Page 65 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 65
THE "''.CSand gins. Phi Wednesday a•• he Spindrift Ho ....1 bears their numb.,r. The pcl"Son Alpha Sigma, Phi Kappa, and with Black Eyed Susans, rhe state of Alpha Nu Omega. The sisters of president of Alpha Nu Omega. way with family and friends. 5ig sisters are selling rickee. - hope!., j~ could even become one Nu according to Dr. Herbert Smirh, who purchased the number where of our annual ones for the fall, like Gamma SCgma (a :oBVIcc iUpti.. Ni1"t)m'"S" enjoy pat"ridpaf~ ~AJpha Omoega and rh., professor of Poliricai Science and the pie drops wins a cash prize. In Mr. McDaniel in the spring." arc all sororities or frarerniries at Alpha Nu Omega has been ing in this project as a group co ber- other three sororities and fraterni- McDaniel College. participating in this community ter (heir bond of sisterhood. Even ties at McDaniel College helped Annual Harvest Ball brings fraternity brothers to seniors By Bethany Crove ally, and danced with most of the "They don't get the women in a group circle dance. On S:nurday, Nov. 3, the broth- "lr helped me loosen up and ers of Alpha Sigma Phi traveled co chance to talk to interact more freely," Stydinger Westminster Senior and Commu- said. "I actually, and I mean this, niry Center for [he annual Harvest young kids much had a pretty good time. The people Ball. The ball is sponsored by rhe and I believe that there really appreciate us com- Westminster Lion's Club and it has ing, and they're genuine about it, been held for me past ren years. they really enjoy and [hey love to talk to you about This year marks the fourth year whatever they can." rhat the Iraremlry brothers have telling us about "I don'r much like dances with participated. themselves and people my own age," Srydinger Comparable to a prom, the said. "This was completely new. I Harvest Ball features a live band, how things used to thought it was going to be really refreshments, and various dances be when they were srrucrured and forced." like rhe waltz., line dancing and the Paul Garver, the center man- hokey pokey. our age." ager for [he Westminster Senior "They really put us to shame and Community Center said that with their dancing skills," said Wes - Jonathan Schultz Alpha Sigma Phi suggested they Henry, a nrSt year member of the volunteer for the event a few years fraternity. ro talk ro young kids much and I ago, and they keep coming back "I consider this a very enjoy- believe that they really enjoy tell- for more. able community service event, bm ing us about themselves and how "We had 20 of them here and I don't view community service as things used to be when rhey were it really made a differ~nce," Garver a burden; more of an opporruniry outage." said. "It made it really special for to improve the environment I live Newer members were unsure our senior participants here at the in,~ said McDaniel senior Jonathan of whar ro expect ar the Harvest ball and , know that our senior Schultz, who has been a me.mberof Ball. participants have always looked Alpha Sigma Phi since the fall of Dennis Stydinger, a nrst year forward ro these young men com- 2005. member of Alpha Sigma Phi said ing out and dancing the night Schulrz added thar his favorite he was nervous before he attended away." part of the ball was talking to the the ball, but ultimately, he danced ladies. "They don't get the chance with five or six ladies individu-
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