Page 48 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 48
Fencing freshmen hope to bring sport to Hill ROXANNE flEISCHER "His rheory," said Wes of his brother, "ts ro Web Monoger go harder and faster the next rim"" ramer than waiting." Jake and Wes are both ;J. lirrle different [han For Jake and Wes Weichl. jabbing at each otherfencersthatth~yfua,in that they enjoy talk- other with rneral sticks is a past-rime that has more ing while fencing. In facr, in one murnament, when meaninglhantypicalbrotherlyfighring.Thebroth- rhe rwowere fencing for the championship, the ref- ers,idenricai[WjmandfreshmanatMcDaniel.are eree told rnem to srcp mlking because he felr they fencers. were disruptive. For six years, since they were 12yearsold,the "People were actually berring on our march," WeichtbTothers have been fencing for the Baltimore said Jake, who TCCllledthat viewers pm money on Fencing Center, which brother would ger to 15 poinrs with a[Wes] would hit me with sticks so my parents the championship. When the rwofound out, they thought we should find a safer way [0 do rhar," said decided mend the match at 14 potnes by [erring the Jake. "They signed us up for fencing." time run out Both brothers are 'A' ranked fencers, the high- The Weichrs have also participated in ream esrrank,havingworkedtheirwayuphycompet- fencing, which consists of ehree fencers and a sub- ing in and winning tournaments. Two years ago, stitute. Team score accumuiatively in a rournamenr in theirjunioryearofhigh school, they were both system. nationally ranked,.Weswas ranked third and Jake "Fencing ismost!y individual,cven when you're seventh in the nation, forthcir division of epee onateam,PsaidWes. fencing. One year, the brothers bear the 'S' team of Epee,oneofthreedivisionsoffencing,is~more the New York Arhleric Club. which is me back-up sophisricatoorhanfoil,"acrordingroWes.Wirhfoil, team to the team that me US sends 10 the Olympics. a fencer can only get points by hitting a small rar- "Thar was pretty coo!." S:tidJake inmechesrregion.Withepee,onrheother Ahbough they conrinue!O practice with the Bah:im
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