Page 91 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 91
McDaniel students raise money for charities in a week of various genitalia-related shows t L Senior Katie Banaduce performs her piece during the dress rehearsal of The Vagina Monologues, 0 series of stories based on interviews done b'y Eve Ensler. The play raised money for t~!M SEGAL Deomcrotic Republic of Congo as well as local charities. Cock Tales entertains with original monolo ues, shocks with candor MAIRE HUNTER Rachel .. Forders ~. ~bou< .he unF..Jr rep",,,.lon ,h~. ,n .. undn::u ....- Staff Reporter d.oed penis has was poignant .•. and offered 3 list of .,nc:ircumcis<;!d ceJ .. bri- des, induding Vladimir Pudn and Billy Mays. ... Rerurning C.1S[ member Mike M:.ndd ('!O) reflected that this year, re- Cock'Talests definitely not a "male" Vagina Monologues. gardless of the joking, was "more serious, which was a good thing actually. For stnrrers, it's much more informal. Sitting in the audience, you'll Everyone had a moral thc)l-were Trying to get across." know the shaw is about to-start by the audible cheer coming from backstage. Pam Knopp (,10) has enjoyed representing the female perspective in The monologues are peppered with banter between the performers and the the past twa years. • audience, and there was even some friendly hecklingorthe sound rechni- "111(':paint of the show is to talk about men and the malt experience. cianwhen the microphones didn't work nghr. Leaving aut how women experience men or their respect and admiration for 111eeight men and five women that formed this year's cast wrote mono- them would be leaving our a crucial piece." logues that discussed their personal experiences with a surpris ingnmoulUof Pam was one of only tWO women, including Professor Sara Raley, rhe frankness-evenforCockTales. group's faculty advisor last year. The dynamic didn't seem to change with {he Of course, that frankness comes with its share of humor in the form of addition of three mare women this year. shack value and dick jokes. "While we make a lor of jokes, there is a lor of respecr amongst the cast. The monologues this year touched on a variety of topics ranging from They never made me fed like I didn't deserve {a be there because I didn't rhe phenomena of "anonymous dongs" on Charreulerre to the fantasies of have a penis." Mandel agreed that having the girls helped, "because it isn't abcue me an anal sex virgin. The cast also found fresh ways of performing their pieces. Jake Fried- male experience, it's about cocks in general." Cock'Iales shares me profits of their show each year wirh a charity. ABOVE: Senior Max Robinson performs his man rapped about how middle school girls are easy, and Naomi Raphael CockTail'S 2008 raised proceeds will go toward Dads Works, a free Carrol! monologue. wfoteanarrativepocm. Junior Nancy Franklin thought Matthew BisC'nius'new torm of Cock- County program that helps men become better fathers. L:J.S[year they do- BOTTOM lEFT: Lucas Sperber amuses the Tale, "Nadllbs" (during which "stank packer" was a noun suggested by the nated $300 to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) in honor of Tom oudienC6with his original piece. niidience and used), was "funny and seemed well researched" Rouleau. This year, they raised almost $1000, half or which will be donated Many of the monologues offered interesting facrs-c-did you know the to Dads Works, a local program to help men become better fathers by of- BOTTOM RIGHT: Cindy Sardo lells the average speed of nn ejaculation is 28 miles per hour? Or the •real' average fering services to help teach better de<:ision making, financial management, audience wholshe "Pcksllke." size of penises! anger management, and by improving communication.
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