Page 6 - mcdanielfreepress2011-12
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McDaniel College Hosts WATCH INSTANTLY French Film Festival Five Movies to Watch on Netflix CHARLES MULLIN DREW STRAHOSKY an Algerian monastery surrounded by vio- Co-commentary jCo-news Editor Staff Writer lence. Needless to say, the French films be- _ iog shown are "very different than Holly- wood movies," as Junior Paula Sophie puts Thousands of movies are on Netflix to watch instantly a~d more than This year McDaniel has been selected out it. When asked what she meant by this she half of them are crap. You know the ones that I' talkin b of countless collegesand universitiesacross replied "maybe French filmmakers don't They'r~ the Stephen Segal movies. and the video gam~moviesga~d o~~ America to showcase the French film. fes- look as much to please an audience." l'm B-m~vles t?at were always more like D-movies. As a Netflix and film facaoc.J w~ claw through the pile of bad movies to give you five good tival Tournees. McDaniel has been host to sure this is not entirely true of all French ones every Issue. But hurry, many movies aren'r on Netflix forever. this festiv~ for four years now, which has filmmakers but it seems, after viewing a few helped to promote a cultural exchange be- Tournees films myself, that this observation Classic tween American and international students gets to the point of what the festival is truly Trainspotting here on campus through cinema. The films all about. showing this year deal with many different The Tournees film festival is ultimately This film was th~ .deb.lit of director Danny Boyle who went on to contemporary topics apparent in French about encouraging cultural exchange, ere- ~elease SIJlmdog M~/~ol1aJ~eand 28 Doys Later. It also resides comfortably speaking countries, which are expanded acing dialogue across academic disciplines, III t~e Top 1? British F~lrns of all time as ranked by the British Film upon when discussed by members of the global issues, and promoting awareness of Inst:ttute. It IS ~h~ movie .about heroin addiction that won't leave you McDaniel faculty and attendees after view- not only French film and culture but of the feeling empo/ inside (unlike Requiem for a Dream). Featuring Ewan and unique ro!e, a best -selling soundtrack, 10 a pre~ere. 1:1acGregor ing the films. Dr. Vera Jakoby, who hosted issues addressed on screen. If you're inter- cmematograF;'hy, Tramspottmg IS not a movie to miss. Some scenes were the post-discussion of the film "Nenette," ested in broadening your horizons and ex- even filmed ~ one-take dl_leto b.udget constraints, causing Boyle to . commented that "[Iournees] connects us to periencing French cinema in a thought pro- make several nsky, but geruus choices. Don't let this one slip through the international community. It opens- stu- voking way, this year's festival will wrap up your fingers because it's going off Netflix soon. dents and faculty up to issues around the Sunday, September 25th in Decker Audito- world." rium with a 6pm screening of "A Prophet," \"Vhatevent could be better for a college a film about a young Arab man sent to a Independent Film fostering awareness of a global community French prison who becomes a mafia king- Reservoir Dogs and global citizenship? The films presented pin. The post-discussion of the film will be this year throughout the festival confront conducted by Dr. Nauna Hachad. Come !his debut by director Quentin Tarantino, marks a significant time for issues ranging from animals in captivity in sho,,",,:your support in fostering a global independent cinema. Tarantino, working at a video store, was able ..fii~a~f;llti~;hi~ ~~o6~ili:t~~;i~ckpev;de~ _,h_e_P_,n_·,_Z_o_o_w_"'_e_d_ail_· y_tiC_e _of_m_on_k_' _in_<_o_~_u_ni_'Y_. ------------J r; ;d~y$~;n~~~d for violence as audiences squirmed in their seats boundaries pushed Fighting for The Cab during the famous "ear" scene. It featured an infectious soundtrack and solid acting by Keitel, Tim Roth, and Michael M-adsen. It gained popularity after Tarantino's masterpiece Pulp Fiction and continues to LAUREN MILLER get screenplay at cult theaters. Rediscover the film today. Staff Writer Television Star Trek: The Next Generation This is one of those instances where I really wish that review writing was as simple as writing "Check out this album, trust me." It's not that I don't have a lot to say about !his is tJ:e telev:ision series that put science fiction on the map. Before Symphony Soldiers by The Cab. It's just that everyone seriously needs to listen to this its pren_u~re, SCJ-fishows were destined for cancelation and absurdity. album. It's just that good. The anginal Star Trek was even cancelled twice. Next Generation on_the ?ther hand, was a~l~ to reboot a dying franchise and become; So I guess I should answer the question of what makes this album just so good. ratings Jugg~rnaut, prenuenng to 27 m.won viewers on its first night. First, the album is truly a work of sweat, tears and a lot of hard work. For those who Led by PatrI~~ Stewart and a progressive writing staff, the series was know nothing about The Cab, know this: the band first came onto the scene in 2008 able. to ~et critical acclaim and.a long-lasting run of 178 episodes before and were quickly known as a band worthy of knowing. But for their sophomore album, ending In 1994. Now every sln?ie episode is available on Netflix. the band struck out on. their own away from their Fueled by Ramen/Decadence record Wait-What? deal and self released and self funded the entire album. So if nothing else, this album Rubber was the product of some extremely hard work. Ok, enough about The Cab history- what makes this album in particular great? After digital and online music sales (iTunes) started taking over the music selling scene, If you] ca~'~ 1u~s~ what th.e movie is about by the title I won't blame there was a huge drop off of what we would traditionally call an album (a 12-14 track r~uff u; ~~~h' j1:S l~:e ~0V:le a~ut a psychokinetic t:ir~ that can blow compilation of songs). Lately, it's almost as if having one hot single is more important ~terally rolls around an;:~ws e~oY~~,s~~d me correc~y. The tire than putting together an album of gteat songs. For The Cab, they truly have broken line, though: it is probabl one Jf J ns up. _Here IS the pun~h this mold with Symphony Soldier. This album has a very definite theme that stays the past year. Inserting: e s.mart~st mOVIes to come out 10 consistent throughout the entire album. That theme is conflict, not necessarily war like watching Rubber, it is' able r:~~~::n~e WIth an in-movie .audie~ce the album title might imply, but relationship conflicts. This theme gives the album a c~mmeotary 00 filmma1cing and aUdilnc h~orous and enlightenmg f very consistent feeling and sound from the first track to the last. frIends a?out a movie they have never se:~ b you want to brag tooyour on Netfhx now! It:is oneof utyou have, check thlS out a kind. Another way I like to describe this album is with the phrase "If ] could have sex with one album, this would be the album." It's kind of weird thinking of sex in the most literal way in regards to an album, but go with me on this. Not only is Alexander Re-Watch De.Leon's voice the sound equivalent of butrer (smooth and sweet, but oh so bad for Tqy Story 3 you), but the instrumentals on this album are divine. If you're skeptical about The Cab- just know that some of the best in pop music It was a Best Picture nomine d . helped in the making of this album. Co-writers included Adam .Levine of Maroon ~ilogies of :ill time. Near pe:~t ~~~nclu~ed one-of ~e best children's 5, Bruno Mars, Martin Johnson of Boys Like Girls, and Pete Wentz. While this is a IS one of Plxar's ~est and that' s . merClally and cDncaily, Tqy Story 3 very pop sounding and friendly album, that certainly doesn't mean that it is lacking in have grown up With are fotced t~~~~ a ~ot. T~'ie toys. that many of us Andy as they ~re shipped off to a chil\Vlth,10SlOgtheIr beloved owner cteativity or quality. And~ and their home, the toys Ian ~re?s day care center. Missing So what are you waiting for? Check our The Cab's new album Symphony Soldier L.eading to. one of the most emo! I linsky and dangerous escape. (it's streaming for free right now on their Facebook) and let us know what you think. hi~tory, this movie will very well o~a~ec max_esand epilogues in Pixar childhood and watch this movie when you 10 tears: Celebrate your you have the tlme on Netftix.
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