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9 - 30 - 2011 Free Press Web Teaser @gjh C!B 0!D ~ www.lIlcdanielfreepreSS.COlIl You may recall that the McDaniel Free Press went online last semester, and this is still the case. Go to our website to check out new articles, photos, and videos posted daily! On this page, you can see a sampling of what to expect to see online. SEX ON THE Hill McDaniel Shows Off Tailgating Sizing Your Partner Up Style to the Weather Channel AMBER SLATER sion I state schools. The goal is to convey views FOREST FLEISCHER can make the relationship in Co-News Editor that no matter the size of a-school, "tailgating, Staff Reporter the bedroom very awk-ward. at its core, is the same," No one sees the difference The Weather Channel not only took footage in height as a disadvantage Tailgating, for most, might be defined as an ac- of the game, but interviewed students as well Many women look for a until they are about to get tivity that ends when a football game begins. in order to better understand the McDaniel man who is taller than them intimate. At McDaniel, though, tailgating and the game tailgating experience. Carissa Grove, a senior in order to fit in with soci- The average American are one entity, and our unique style of barbe- etal norms. No girl wants to man is around 5-foot-10 quing and tent hopping through entire football Phi Mu, said that she and her sisters were asked not be able to wear heels at and the average woman is games has now gained national attention. II' why we paint sorority and fraternity letters for a high school dance or on 5-foot-4, but what about On Saturday, September 10, The Weath- games, what we eat and drink during the game, her wedding day because er Channel came to our home game against what the general small school experience is like, towering over a guy can be those couples who aren't Moravian in order to capture our unique tail- and whether having so many students at games embarrassing for. both par- average? These couples, af- gating style. was the norm. ter many difficult attempts, Kara Schulreis, another senior and ties. Chris Counts, a field producer from the \'V'hile it looks nice fat the- have to give up certain bed- show, said that t..1cDaniei has been named one President of Phi Mu, said that to the final ques- woman to be shorter from room positions that may 15e at the top seven coileges tor tailgaung ana fiat aon theemphatic answer-was "ab50h:t~~ an outsider's perspective, it a [at more fun. we will be juxtaposed against much larger Divi- rain or shine." Stadium renovations to be completed by next Fall What does AST stand for? Kaitlyn Vadenais the new stadium. ing events. The stadium will Not Alpha Nu Omega! Co-Sports Editor The new facility will be have a top deck with a full able to seat 1400 fans, an view for video recording. WHITNEY COTHORN improvement on the limited Staff Reporter McDaniel sports fans will seating cu.rrently available. Underneath will be an area soon be cheering for more The entire grandstand will for concessions and memo- than their athletic teams. have a brick facade with ad- rabilia, as wel.1as resrrooms, During the spring of 2011, one of McDaniel's local sororities disappeared only to resurface as something they never used to Plans are currently under- ditional materials of glass, training rooms, and team be. ''Alpha Nu Omega isdefinitely a part of Alpha Sigma Tau's way for a fresh and contem- steel, and concrete. rooms that will cater to both history at McDaniel but they're not the same," said the Alpha porary stadium facility. There will be press and males and females. Use of Sigma Tau Educational Consultant Emily Hamsher. Lee Primm, the Director media boxes, coach's areas, Only six girls from Alpha Nu Omega transitioned over of. Special Projects at Me- and an entertainment center the facility will not be re- to Alpha Sigma Tau, including the current President Austin Daniel, shared the vision for for fund raising and recruit- stricted to sporting events. Westermann. "There's no bad blood between the girls who transitioned and the girls who didn't. The ones who didn't had Hoover Library's 20th·Anniversary: personal reasons which you have' to respect." The girls who were apart of Alpha Nu Omega lastyear were offered bids that Looking at our past, planning for our future are go~ for a year to join Alpha Sigma Tau along 'with other alumni of the local sorority. Westermann also talked about how long of a process it was LAUREN MURRAY brary, the staff will be looking to the future for the members of Alpha Nu Omega to find a sorority that Co-Copy Editor and making advances that will benefit ev- fit what they were about as a group. Alpha Sigma Tau became eryone. the best choice. [essame Ferguson, director of Hoover .One of the things the girls had to do in order 'to get the In celebration of the Hoover Library's 20th Library, wants to create an atmosphere that national sorority to come to campus was increase their nurn- anniversary the staff is planning to make "supports different students with different bers to 40 girls. r\lthough they had the nwnbers in the s ring, accommodations for all of the different needs:' In celebration of the academic di- it d~ndled in the summer by at least half due to grad~ting types of people at McDaniel College. In versity, she plans on creating different en- seruors. order to attract more students to the li- vironments in the library. FOR THE FULL STORIES, GO TO WWW.MCDANIELFREEPRESS.COM ......................................................................................................................... Follow us on Twitter: McDFreePress "like" us on Facebook!
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