Page 90 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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"1IIIIK.~.m.aIt_iil~~:::I:::1~~~::I.",""~laT!TJ: ~~ .. • I 11:.-' "'.., Man sentenced to 10 years in hit-and-run of McDaniel student Thomas Rouleau KATEDELENICK Co Editor_ln·Chief It has been over a year since the death of Me- Daniel Student, Thomas Rouleau. Rouleau was killed on February6,2009 in a hit-and-run acci- dent involving four other McDaniel Students. According to the Carroll Counry Times, on Thursday, March 25, Shawron Bibbs, the man responsible for the accident was sentenced ro 10 years in prison. In the case the maximum sentencing was 11 years. Bibbs was convicted through a plea deal of negligent manslaughter by automobile in a hearing last Thursday. Bibbs pleaded "nor guilry" bur agreed not to challenge and horror he's caused. Ten years doesn't seem rhe case so it would nor go to trial. to do any justice for the crime he committed While authorities believe that a 10 year sen- This world will never be the same without Tom; tcnce fits rhe crime because Bibbs cooperated and for those of us affected by rhe accident, it with policeafterhewasarrested,thosefrom the will never be the same anyway. Ijust hope that McDaniel cornmuniry and friends of Tom feel Bibbs thinks about Tom, his family, and his best differendy. friends every single day, so that maybe one day McDaniel Student and close friend of Tom, when he is released, he will come out a better Nina Minadakis spoke on behalf of those clos- person. Maybe in ten years, he will be able to est rc Tom, "The sentencing of Shawron Bibbs change his life, but in ten years, Tom will still was the first time he had to really see me pain be gone." Library open house rescheduled for April MEGAN ROBINSON ing spaces, Ferguson explained that me new addi- StoHReporter tions are experiments and fcrure purchases of learn- ing spaces will depend on the students' reactions to them, She expressed mat me library wants rc know The Hoover Library open howe has been resched- "what appeals to srudene that helps rhern do their uled for April 16th from 2-4 PM, This open house work berrenand go In thar dlrection." will familiarize campus members with the new cre- This event is being rescheduled from itsorigi- ..........-- ative learning spaces and me future plans, Refresh- men[$will be served and at 2;45 pm, me library di- nally date of February 5th, which was postponed ~or,J=eFe,guson,willgiveoommenlSonthe due to the massive snow storm. Self-tours will be EVAN TICKNOR ~'''-'__'' availableaU day, For more information visit the proj- The open house istan importanr event for =-l~ """"" hi",! a< htqdlh<>OV1!:r\i\:),,ooml Craig Seymore, author of the. book All I Could 80"" com" 10 spoook in o...,k.r srudents ro give their opinions on the new learn- infor~ation-commonsl or conraa jessame Fergu_ Auditorium on Thur5doy, Apnl 15t. son at Jferguson@mcdanie1,edu McDaniel Internet users: College Activities Programnung B ardComer . 0 Beware of malware April Events Fri.. Apri[9 6pm Decker Auditorium JETONNEElLlS Staff Reporler computer via connections to legtetmace sites. Movie: Precious iah Car star in [he story The best defenses against are to Gabourey Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patron and Mart e: ' J born lnro keep up with your Microsoft Windows updafes of~lareece "Precious" Jones, a sixteen year old Afric~ Am:~:nf!;r the second The Informadon Technology Department is :md to invest in up-to-date anti-malware sofr, a, life that no one want. Set in Harlem in 1987. shes pre~ ked to join a spe- seeking to raise awareness on campus about ~~:~i;~d anfi-virus software that is of good by her absent father, She finds her answers wh~n she IS a5 discussion will rnalware, a technological nightmare for poeen- cia] school thar:vitl lead her from darkness into [he light. ~ pa nei rk Action Team dally all computer users, You may be able: to buy these programs in a Malware can hide itself on your hard drive combined packag~ but be aware that they serve follow the mOVIe, It is being co-sponsored with the SOCial Wo (SWAT and CAPBoard, in such a way that attempting to erase and rein- two completely dIfferent purposes, Make sure stall everything [feom scramh] doesn'tgetridof that you don't run more than one of each kind it; it can send your information to Othenover at the same time, especially the anti-virus pro- &t .•April17 tam (bwk4I1eS) New York City grams, They can conflict with each Other and the Internet, and slow down your computer's lead to more problems, NY Trip performance drastl!;3.lIy, A good anti-malware program that is used ~Malware is really coming of age. Mal- on the McDaniel campus is called SUPERAn_ The long time running, Tony award wining musical: CHICAGO is playing ~; ware is moving fast-globally, The damage that tiSpyware. If you Use Fi'refOJC:as your primary the Ambassador theatre near Times Square, The show is at 2:30pm so you WI is being done now is worse than ever before,~ web browser, the AdBlock Plus extension will have roughly 3 hours of frce [[me before ana" 3 hours after the show to explore says the college's Chiefinformation Officer for block most of the adverrisements that appear ~C, but you MUST see the show! The cost is just $50 for [he bus ride and Information Technology Dr, Esther Iglich. nn web pages. ~:~: ~:t~~~~OW. Tickets are for McDaniel College srudents only unless the ~Malware, short for malicious software, ~Almosf all of the malware OUtthere is tar- is software designed to infiltrate a compurer geted at Microsoft Windows computerst Bell system without the owner's informed consem w said, ~It could change, so don't get complacent, (Wikipedia), It includes viruses and spyware [At the moment] Mac users are at a very low CHAIRPERSONS For tbe committee needed! rhat rangl' from benign to destructive, risk formalware.~ According to Marylin Bell, LT. Help Desk Almost 100% of the computers on cam_ If you are ifl[ercsted in being the chairperson of one of the committees for next Manager, "Mal ware can appear in the form of pus have been infected with malware, if you ~;::r,you can pick up an application in [he Acrivities office, The commiUee5 tracking cookies which web sites can use fO include benign rracking cookies, However, if keep track of what sites you visit and what you you consider malware to only be software that do on those wl'bsites" ,items can be as destruc- isharmful,the number isesrimared to be be- Around Town Committee __]ocal trips & activities rive as a root-kit which allows someone else tween If3- 1/4 of [unprotected] computers, to access your computer remotely", as if they ~The message of these destructive 'hots' is Concerts & Shows COmmi[tee __trips to show in & around The Baltimore area were sitting in frontofit,H 'if I can't have your computer, you can'teither,H Malware can even insert itselfinm your Bell said, Annual EVents --Orientation, Homecoming, January and Spring Fling events Films Committee-_movics Want more Free Press? ,Ar[S & Enrertainment_trip on Fridays and Sundays to the theatre & lecturesl speakers Visit us online at After Hours--comedy nights, bands in Pub, late night events, etc, Marketing ~ Promotions-promote me event~ and update face book page
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