Page 69 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 69
THE ," Thcwirors reserve [herightroeditfOrciarityandlibcl,and m publish mbrnissio n,ru; ~pacc permits. Please indude a namc and phone nUtn""r for verific;nion. Nam"" will be. withhe!d only by the discretion of rhc Editor-in·Cbief. For more information about drinking on campus, The McDaniel Free Press doer nOI discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual nrienl3lion,narionaJ origin, condition ofbandiQ.p, or manralsrarus. contact Megan Hearron, LCSW-C in Counseling 1heM'DanieiFreePress Services at x3305. 2 College Hill We.scmin.ler,MD2tI57 (410)751-8600 £..Mail:rrccpres.s@mccianicl.MU
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