Page 100 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 100
Track and Field has strong opening at Battleground Relays MATTHEW BODNAR Stoff Reporter The men and women of the track and field sq~~r~~e;;~~;, ;~:i~l':~:': • son in Virginia at [he Batrlegroun~ Relays on CI k Kronmill- side, the young ralenr was on fuJIdisplay as freshma~1 ~u~ishedfourth er and-sophomore Jake Nichols I~d the w.ay.~ron~l~ e:rs~nal best and in the javelin and sixth in rbe dISCIlS:~JCh~ s r~ h PliO hurdles. He hira qualifying standard In the preliminaries o r I' rhenwenton to finish fifth in the finals. .. he only female Seniors Roxanne Fleischer and Emily Hajjar borh r rformed well, competitors from McDaniel in the event. '"'::Tere~~e ~~Ialifying mark wirh Fleischer pmdng.a personal best and \{ liar laced 24th in rhe while finishing sinh In the 1,500 meter. aJJ P sam~:~~;~ Kevin Bowman a~d Rob Kelvey, ~~[~~~~~~~,~s~;~dr~h~: ners, will provide the leadership an~ example n the Hill with a strong year. Look for these rwc to end rheir cadreer~.ofor the program to sue- season while providing the necessary lea ers 'P .' ceed years from now. b. niors Roxanne Fleischer, E.rnily~;d The women are paced y se h.a Look for these ladle.s [Om' jar Heidi Davidhizar, and Lisa Karc repping up and showca5l1lg err Kevin Bowman and CJ Naper run the 1500 meter at Bridgewater College on March 27. the charge, with the unden:lassmen s talents. McDaniel baseball team returns from Florida TIM MCllSTER against many well-respected team~ such a5 Far- Stoff Reporter Il ~it~~-b~~~k~~~~enC~~~;:,s~~d~::!~;;i~y:~ M~: $achu~: :~;:o~:~n~nlY provided challenging MAITHEW BODNAR competition, but it also proved to bring a gre:~ Stoff Reporter er sense of camaraderie among th~ p~ayers the ream. Freshman !'at Q~inn sa,d, It was a rear uality bonding expenencc with [he learn ~hrouqhout the trip." In fact, the Saturday fol,- Spearing blaZing fast line drives, picking sh~n lowin; arrival in Winte.r Haven, rhe (earns hops, and knocking down bad hops all while standing a mere 90 feel from the.baner. , games were cancelled g+:I:~ :~~t~:~ ~:: ~~ Such is me life of McDamei Baseballs scheduled day off proved third baseman, Matthew Pace. Matt is a junior to be one of the best ill and three year starter from Baltimore, Mary- terms of ream bond- land. During his rhrce years on the Hill, Pace ing, not to mendon a has become a consrene force in the McDaniel's chance to catch some lineup. Known for his imp~sing stance in t~e Florida sun rays, as the box, and his cat-like reflexes In the field, Pace IS team decided to spend an a]]-around basebalJ player whose game has the day rogetheraround no glaring weakness. [he pooL As a freshman, Pace appeared in 15 games When it came m while hitting .280 with a home run. In his playing baseball gaml'$, sophomore year, his first full year as thestartcr, the ream held their OWIl he really broke OUt hitting .353 with 3.home andrcpresemedMcDan- rUIiSand 25 RBI's. When asked what hIS per- ielweil. The Green Terr~r sonal goals are for this year, Pace r~pon<1s, came home on [he pOSI· "Ket:p thc offense up and play berrerdefense." execute situational hitting. The fundamel1tals tiveside with four wins When evaluaringhimselfso far, Pacecontin_ areessentia! tOour team's success." Players who and three losses. Even ued, "I fed I've played better defense, ~U{ my have impressed Pace so far have been junior thoughthetearns'Satur. hitringhas been slow to COmearound. Brandon Kline and fre!;hmen Zach Jones and daygameswere~ancdled, In rerms of team goals, Pace notes this is Giovanni Fricchione. [n dOSing, P:ue stated, theycompered IIlsevtral a young team. Personnel lossc.~from laSt year "l'veseenalorofimprovemem from the faiL I double hl'aders and ar see me pOlential in our young guys and I think least a game every other have hurt, but Pace believes this year's squad the future is bright. Wins and losse!;wi]] not day. ThrougholJ[ their needs to play better fundamental b:lSeball,"We ulrimately determine [he success of McDaniel [fip the team competed need to pilCh bener, play better defense, and Baseball in2010." at a high-level and came rogetheras a family. The Terror mUSI now carry this confi- denceand all the lessons Have any awesome photos? they learned into Cen- tennial Conference pla~. If Ihey do, anyrhing IS Submit them to freepress@mCdanie];edu. possible for [his group of Brandon Kline prepares to ~"'ing. McDanielath!etes.
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