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The MUaniel Free Presss 102007 December M~Daniel College Westminster MD Season for giving An end in sighU 60 Sec:onds Asks: Two Free Press writers explore the area The Hollywood writers strike continues What is your best or worst Christmas of holiday gift giving Page 10 and so do the reruns Page 12 memory? Page 7 Premeditated Hip Hop Music: Fresh every 24 hours In This Issue is a great robbery in Deaf Culture For several students studying deaf education, Mclfaniel place to live and learn. Page 6 Rouzer Hall Littlest Pets Three Westminster locals arrested Aaron, which I told the cops," said Vernon. The day after the incident, By Christine Boynton, the Department of Campus issued Commentary Co·Edltor and three campus-wide emails alerting Melanie Chupeln, Co· Editor In Chief me college community abour me incident. Aaron Christopher Robertson, 20, A November 15 email stated, Brian Charles Prodehl, 20, and "At approximately 1:00 a.m. on A fish, a rabbit, and a cat are some John Thomas Gibbs, 20, all of Thursday, November 15, 2007 of the pets mat call McDaniel home. Centerspread Westminster, were charged with two resident students came to the armed robbery, burglary, and theft, Deparrmenr of Campus Safety re- stemming from an incident that porting they had been robbed in Let took place just "before midnight on their room at Rouzer Hall. Witness The first snow of the season November 14, in Rouzer Hall. statements indicate mat the rob" prompts srudenrs to bring out Freshmen Greg Vernon and bery took place sometime between their cameras and snow boots to Sergio Niero were the vicrims. 9:30 p.m. and 12:50 a.m.~ Illustrated Verse hosted its cultural artform with a larger capture wintry images through the "WI:! were by the door and all "One of rhe suspecrs displayed second annual Hip-Hop on audience. It goes beyond the lense. P,..11 of a sudden three guys in all black whar rhe studem described as a re- the Hill on Saturday, Decem- casual rap and hip-bop pop- hoodtes and black long pants and volver and made threatening state" ber 1. Fresh Daily, pictured ularized on the airwaves and Rare sighting bandanas came in and locked the merits against the rwo students above, was one of the many by record sales. Hip Hop is a door behind them," said Vernon in demanding money and personal performers who dazzled way of life, especially for the Five well-dressed men are sported a phone interview conducted soon property, which the students sur- the hundred plus students performers on Saturday. on me Hill and share their secrets rendered," the email continued. in attendance. It was held Ben Berkow, Rosa's roorn- of sryle. Page 7 after rhe burglary. The intruders demanded that The robbery caught rhe arren- in Alumni Hall, lasting for mate, was tasked with the re- three hours. Hidden Pearl Vernon and hand over money and rion oflocal newspapers and relevi- about "It was a lot of fun. The sponsibility of picking up OJ C.1. joe and Pack FM from This unique store has something personal "Then items. my friend starting get" sion srarions. 16 in an article crowd was mad," said Daily. the bus stop in Bahimore-. On November for everyone. It may just be elng jumpy, so rhey told him co go from The Baltimore Sun titled "3 The annaul event is the not the most luxurious mode Westminsrer's best kept secret. stand in the corner, like they were sought in robbery at college," Arin product of Clayton Rosa and of transportation. Page s other volunteers' hard work. No matter. going to shoot him," Vernon add- Gencer reported that three men This year, tickets were sold "For me, hip hop is a Hall, Rouzer Happy Holidays! ed. "They went through the rest of entered in dark doming armed and to the event, which actually culture ... it helped make me dressed and ban- JUSt told him nor to our sruff and move." danas over their faces, according boosted attendance. who I am today," said Rosa. Enjoy reading the last edition Nieto could not be reached for to Michele Leiberman, a spokes- One of Hip Hop on the See full story on page 4. MH of the Free Press first, then go comment. woman for McDaniel. The brief Hill's purposes is to share a home and have fun for the win- WI could tell one of the kids See "'Robbery" on Pilse 3 ter break. See you in January! was a townie, and his name was Spedal Report: Students will be McDaniel not liberal arts? charged for printing By Daft Roberbon By Milke HHeger, rankings. self-fulfilling." None of them complained. Iglich Co-Editor In C.. Jef Concerned faculty and Stu- President Joan Develin Coley Beginning in the Spring Semester said. dents are upset they were not alert- maintained that the classification of 2008, students will be charged This new plan. sparked by the In recent weeks. mere has been con- "would make absolutely no dif- for printing from computers in colleges effort to go green, is in re- troversy surrounding me Carnegie ed [Q me situation earlier and that, ference in the education of any labs across campus once they have sponse to wasteful priming by stu- Foundation for me Advancement as a result, the institution may be miscast as a school with a limited undergraduate at McDanieL" The printed 400 pages, according to dents, whether for personal use or of Teaching's classification of Me- scope of educational programs, college will continue to advertise a plan approved by me college's for clubs and organizations, Iglich Daniel College as a "Master's Col- which is especially important ro and conduct itself as a liberal arts administrative council {including said. Subsequently, the electronic legdUniversiry" and its subsequent vice presidents, [Op managers and prospecdve students and faculty college. costs and continually updating listing in me 2008 U.S. News and that place merit on me U.S. News The Carnegie Foundation me president during Fall 2006. machinery have skyrocketed. World Report wAmerica's Best CoI~ & World Report rankings. constructs its yearly classifications Charging for printing is not a Starting with the major labs leges" rankings as a regional Mas- to Dr. Es- ~lf I apply to graduate school, based on a report submitted by the new concept, according {i.e. the Writing Center and li- rer's Universiry, institution to the government called mer Iglich, CIO. brary), the January term will be me The issue was discussed at re- I don't wane those schools finding our that I just received my bache· "The Integrated Postsecondary Members of me Green Terra trial run for this new implementa- cent Faculry and board of trustees Education Data System," known project, McDaniel's latest effort tion, Iglich added. meetings and has aroused concern lor's from a poorly.ranked master's Many pieces of salvaged paper be me more said Michael institution," IPEDS. among a small number of current granting a senior chemistry major. popularly by its acronym, Foundation to friendly, and ochers environmentally the with little printed on one side will brought Young, In 2005, me Carnegie students. The worries are associaced "It's also a big deal because such a idea to people who run various labs wim the relative prestige of Mc· classification has the potential to be See "'ClasaffiuUon" on P~e 3 and students who orren use (hem. See "'PrinUns" on P~8e 2 Daniel that stems from the annual
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