Page 66 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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10 THE ""'DANIEl fREE PRESS NOVEMBER15 2007 Features Deaf education professor 'loves to laugh' Mark Rust believesASL is of the Graduate Program in Deaf all." She thinks he has made quite too? He admits that he has trav- pathway for being an ally Education at McDaniel, he is also an impact on campus interacting eled to some very distant parts of and undergraduates to the deaf community an advocate for deaf students. Rust with both students. "Everyone feels the world, Including participating prefers to say, "I just try to be more graduate in mission trips to Africa working By Rachel Hooper of an ally (Rust signed the word comfortable going to him," said with deaf children. He has traveled ally); me main thing we do in our White. [Q Zimbabwe and twice to Kenya. program is empower people to be Janet Conley, associate coordi- Happily, he's bringing his interna- If you hear laughter in [he halls an advocate for themselves or to be nator of Deaf Education, describes tional experience to McDaniel by of McDaniel College's Academic an ally to the deaf community." co-worker Rust as "compassionate, organizing a January term trip to Hall, you'll probably find an un- As an ally for the needs and enthusiastic, and having just all- work with deaf children in the Do- likely source, a professor who often rights of deaf srudenrs, Rust's pas- good qualities." She feels Rust has minican Republic. reaches in silence using American sion is to get deaf srudencs a lan- had a significant impact at McDan- Rust is also involved at me Sign Language. Education at Pfeiffer University, guage that they can understand, so iel, having developed and imple- national level. He serves as co-chair The man with a great sense and Amy, 19, who is a sophomore they can get an education chat will mented a first-year seminar course of the National Language Planning of humor is Mark Rust, assistant An Studio major at McDaniel Col- broaden their horizons. called Education and Life Experi- Committee for Deaf Education, a professor of education and coor- lege. One of Rust's major interests "It's valuable; it's also edify- ence of Deaf People. He was also a group trying to put together stan- dinator of the Graduate Program is hiking and camping, which he ing; it raises rheir self-esceem," said major contributor to the program dards for what should be taught to in Deaf Education. "I just love [0 shares with his wife, Dottie. Rust. change for using American Sign deaf children linguistically in ASL laugh," said Run. "As far as football, I'm a Wis- Rust says he's "into theatre" Language to meet the language and to develop a curriculum for The Dean of Graduate consin person, so I'm always root- and directed high school plays at requirement at me undergraduate K-12 students. and Professional Studies, Sherri ing for Green Bay," said Rust. the Maryland School of the Deaf level. What does Rust envision for Hughes, says of Rust, "What This native of Milwaukee be- for 17 years. One anecdote he tells Rust's boss is Dean Hughes, the future of the deaf community stands our about Mark is, firsr of came interested in deaf education about himself occurred while he who says of him, "He's full of ener- at McDaniel? He refers to his love all, his good humor," adding, "It's because his parents were deaf. He was working as a deaf interpreter. gy. He's the kind of person mat al- of the theatre when he answers, not uncommon ro hear Mark's attended the University of Norrh- "1 do theatrical interpretation ways has a new idea or new project "I have a hope that someday we laugh throughout the hallway and ern Colorado, where he gO[ his un- down in Washington, D.C. and [1] that he'd like to get started on .. would be able to have an under- the building." dergraduate and graduate degrees. almost knocked over [former Vice He's very warm and welcoming to graduate mixed with the graduate Jessica White, a grad student Rust began teaching in 1981 at President] Walter Mondale." all kinds of people." theater troop mat would do theater in Deaf Educarion and English che Maryland School of the Deaf What do people who have Hughes particularly com- ~~:~~:t:~d bring deaf awareness to Secondary Education who worked in Frederick, MD. He taught for worked with Rust think of him? mends Rust for his ability to help Professor Conley for Rust said, "He's very family- 22 years, reaching both elementary Secretary Dorita Dorm said, "He's people see a different perspective or McDaniel's appreciation sums up for having oriented; he'd talk about his mom and high school before coming to a very caring person, always help- point of view. She said, "Through Rust on campus by saying, "There in class and his daughters." Rust McDaniel in fall 2003. Rust hopes ful, and always makes time for stu- that kind of leadership he encour- are so many positives that he brings explained that he recently cared to finish his PhD in adult educa- dents." ages both his students and his col- to the school and to the program ... for his mother in his home for don from Capella University this White describes him as, leagues to do me same, so 1think he We are very pleased that he's here. rwo months while she was dealing year. "Friendly, welcoming, inviting; brings us all little closer together." 'With cano::r. He: hu ~o daushte:rs. No( only is Rus( a teacher, fa- someone I can talk (Q and ask any Can Rust have all of these We hope that he stays for a long t...... .......,n., 2'. rn"'io~.ns'n Sped<>l ~he:~.h..,.\Y.and. "nd the. nlin."tO~ quesd.,." t """,d. no~ standoffi.h ,n good qU2Iiti~" and a glob,,", vision. Commentary: Freedom of Speech Best bagels in town: True freedom brings painful Pan era Havors first place .,-- II}' ~elynn McGInley righteous chocolate price. chip The ambi- cookies) rants from Westboro Baptists at a reasonable If you find yourself tiring of going ance is not unlike that of a quaint ten rounds with the GLAR toaster coffee shop, the people who work oven, or doing rock, paper, scissors son's Westminster nice, and it's a They did not even get in violent. is" that it is un- The problem funeral. within their rights. They were not whh someone {Q see who gets the there are extremely to GLAR _ as long fun alternative The: First: Amendment is a tricky dear whether or not the church the way of the funeral. Most of the last cinnamon raisin bagel - you've as you don't mind rubbing elbows thing. It gives us freedoms once mourners did not even see them. got options. with the townies who will probably unheard of and unique to Amer- The father did not know rheywere The Fret! fuss took on the oh- try to sell you crack on your walk ica. Feeedcms that make: America The Westboro there till he saw a video of it after so grueling task of breaking down back. what it is and should be. One Baptists do the funeral. the best places in Westminster to A personal favorite, however, would hope: that those freedoms There are laws and ordinances get your bagel fix and came up would have to be the one and only would be used to make America deplorable things to in .mosr states to keep protesters with the following results. Panera Bread. The sit-down res- a berrer place but that doesn't al- get their appalling from disturbing private funerals, You have me default grocery ways happen. What is to be done and the Westboro Baptists fol- store bagels - both Safeway and ~auram part of Panera is relatively defi- and the bakery inexpensive, when people use their freedoms in opinions across. lowed rhem. They were a thousand Food Lion's prices range from about the 'wrong' way? There is no question feet away and on private property. $.55-.60 per bagel- and a Safeway nitely offers the best bagel to dollar The most current and impor- The Westboro Baptists do deplor- employee rold this reviewer mat ratio of the bunch. A bakers dozen tant example of chis question is the there, but the things able things to get their appalling they weren't above a little haggling (13 bagels) COSts $7.75, while a case of the Westboro Baptists. The they do are legal, opinions across. There is no ques- (depending on how many bagels "Bagel Bunch" (18 bagels) costs church, run our of Topeka, Kan- and they have the tion there, bur the things they do the customer was purchasing, of $9.75. Another good investment sas, asserts rhat me war in Iraq and are legal and they have the right to course). at Panera would definitely be the the other problems America faces right to do them. do them. As far as variety goes, the choic- hazelnut cream cheese ($1.30). is me result of our acceptance of "While 1 think it's sad that es are pretry standard - chough the The only problem with Panera homosexualiry. Members of the people would choose to use their thought process behind eating an might be that they are a bit roo church routinely protest at funer- members wert well within their freedom in such a way, we can't onion bagel for breakfast might ambitious with their flavor choices. als of fallen soldiers blaming their First Amendment rights when simply choose to suppon that be a bit skewed. If you are plan- Cinnamon Crunch, Blueberry, and deaths, not on the war but on me they protested at Snyder's and freedom based on whether or not ning on buying your bagels from a Dutch Apple & Raisin were ;tli big wrath of God. other soldiers' funerals. In fact, we find their profest acceptable grocery score, get there early in the hits with my roommates (whom Proresrers hold signs saying according to me Baltimore Sun, because that's not a {rue freedom," day so you- won't be disappOinted I so generously shared the assign- things like "God Bless Dead Sol- many Prsr Arriendmenc experts said sophomore Liz Eanes. when you get there and find that ment with) - not so much the diers," and "God hates America." are saying that the case is bound If the American people want they are sold our of lemon po case for the French Toasr (should On Halloween, me church to win an appeal. to suppOrt true freedom, they have seed bagels. RPY your bagel taste like syrupi) and was ordered by a jury in Baltimore The First Amendmem states EO supporr the We.itboro Baptist's Sam's Bagels is another popu- the Chocolate (I'm suspicious of to pay the family of a soldier killed that "Congress shall make no right to use the First Amendment. la~ S~ot for students to get grub. It's breakfas't food that smells like it in Iraq $1 0.9 million in emotional law ... abridging the freedom of It may be horrifying and inappro- within a reasonable walking dis- was made by Willy Wonka). damages. The father of the soldier, speech ... or the right of the people priate but mat's what true freedom tance from campus (located On 1 On the whole _ if you're in the marine Matthew Snyder sued the to peaceably assemble." When you sometime gets you. E ~ain Street) and offers a decent mOO.dfor bagels of a slightly higher church after seeing video of the look at (his particular case, the variety of bagels (nOtto mention a qualiry, Panera is your best bet. church protesting outside of his church members were certainly plethora of sandwiches, salads, and The Fret: Press wishes you hap- py bagel huming!
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