Page 95 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 95
... Do I know you? The post-one-night-stand meeting NAOMI RAPHAEL ward, and thus draw attention that person like you have never The besr thing you can do in situations like StaffReparter to yourself and your awkward- SEX seen them naked.and carry on. rhose is to remain cordial. Don't ignore mefae! ness. However, you can carry This is especially easy if you that it happened, JUSt respect the hook-up. We Benefits ofa small cam- something like rhar on only so were friends with the person are all adults. It would be best if everyone could pus: Ability to get to know long; after all, it's only a mat- beforehand. be mature about stuffHke this. We can all appre- people well, close relaricn- rer of time before you see that ON"HE But what if a post-hook, ciate the enjoyment that comes out of hook-ups; ship with professorsv shorr person at another party. up decides that they want to no one's saying Stop. However, do what you can wejks re class.wc. There is the seemingly ca- take the first route of ignoring to make that post-hook-up daze a little easier for Disadvantages of a sual, "hey" and head nod. This you? Being ignored by some- everyone. is a Step up: you are acknowl- one who you have seen pants- edging that you have Interact- less ts a hcge blow eo ehe edwith rhis person before and leaves a build up of all Sons of Edilor's Nater This column, uninen by Naomi you have developed a casual questions: What do they want &.phtUl is dedicaud 10exp/orhlg s/Jm~oflhe 'taboo' bur formal demeanor when from me? Am Ireally that bad? topics about gmdtr lind sexuIIlity. To tantaa her interacdngwirhthispersoll. Do they even remember? Was regar4ing SfX 011 the Hill, email frupress@mcdan- Or, you can imeracr whh it even that person? iti.ed". McDaniel offers variety of interesting fall classes ANDREW VELNOSKEY Stoffl!.eporter It's that time of the semester-time to register for classes. Of course, you can't just take any old class. You have to keep in mind what you must rake for your major and your BLARs or McDaniel Plan require- ments, and you can't have time slots overlap. But being able to make it through class without nodding off is also nice. Here are a few classes that may keep _your attention next semester: ENG-3363-01 REL-3365-01 515-2010-01 HIS-2267-02 AHY-3306-01 8ritish literature: Sexuality SuAsm Sauth Park Poland in the 20th Century Chinese Painting and Sex is a topic ncar and dear to me For those interested in world cul- Yes,South Park. This sophomore in- It was here today, gone tomorrow Calligraphy hearts of many college students. rures, this is the course for you. terdisciplinary studies course studies for Poland in the Twenrieth Cen- This course will examine Chinese Turns out; it was also a significant This course will examine the mys- the show's use of humor to address tury. Poland was able (0 re-emerge landscape painting rhroughout the issue for twentieth-century Brit- tical Islamic tradition of Sufism- serious contemporary issues with- as an independent state following history of China with special at- ish writers. This course will explore its history, ideas, traditions, rituals, in society. Don'r expecr rhe class ro World War I, only to be consumed tention given to the relationships how sexuality in British lueracure social aspeets, and Sufism in roday's be one gigantic marathon of South by Hitler's Germany and then the among painting, poetry, and cal- changed in the twentieth century. It world. You may be happy to know Park however. The class uses socio- USSR. This course will examine the ligraphy, Sccdems will also par- will compare changes in how sexual- (hat no prior knowledge of Sufism logical and philosophical theories impact of Poland's tumultuous cen- ticipate in hands-on experiments ity was depicted in literature versus is required for this course. and techniquestoanaly"~etheshow, tury and how soch upheaval shaped with different painting techniques. how it actually changed in society. in the process showing students me [he COUntry after its 'newfound in- The class will culminate in a field Prerequisites: ENG 2213 value of interdisciplinary approach- dependence in 1989. Prerequisites: trip to the Metropolitan Museum es in understanding soctal issues. None of fut in New York City. Prerequi- Unfortunately the class is nor open sites: None to everyone. It is designed for soph- omores, and no runiors Oc .•,.n;ors can take the class without permis- sion from the instructor.
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