Page 70 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 70
--41- 14 THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS NOVEMBER 15 2007 Commentary : __"i -~ __"".-'o;., -..t.:.. ~-- Candid confessions 6ffreshman 1\1ySpaeeaddict Have you ever missed the biggest .... ~- W}ten I firSJheard about My-. f~r~ a-wa'Y:w learn almost every- picrures. MySpace has a repurarlon , parry of the year and would die"to ··~pace,:Lw~n'rt~n_~hralled.l[was tlij.~g about another person JUSt by for having the latest parry pictures. know what happened there? Have I1j:w and unappealing to me: -BU[ [oelCing- .il their pag~: their [ikes, I am unbelievably nosy and always you ever been so bored that you lie .~~.;. ~6:fc:$rs ~rr(~have fCi~d 'tfislikes rpusic in\~reBtS grouP 'of crave to know everything (hat I in your bed and watch the second it. Lfiave fip~C'''',"_~od,"'~~I',.:.~~:.~f?,::..':,~jnlY.~_i}>~~ missed, especially at a parry. Usu- hand pass enough rimes that tile a:Jo):.~i?:r my ~~m. ... .. -J _ _ ally, in the party pictures, you can hour hand changes? Have you ever Usually, I my entire - MySpace . is' ·;\s~usefu( for find people. making fools of their found-yourself-so lonely that you've stock of·food wher+I'm bored, but, . intoxicated selves",'which is always given up all hope of any real rela- when che Twinkies run Due, I tend interesting. I constantly look for tionsh'ips?_ . - _ ro resort to the Internet, which is When live rE¥!lly~ \. newdefaulrpiceuresces a sign of As irrelevant as" these 'ques- usually a bad idea. As a girl, I crave gone mind-numb, 1- ri'ewalbumsand fresh drama. Many rions may sound [0 each other, ro know the drama around me. times, people will load around 100 . they ar.e all connected by one of ~ySpac~ is ~~e. principal, fo~nda-' wi II browse random photos of a pa~ry the night before . Arr addiction to> . die newesr worldwide phenom- .i'iOf\' for -new drama~ It's _pretnr.-: people th~t look; _'. J.ftei a~ifit my. job to analyze '. MySpace is fueled by enons: MySpace. MySpace has '_"~xciring actuMI~,-gc~niiig 'the scoop'- Interesti ng, especially ',' and sci-utirdzt the photos. Also, . or party foul. of the latest break-up ridiculous curiosity, beeome a gossip-based system chat Viewing other's MySpace profiles is t~e gopd .loo~iJjg . eXl?loring the comrnenrs left by cures boredom and helps advocare ~.,othe~s on the photo is necessary to quest for hot guys relationships. Ir is now one' of the captivating. I· u.suJlIy,-!,ead thrQugh :,g4ys. One. thtng .': 1; gai~ a bhrer unders.randing of ex- and boredom_ > leading'social necworkson th,e In- my friemfs' profiles'and look'for . " ." ~ 'acrlywhar.wehtonartheparry.Af- rernet. new updates. Sometimes though, leads to another, and ter doing so, I usually find myself ~~~:~t~~I_lyYe:~-~11 0dfU'~"dY~';"'dC~~;;~:d~d~crthv:,.,IYcrmi~~,:~~ t"hu'm'~bv>'I"'Elrv:,Oo;:~~r::::mmpi~do~ :~~n7ev~h:~!~hha:~e n:;;::~t~; ... ....,uu....., " ,...., person in my life) jusr to see if! can piece. Every designer, producer, 'ple that look interesting, especially female named Sheba dig up any stragglingdcrails. creator, and manufacturer tries the good looking guys. One rhing that lives in Alaska My nosiness becomes un- frantically to get JUSt one of their leads to anmher, and r go through healthy; I notice myself searching items posted on the site, as it has numerous' profiles, eventually and raises sheep. through ex-boyfriends' profiles and become the newest source for ending with a 72-year-old female looking at their new girlfriend, just Owner: advertising. Advertisement has named Sheba that lives in Alaska to dig up information on her for Fox Interactive Media, expanded greatly considering the and raises sheep for a living, That's searching for similar people that social purposes. Being nosy is just a subsidary of News millions of addicted MySpace fans. when J know it's time to get off are near your age. MySpace wasn't the first step. Nosiness leads to un- Corporation Anyone mat has made a MySpace MySpace. necessarily created for dating ser- controllable and unnecessary gos- profile can acknowledge their ad- But gening off isn't so easy. I vi~ but it has become just that, sip, and unfortunately, it's usually Members: dicrion. Iam addicted. As soon as I may not be bored anymore, but I plus much more. Some people demeaning. MySpace is just a new 209,234,499 ~;~~~~;t~~:~~Ta~:~~'g~~~,:~;;;:;,;~~;~;:£:~D::E;::7:~;:r,~:~~~:~;S~~~~7"E;f~~~~;:,~: Reslstration: 200.000+ new members bun glued to the uncomfortable cycle until my semi-caffeinared [0 identify themselves as "single" or reputation and it continues [0 per day chair, eyes locked on .hl!: finger- body is $0 .ired .haT I can'. lin my ~in a TelarionshipQ and .hen lis. ml!: thriv
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