Page 47 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 47
TERROR SPORTS SPOTLIGHT: MEET the GREEN ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT: TIM WINEKE Q & A with the Green Terrors MAIRE HUNTER Stoff Reporter KATE DELEN(CK Co Editor-in·Chief Tim Wineke breathes soccer. When rhe but ir doesn't consume my whole minmes ro ourselves and upon his quiet, lanky 19-year-old walks by, it may co!lcgecareer. retllrnhc(mllld,MeganMmtSOn,iI behardtojmaginehimonrhefi~ldeven 3. Do you hal'e II pregame former reammare or mine alld now ritual! coach, holdiug a empryCorona bor- wearing his green spcrrs [acker. Bur a couple of questions about his favorite l'rtg:lmemusicisamusl.ltal- rle.ltwasbyinginbctwN'nct:llcsin Sport and th~word£srartpouringout. w:tyshdpstodancearound:lI1dgeta the haUwe were in. She had picked When the season ends, off-season llnle crazy with your teammates be- it up and Ie:l.ncdag:tinst rhe crares. workoutsbegin,andassoonasrhesum- char thedefcme. H Winekewas named fore the SJme. When Goose came to giv~ his pre· mcrstart5, Wineke helps former Balti- first team all-ccunry and all_conference. 4.Wh,u it your f:u-orilesporu garue speech she tipped rhe boule in more Blast player Mtke Scankcvic run The move to McDaniel meant that 1. Nene, Gnule. Sport, YtaB quole! Ihc air and satd "Ready, Coach." We his many summer camps for kids in kin- there were "better players around" and on team, Position Ch:tmpionsaren'tmacleln the wcn rhar daj. d~rganen through high school. Over everyone was a soccer player, nOI just an jcssical'eyron,Senior,Women's gym.~.Champions are made from 6. Where do you see yourself the past fewyears,Wineke has taken on arnlete.WhenWinekemovedrostriker $Qccer,4thyc:lrontcam(2ndyear sc>melhing they have deep inside upon graduating From the Hill! more admlnisrrarive duties in addlrion his freshman year, an offensive position beingcaptain),Defense them-adesire,adream.avision. aL ~:Oa~~~:h~no~le~~tl~li~:~~:~ ro coaehing the kids, ofren traveling be- he'd rarely played before, he [usr said, "I 2. What are the benefits of -M\lh~mm:td Ali lWeencampsacrossscv~ralwumieson had 10 beopen-mindedabOLu I piayingataD31evel! 5. Farorite memory of Me- lerand! will becompJcting my a given day. play." By the seeond halfofhis freshman Ar rheD3level,1 have the op- Daniel Sporu? srudies abrcadar rhe Unlverslry of My frt$hm.1!lyear,we wereplay- Salamancn in Spain. I will grndu- to continuing playing . TimWineke, junior rnidfieldcr from ~:IS:~:S~::~~~~ ::~~~~~~~:; year, he became pari of the starting line- poreuniry ing Dickson at home. My coach at me a.1 n Double Business Spanish rny spon, but (can also focus on 10 the US, myacademicsaJ\db~active3mong up. Despite his hurnlliry, he is now dear- rhetime,G~,rolduslogelready major. Upon retumlng season McDaniel onlyscorcd !2goals ly a ream leader. campus. lt isa grearopportuniry to rorthe g:tm~howeverwe needed,but I hope to find a job in Ihe business "IIwas a rough year, bUIthis year we His sincerity shines through when he conrinue doing something ! love, b~re'ddy!opby.Hcg:tveusacouple proression. surpasscdthalfast,"Winekesaid. ruscusscs his team, even moughhis team- By the fifth !}Ime, Wineke was reo matesdescribchimasgoofy.Winekeisa team joker who genuindy lovesthe game, h'~ all abOlll dlC fun OfSlil\ very much and winning. is nOI :~s:i~~~I~~~n~~~71:n~,u;~~:~~~~ especially ~ince he .rarted trying "(0 have pl~ying in 11 tomp~titive environ- very e.xciling. goalagainStMarymount. fun after~a goal. ment. You get to meet and play S. Favorite memory of Me· "I like to cdebrale ... and pump up with a lot of good players and Daniel SporlS? fort$,:~n~:e ~:a~~:I:'P,?~:~u~~~~~~~ the crowd whenever Ican,ttsaysWineke, challenge yourself againn other. Playing in from of th~ crn7.y especially during home games. good schools. crowd. that come to Qur g~mes. With only four gam~s left in [he sea- 3. Do you have a pregam~ 6. Where do you $ee yourself son, and al! of them conference games, ritual? upon graduating from the Hill! Win~ke and his teammates have an in- Nothing speciaL JUStlisten to There are so many things I tense few weeks ahead of them on '!~~~';:;i~:~~'Spon, Y~ars ~~~;" n;~~:-~~dh~l~n,~,~f.~wh;y.. .:t:.~~t.;~~'b :ft,!rO".v,~r rySb~~ir;h~~:r;:t;~Jl::;ct:~~;:I~~~ Rob Ifolbsch, Senior.Men's ,por:q=:~ b yo..r f.vori.., ~~~,,:t;;::~~orr~d':~~~'-'~~~~erll"';; Stopper, a mid. in the Seli50n closer last year. Expect Socc;~,.!..~;~:e~~:r beneliu of (f you don't invesr very sail around rhe world or Iflvent . and("Venrhough Tim and rhe gang to be ready t~ m.ake piayingataD3 (evel! rouch, rhen defeat doesn'r hurt somerhing in mysparc time. ~rnthathe~an.around. ~":m~rib~"2"~m~O'~'.~'":":'h~"~'~"~,d:i.:":,"~':~="'~"=h,~"~'m;'~~~~~~:=;~~~~~~:;;;=~~~~~~~~;:== "w" GIEGNa NFL TEAM RANKINGS: '~~'~H:~Q~id~~~~~Epi~~~p'~m~b:~:'~.:~:~:~=~km,"y SlaffRII SEN sornanyPac-(~lIde:;.,.~ " 'dfreshmanAlecFarrell NFLF.ansal1d(heywl.)!1tagreeth:utheRav~ns~rc(hebes!. POrler had II loror !lanooal nt~" ~~ I"gu against usc. So how is it ~'Ih~ 001 tcam is either !h~ Sreders or the i"'3(not:Sbt:cnU5ethey By those st3Jlda~, ~t~th !:~r~nd~ tOPfjvcand Florida~Texas, play wellasa ream,"said fTC!lhmenU$:IV;IS:lpollo • wimallthose.crede nr ls.1!' ~ba:auseof(her;lnkin~ In (heNFL~ndevt!I}'Olhermajorspon.rhebcs.tream isrcgarded LSU, an~ BOIseSf:U~:lre tS a reHygood job reflecting the order in as (he \Camlhar wins the ch~mpionshjp every year, but even th~t hns WhIle rhe r:lnkings d 0 a~ nearapedcarcpr(Sl:nrarion.Arrhe come under debare. Coll~jder the 2007 Patriots, who won 18 of 19 colleg<"rootball,rheyare~0iJ.w rca conrrovet!;)'over which teams de- ganle;s, blllwon't be o::membcrootl$rh~bes{beciuse they IQ~tthe mQSt imporrnm g;lmeof all clld ofrhe ~n, !h;w~ Ch7:rionship Series eh:mlpiomhip ev~ryJ'CIr,and evenJUStreceni.lywiththe Patriotsdyn¥_ -- is me best tearn?Ask a lo!offimsand you willg~ra reign supreme. B~~~o':unn\:r onet power rankings,cre. that Ischanging. 'Oll:deb:1I1!h;l5aJre:ldybc:gun. lies [0 wllegc football, where po!l~ I WOnrhe servero get mto the In the only yc:IfS of spon, when rhe l':J.ekcrsand Yan~ Now, mosr of r~ar ~n y ~ppcan rh~tother (eaguesan':exduded And' 1)', there W"olS no question that they W<.:n:the hesl re:>.m.~,bur with polls, lotofd.J,usrwho everyleagueh:u "[>owerRankings,"when: expertS frQn:;.!:;a~~~:1 · k "U~~~:~h~ produce lhe most pro play=, and have WQn ·C IC kN rbl!rhanarowrflJtir.foorba~1 1tporurwillter JmOlultdgtbygoingQrlt-Im_ EwrylwtkontlmwtSpOrlS ______~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~;;".;,,~M~.n:..:.~::~~::~::~::::~ 8,"""";,,,,,,;,,, ,",w/,h';","ro,Aft",dup"J,j""'''''';'''''';'';''fim""J'jp"',,N;,' OUtPI 8od"nr .. , Wltft !"tltJ, /0 rak~ 01/ rbis WftlridJlllkngrrMaf( fffofaptrf«r If/llj;1 ';l~:<;:;f~nding champs arc off to a mediocre 5tl1r{while Favreand !~e Minnesora v I'imburg Sleel~rs. '!lle rerum of a healthy Troy I'olamalu ro rhe Sleel Curmin defense will to<:k better and bwer each week. This will be a very rOl,lgb' slow down :I rCllurgentBren Favr".While the defense does it job, Big Ben will man_ OlJtPi~~~~h~~:e?;;: ~:eH~:kFr~I~~he Vikings def~nse lQ send a message Y ~;he game :U\dlimit the time the Old Gunslinger and Adrian Peterson are on the ChicagovCincinn~ti Bengal., It's lime pCQpk St:lt( to recognize th~ Bengals as n legitimate playoff" conrender. Wilh a hCllII.hyCarson Palmer at the helm, his weapons, Cedric Benson and Chad Oc.hocinco will lear apart rh~ deplct~d Be:lT:5defense. 111eCincinnati defense will torceJay Curler and the Bearsofl"enseimo tUTfloversallday. San Francisco v Houston 4gers. San Fran has slirprised many this yellr,and Ihis week the Defense will wreak havoc, lempting a rimid Matt Schaub into bad decisions. Frank Gore will re- !Urn Ihi~w~ek10provide Ih~ 4gers wilh a dynamic run game that won'r be stopped byrheli:xans. Atlanta v Dallas boys were lucky to escape wllh wins against two rerrible tl::l.msin the Chiefs and .Panthers. Matt Ryan willlcad the r1lknn~ down rhe fidd all day, relying 011 Michael r~rn~r ~nd Tony Gom.alcz. -this game will leave the fans in Jerry )ond palace very disapPOinted. Arizona v NY Gianr:s Grdinals. In a mild Llp.set,Kurt W,1Tnerreverts!O his playoff"form from a year ago and leans Qn Larry Fitzgerald to escape Ihe Meadowbnds with a win. The Ci- :I~Ui will play down 10the competition ~nd f~il to rjs~ ro Ihe oCClsionfollOWinga big win agninsr rhe Salnts the week before.
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