Page 7 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
P. 7
CUP TeaSar and Cafe opens on Main Street KRYSTINASHULTZ A tea bar allows customers to lounge on Assistant Web Editor stools while waiting for brewing tea of as- sorted flavors, and types including, black, If you find yourself wandering through the green, white, rooibos (red), oolongs, and stores of Westminster on Fall Fest or in the herbals. I was able to taste a chocolate depths of Midnight Madness, slip through chai tea with milk and sugar to accentuate the coffee-colored wood doors of the CUP the flavor. Lora describes the new cafe as . Tea Bar and Cafe. There's a high possibil- an "in and out" type of casual. People can ity of receiving a free tea sample for your stop in and relax, or grab lunch with tea curiosity. or coffee to go. Located at 7 East Main Street, the CUP "The area is just in need of some new is hoping to open on Sept. 20, Or 21. The ideas and I think the bealth benefits of owner, Lora Andrews, bas another estab- tea are important. 1think the atmosphere lishment, Gypsy's, located near the Carroll will be appealing to college students," County Hospital. The tea room is named Lora explains. "I'm really excited to offer for her mother, Gypsy, and is a traditional another place on Main Street." English style tea room with a very formal Included in that appeal is a low priced atmosphere. menu with all items priced under $8.00. An advocate of Gypsy's tea, freshman Tea is served in individual cups, 120z ro- Stephanie Smith said, "I hope the Cup will lb cups, and pots that can serve 2-3 cups. have the same sort of quality tea," and for Students can find a full lunch for about a regular day visit, «I hope it's not too high $10, and combo meal options are avail- class." able. . A menu, written in brilliant chalk on a "I think it'll be a really good place for blackboard, sports soups, salads, and panini students who are stressed out to get a sandwiches geared for a crowd of jeans and good pot of tea," notes junior Sierra Mur- Lora Andrews, the owner of The CUP Tea Bar sweatshirts. Inviting green walls complement ray, "and I like tea, so I'm going to try and and Cafe, stands beside the teas she has set up in the simple tables and chairs in the room. go there." preparation for opening day. Where in Westminster: Out of ThisWorld KRYSTINASHULTZ Assistant Web Editor 7:10, an auspicious time, for it announces the be- ginning of the alignment of the cosmos. With an enormous green gas giant sporting yellow rings filled with white ice chips leading the way, danc- ing planets follow its lead through the Milkyway. Thisastronomical image, created by Shelley Stein- le, Aoats into a wanderer's vision to take you out of this world. Here, in our world, we find wander- ing bodies from above. Find this mystical site my • children. Wondering where in the world you might find this photo' Here's how the game works. I tell you one fact. Fact: This photo was taken in West- minster. So, your job is to find Where in Westmin- ster I took the photo. The first person to successful- ly tell me where this photo was taken will receive a free lotte at the Budapest Cafe. To achieve your lotte, email me at
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