Page 99 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 99
feW LETTERS FROM ABROAD: Students write to McDaniel Hello McDaniel College, Over Spring Break J visited Managua, Nicaragua. My friend Andrea's father lives in Nicaragua and offered us a place to stay. This country is one of me poorest countries in the world but has some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. The rropical scenery mat was a parr of every beach we visited always took my breath away. Throughout the week I was there I traveled with my LWO friends (who also go to school at McDaniel). We bought me plane rickets in December, during o~r Winter Break, hut me culture and adventures we expen- enced during Spring Break 20 I0 will never be forgorren. "!he culture there was shocking in every aspect. Not once did I feel like I was still at home. Everyone spoke Spanish (I knew very little) and they always knew right away jUH by looking at you: you were not native [0 the country. The only way we could slightly get by was through Andrea. She looked native and although her Spanish was much better than mine it was still nor comparable to rue natives. Of course we were dead- give-aways the moment we spoke English. We experienced the night life and met college students just like us (who always seemed to wam to' have a good time). They told us about Jiving in Nicaragua and showed us around the parts [hat were inaccessible to tourists. Not every aspen of Nicaragua was all fun and games though. We met American Troops and teenage missionary groups who helped provide cleaner water systems and volunteered in orphanag- es by taking them ro the beach for the first time. By the way, the driving there is nothing like it is here. All of the people drive like maniacs; avoiding many traffic Experiences like those made it JUSt as much a learning op- more appreciative of after returning to America. safety laws that we abide to here. The beep of a horn is JUSt portunity for me as it was a fun vacation time. Bur, the sim- a kindly reminder that occurs every twO minutes while driv- ple pleasures of water fountains providing free, clean water Sincerely, ing and does not signifY road rage like it does in America. and clean, trash-less roadsides were some things I've become Devon McAndrew Dear McDaniel Campus, ditional Hungarian paprikds szalami, the Spanish tortilla enjoy when the weather is fine. There are lots of small served with che customary Sangria, Humus and Falafel squares with cafes and bars who display terraces from . Spring seems to finally come OUf way and embrace us from Israel, Iranian stew, Norwegian waffles as well as April onwards and they are JUSt perfect to end your aF- with the long sought and desired sunshine and warmth Portuguese and American specialities. Besides the nour- rernoon having a nice cold drink, chatting with your we so much rn-'''''''-- ishrnenr of the body we also were served wonderful sights colleagues and friends, or JUSt watching everyone going £ter a very white and cold winter, Budapest is slow- to nurture the mind such as the Japanese Kimonos, the about their lives at [he end of another busy day. I am ly awakening from its dormancy of the last few months, Nigerian colorful outfits, and the smiles of all the dtffer- sure that we will make good use of such places in the new and exciting possibilities arise in the horizon as day ent nationalities resent there. The night was concluded coming months! oecome longc~ and ou[side become. .n ..... __ In .ng lind Iln,u$;ng ulen~ show ",jrh sru- AnY"'''-Y,J believe we are all looking fo.... ard now us denrs from allover the place performing songs and music to our Spring break, having [he chance ro get QUf minds ---..J..r present we are focused on our mid-term exams pieces from their home countries. off our studies and enjoy a few and well deserved days and ~___p.cetQ_III_uch buried into our books This year. Hungary is hosting one of the European of rest, doing the things we like the most, and for some and notes lately, so rhe rhougnt'of spring break coming Capitals of Culture in the beautiful dty of Pees, south of us allowing the brief return to our home countries to Fast our way and the possibility of enjoying being outside of Budapest near the borders with Croatia and Serbia .. revisit the places we could only experience in our memo- again turns into a very tempting reward. With a very rich and diverse culture offerd, together with ries over rhe last few weeks. Recently we organized an International Evening, an the architectural beauty of the city, this for sure will be We hope all is well over there and we are looking evenr where all students are invited to share their home a charm to draw many of us there this Spring. You can forward [Q hear more about what is going on over [here cultures and flavors and mingle in a cosmopolitan at- find more information about this at http://en..pecs20JO. in Maryland. mosphere that is always presenr in the Campus here bur Iml (specially if you are considering coming over for the rarely enjoyed amidst all our endeavors. Fall semester [his year). Icso Salviano Carmo Among the delicacies on offer one could find the rra- Budapest is also a fantastic dry to walk around and McDaniel Budapest Stvdents tour McDaniel College on a sunny Spring doy. The odminions office uns anywhere between four ond 30 lours a doy. Tour guide Jessie Dunn notes, "We're goad 01 walking backwards." lAUREN MILLER
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