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THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS DECEMBER 10 2007 News Carnegie classification spawns concern McDaniel's designation as a 'Larger Master's College' may have greater implications from ....ClasstRution" on Page 1 News is preposterous," said Young, rional independent liberal arts col- McDaniel College responding ro a comment made by leges, agreed nor to participate in revised its original classification a top administrator during a recent the U.S. News and World Report Westminster, Maryland From CarnegieFoundation org system and called it the "Basic clas- faculty meeting that U.S. News is rankings, opting instead [Q develop level: 4·year or above sification." The purpose of the clas- "just a magazine." "an alternative common format sifications is to provide objecrive "In my opinion, a degree from that presents information about Control: Private nor-for-profh information for those interested in a regional master's granting institu- their colleges for student and their Enrollment (FaIJ 2004): 3.304 "conducting research on higher ed- tion at an undergraduate level-cnot families to use in the college search Classification Category ucation" so as to make the diversity to be offensive-says that you care process" to be available on the web. & sciences plus of institutions in the United States less about the quality of the educa- A plausible reason for this was a Undergraduaternsnucnonal Program: A&S+ProfISGC: ArG graduate professions, "roughly comparable." tion you are gening and more about fear that they would be reclassified tence some ccexis- According to the "Basic" Car- the degree itself," said Young. "This in the U.S. News rankings based on negie classification, McDaniel is a affects how you represent yourself the redefining of Carnegie's "Basic" Graduate Instructional Program; Postbac-A&SlEd: Postbaccalaureate with arts & sciences (education domi- "larger Master's College/Univer- as an individual in respect to the classification system. nant) sity." This is not necessarily in con- college education you received." Most of [he members of the EnroJimentProfile: flict with other identifying char- According to their website, group have managed to retain their MU: Majority undergraduate acteristics listed, such as it being U.S. News & World Report ~col-- standing as "liberal arts institu- Undergraduate Profile: FT4/MSllTl: Full-time four-year, more a majority undergraduate, highly lapses nine of the Carnegie cat- tions" in the U.S. News rankings, selechve,lowertransfer·in residential, four-year school. It is egories into four main groupings." while McDaniel has not. This, Size and Setting: S4/HR:smalifour·year,highJyresiden. classified this way because it grants Indeed, the ran kings are reflective coupled with me fact that, for ex- tial 50 or more master's degrees each of a rwice watered-down classifica- ample, Gettysburg is classified as aastc: Mast~r's l: Master's Colleges and Uni- year. tion of otherwise very unique and a "larger Master's College/Univer- versilles(largerprograms) The Carnegie classifications complex insritutions-c-differences sity" by Carnegie and yet is listed they exhibit some graduate and are very- complicated, such that that are adequately represented in in the U.S. News rankings as a undergraduate program coexis- cording to the criteria McDaniel is misclassified," most current and prospective Stu- the full Carnegie classification. "Liberal Arts College" suggests that tence. Some are listed as "Larger Coley spoke of a reclassifica- dents and potential employers will "They [U.S. News & World there is limited correlation between Master's Colleges and Universities" tion compromise between (he not glean anything of use from Report] use Carnegie Classifica- the rankings and rhe Carnegie das- even with no graduate coexistence Annapolis Group and Carnegie to them. That aside, the classification tions in a way that they were never sificationsystem. in undergraduate programs. Me- better reflect me character of some is given relevance when third-party intended to be used," said Coley. However, U.S. News appears Daniel is listed as a majority un- of rhe schools. Ir has also been said ran kings of institutions apply it, The 2008 U.S. News rankings to classify schools in a clear-cut dergraduate program with some chat an agreement with the Mary- such as the service provided by list McDaniel at number 22 as a manner. The publication claims graduate program coexistence, and land Higher Education Committee U.S. News & World Report which Master's University in the "North", that the principle stipulation for yet, it is me only school to miss out (MHEC) may result in a different has been ranking American col- which is fairly high-much higher being defined as a liberal aT[S col- on being included in U.S. News' categorization of McDaniel in the leges and universities since 1983. than it was ranked in {he liberal lege is that it "emphasize under- liberal arcs ranking list. Carnegie classification system, and The ran kings have become a source arts category, but considering the graduate education and award at "In some sense both categories by extension, the U.S. News & of pride for faculty ..They are also a nature of (he schools listed higher, least 50 percent of their degrees in [liberal arts and master's college] World Report rankings. The school starting point for some prospective it may be a concern. For example, the liberal arts" -a condition that are right for us, We simply feel is working internally to remedy the .arudenrs who begin their college Hood. Loyola, Scranton, and Al- McDaniel would appear to meer. that the one that suits us.bener and situation. :oeotrch looking Itt a IIscc of sintilu fred are lisred ahead of McDaniel. MeDaniel's classification is rn., one rn:u- is closer to our core Barring (he success of rhese insricutlons to decide where to ap- none of which exhibit a firm com- an exception to a largely arbitrary identity is liberal arts college," said plans of action, McDaniel is likely ply. mitment to the liberal arts ideal. rule. to be in "I think the idea that pea- In June, a majority of mem- Some of McDaniel's competi- Coley. "We simply want describes to remain on the Master's Univer- category the that best ple-fncluding graduate schools, bers of the Annapolis Group, an tors are listed by Carnegie as "Bac- us historically and curremly most sides ranking lisr at U.S. News & employers, erc=-donr read U.S. organization of the leading na- calaureate Colleges" even though accurately ... 1 don't think that ac- World Report indefinitely. Students robbed at gunpoint, suspects in custody From "'Robbery" on P~ge 1 burglary, and theft. Robersron was building. The problem with the Even Vernon had difficulty believ- also knew the suspects and asked also charged with armed robbery, door has since been fixed, and (here ing the gravity of the situation. that student to get their stuff back article advised anyone with any in- burglary, and theft. All three men is little evidence to suggest that this "I didn't know what was going from the suspects," formation ro contact the city police remain in custody, and Captain is how the suspects entered the on until J saw the gun," he said. This accounted for the delay Criminal Investigations Division. Randy Barnes of the Wesrminster building. ~As soon as I saw the gun I knew it in the reporting of the incident. Also on November 16, ABC2 Police reported that the case is Another restdenr of Rouzer, wasn't a joke." McDaniel has since taken steps News published the article, "Armed closed. who wishes to remain anonymous, There has also been specula- to ensure student safety, including a Robbery at McDaniel College," In an interview with The Free reported to have seen the men just tion on campus that the robbery replaced door and a changed lock. leading off with, "It's common Press, Director of Campus Safety before they entered the hallway. was drug related. AJI evidence The first campus email informing courtesy to hold the door for some- Mike Webster, revealed the list of "I went to take a shower around proves that this was not a random the college community about the one entering behind you. But in- items taken from the student dorm: 9:30 at night, and I saw three guys. incident because [he victims knew robbery included some preventa- vestigarors in Westminster say (hat "U.S. currency. approximately I went back into my room to get my rhe suspeCts and were able to iden- tive advice that urged everyone may be how three suspects got imo $200, a lap top. a cell phone, and I tify chern to the police. The anony- to know who you are admitting McDaniel College and robbed twO believe an iPod. Most of that stuff mous source reporred co have al- into any residential facility, report students." was recovered by Westminster po- "I didn't know what legedly witnessed "a strong odor any suspicious people to Campus The article also noted that lice when they did a search of me coming from the room," mar sup- Safety. and keep your door locked. the local police were trying to de- home.~ was going on until posedly ended soon after the rob- Also, steps to follow if being termine exactly how the suspects Many stories have circulated I saw the gun," said bery, which the source described as robbed were listed, insuucring: "I. gained entry to the building. The as to how the men entered the Vernon. "As soon as I ~a wake up call." Do not resist. Your money is not article emphaSized mat police be- building, including a faulty door. Barnes could not confirm chat worth your life, 2. Get a detailed lieve the incident was isolated and, There has been speculation that a saw the gun I knew it the incident was drug related. descriprion and write it down as "there's no reason for parenrs to be student let the three robbers into wasn't a joke." ~I can say that it's not random, soon as you safely can, 3. Call po- rhe building, according [Q sQurces concerned." that at lean one of the victims rec- lice immediately and stay on the Only three days after rhe rob- dose to me incident. ognized one of the suspects," he line until the dispatcher hangs up, bery, all three suspectS had b:en At me time of the interview, keys. I tOok my shower, went back said, "but at this point I'm not able 4. Stay calm and don't disturb evi- identified and arrested, indudmg Vernon said, "I don't like Rouzer. to my room, and locked the door," [Q say what the motive was for the dence." the suspect whose voice Vernon I mean they fixed the door and ev- said the source. He did not report robbery." Despite all of the safety pre- erything, but it's pretty open and the sighting to campus safery-. had recognized. Webster also denied any cautions that should be taken, Gibbs was charged wim easy to get into." "I JUSt figured they were jok- knowledge of drug involvement Webster said, "Complete security armed robbery, multiple countS of The front door at the main ing around," he said. . with this case, but confirmed chat is impossible to achieve." AJI StU-' assault, burglary, theft, and use of entrance of Rouzer had been faulty This mindser did nO.t come this was not a random incident. dents can do is be aware of their and easily accessible without a key. a handgun in a crime. of viol~n:i as a surprise to Webster, who said, "The victims and the suspects surroundings and report any suspi- according to an email submm All srudents had to do was force the "Students, and it's not just Mc- knew each other," he told The Free cious aaivity to Campus Safety. by Campus Safety. Prodehl had door open with a strong tug, and Daniel students, people 18-24 na- Press, "The victims went to an un- been charged with armed robbery, (hen they could gain emry to the tionally are a very trusting group." involved student who they knew
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