Page 96 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 96
FREE PRESS REVIEW To laugh or toery: The Last Song brings mixed response THE FASTEST ARTICLE YOU'LL EVER READ. HANNA 8ARKER seriously as Ronnie Miller for quite a while into Staff Reporter the movie. Her voice kind of bothered me. For example, when her character was supposed to be emononally disturbed and frustrated, she JUSt Nicholas Sparks meers Miley Cyrus in the tear- came off as brarty. Not all of the acting was horri- jerking teenage romance, the Lest Song. Sopho- ble, though. Greg Kinnear as her dying father was WfiAT'S THE FUNNIEST APRIL FOOLS more Megan Robinson and I were happy to re- ceive passes to a free advance showing of this film really very believable, he carried the cancer plot to DAY HOAX YOU'VE BEEN APART OF? during our recent trip to New York Orr fora col- rhe emoricnal levels that reduced me to tears. lege media conference over spring break The scripr was kind of cheesy, to be honest. During the screening, there were mixed au- Some of the moments that came off as bad act- UI kidnapped a friend from school on our Senior CUt Day, which dience reactions. I noticed many people with ing could probably be attributed to bad script- happened to fall on April Fools that year. We lured him into the water leaking from their eyes, but JUSTas many ing. Similarly, there was bad editing that result- parking lot with comic boob and then shoved him into the car and shamelessly giggling and commenraring. These ed in rough transitions and strange changes in rip-tied his hands together," contradictions are justified, though. After watch- audio levels. . MIKE PFEIFFER, junior ing the movie, I felt conflicted about my opinion The movie wasn't horrible, don't get me of what Ijust saw. It made me cry, but it wasn't wrong. It was totally worth the free movie ticket eechnlcally good. and a couple hours of my life. Rather than spend- It was difficult to see Miley Cyrus as any- ing money to see 17u Last Song, though, wait for "My one friend got nake~ and jumped inro my other friend's bed. thing but Hannah Montana. J couldn't take her it ro come out on Nedlix. Then he took a picture of himself on his phone and sent it to the other friend whose bed it was while he was in class. He flipped our! It was hilarious!" GIBBS PRESTON, senior ~We had applied for Affinity Housing, and right around the time when decisions were supposed to come OUt,one of our friends from the group called our other friend pretending to be the contact per- son saying that we didn't get it and chat everything gee messed up." MOllY BARKER AND SARAH GAMBOLATI {NOT PICTURED}, "Someone I know took apart an entire car, brought it inside piece by piece, and then PUt it back rcgerherl I wasn't a part of it thankfully, bur it was funny!" ROBERT KAPP, freshman FREE PRESS REVIEW Ingrid Michaelson plays at Ram's Head live AM8ERSlATER Sloff Reporter ~This skiet makes me look so lumpy from the back. 1 figured no one would see me from the back." Her eyes widened. "Bur you're all around mel" She turned to one ofrhe wrap-around rail- ings. "Maybe ['II just sing [Q this side." She turned again. "Or this side. Oh, you're all around me!" So began Ingrid Michaelson's set at Ram's Head Live on March 20. She kept the laughs going by explaining to reluctant boyfriends in the audience that dancing makes penises grow (studies have been conducted, apparently), tak- If you '•• 1down. ing semeone's camera from the front row and singing an entire song to it, and making up a song called "Emo Boy, Why, Why, Why" and claiming that it will appear soon on a "Grey's Anatomy" episode. Michaelson is, of course, not JUSt an en- Check out "Be careful! Bees with honey in th . tertainer, bur a soulful musician with a range these songs: mouths have stings on their tails. " etr of skills. During her hour-long set, she showed off her talents on rhe guitar, ukulele, piano, and drums. She played not only her own songs, D Can't Help Fallng in Love - Fortune Cookie hut covered Radiohead and Srilney Spears. She (Live at OaytroHer) - B. OK chose light-hearted numbers such as KBeOK" Sadly,there are tw f: d and "Everybody" as well as ballads like "The I] Youandl-S.OK world Th o-h ace people in the Chain" that appealed to my friend who had C Keep Breathing - 8. OK . e ones w 0 ay th been dumped the week before. things to you can hur: e sweetest Michaelson's range and liveliness appealed D Soldier - Everybody even eo those who had never heard of her. Even C Maybe· Everybody so use the label "fi' d 'you the most, the large, brooding man to my left who had ob- guard your hea~t.nen , sparingly and viously been dragged to the show by his wife C Die Alone - Girls and Boys and who donned a cut-UP flannel shirt and a D Masochist - Girl, and Boys visor that said "mayonnaise" muttered that Mi- - Phoebe Bafu chaelson was "pretty good" during [he show. C The Way I Am . Girls end Michaelson's show did not have the special Boy, effects or large crowd that typify other con- e Creep: ceres, but she created a closeness with the audi- Exclusive) live Session (iTune, .pick thi, Up ence by singing. playing, joking, and laughing
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