enjoys working with the Stu West Middle School sixth grad show stories." Dr. Panek sendaliy rewrites the history of by of the literary to teach a course on story printed Dr. Panek explains. be- canon. Dr. Pan- in America fiction detective American fore 1891," ek decided looking at a ron of new stuff detective fiction and came to a The 1,100 stories currently Publishes that has Well, ir was in 1870, but "There were realization. of detective in Library Westminster as raw material stunning never been available the Detective before. served tons but book, Tenth not since then." for the long stretch stories, seriously nobody had taken he for Dr. Panek's newest process claims is The reason them as literature," but the compilation in which detective recalls. early many over. Dr. Panek far from available Book on stories were lies in their format. to stories, printed detective fiction to find at least these ten new stories These early not stories the public must in newspapers a week, and Early detective stories were and magazines ranging from be transcribed in order to go Detective published in and magazines they Railroad New York Times to The on the website. day since about 2-3 and the For Locomorive Engi- though newspapers, hours Dr. each 2007, were wildly popular among neer's Monthly, highlight cul- Panek has spent time transcrib- Fiction For professor emeritus of their immediate audience, peo- women elements from smoking, on yet ing the stories he finds so they rural views about the precursor ple forgot to cigar online. English Dr. Lekoy Panek, re- to what was for many years remained latent and unread by can be posted easy," he admits. not "It's Before Sherlock tirement is by no means syn- considered the original work the public for years after their "It's like Edison with the 1,000 Holmes: How onymous with abandoning of detective fiction: The Ad- initial popularity among read- kinds of filaments, but maybe work. Sherlock Panek Holmes, Dr. teamed as eloquent. But Magazines and academic his tenth In fact, he JUSt ventures of of 12 stories originally ers. Thus, his colleague Dr. Mary not quite the payoff, you have if finished book, titled a series you want up with Newspapers Invented "Before Sherlock Holmes: printed in 1891. Bendel-Simso to create the to do the work." with Detective Newspa- Panek's To The the Detective Story How Magazine.s the and Detective tective fiction fascination sparked de- in Westminster compilation Library, de- Detective visit Library, Westminstet out: of Invented pers was an online check Story." the 1970s by two events: the tective fiction. AMBER SLATER Of his newest work, Dr. creation of Jan term classes at "It is our intention to find WestminsterDetectiveLibrary/ Co-News Editor Panek explains, "This book es- McDaniel and the expansion and digitize every detective Home.html
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