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DIBBR TIlffjJr- sPORTS THE M'DANIEl FREE PRESS SEPTEMBER 27 2007 16 Blocked Volleyball team hopes to build on last season's success By Chris Ferrick-Manley believes that the team is talented describes as "very motivational." Afrer the Green Terror easily enough to play for the conference Molloy also gave a brief list of defeated Bryn Mawr three games championship. the various volleyball positions and [0 zero, the volleyball team sees "We're definitely capable of rules for those unfamiliar with the that despite irs relative youth, it it," said Lehr. "We're working on sport. can build on its success from last a better offensive arrack to go with • Setter, who Molloy describes season when they went 18-10 and our solid defense." as running the offense "like a quar- 6-4 in the Centennial Conference. In her capacity as team cap- terback" Head Coach Carole Molloy rain, Lehr said her job was to mo- Right Side Hlrrers, who play is entering her 15th season at the tivate the team when the coaches opposite the setter helm of the volleyball team. Mol- were occupied and serve as a men- Middle Hitters, who are usu- loy picked Haverford, who starred tor [Q [he younger players. She said ally [he tallest players on the ream 10-0, as the ream to beat going into it was important that the team • Outside Hitters, who play on the season. According to Molloy, stayed together and did not fighc. thelefrside coaches are not allowed to select Kelly Toms, a freshman on Libera, a defensive player that their own reams in the preseason the ream at middle hirrer and right does nor count as a substitution poll. Other top teams should be side, laughs about some of the Each team gets six players on Franklin & Marshall, Genysburg, duties freshmen have on the road the COUft, 15-18 substitutions, and and Johns Hopkins, she said. trips but agrees that the team is two elmeoucs ~We should be where we were very close. Matches are played best three last year or better," said Molloy "We always get stuck doing om of five to 30 points, 15 points "The team feels confident in irs the crappy stuff," said Toms. "Un- ifthereisa 15m game. ability to feed off me success we derclassmen get along wirh upper- Curremlv, the Terror's record had lasryear." classmen though." stands at 4-4 ~nd 1-0 in [he confer- Deanne Lehr, the team captain Toms also believes that the ence. The next home game is Sep- for the second consecutive year and team will do well this season and tember29. a four year starIer at outside hitter, gives credit to Molloy whom Toms Images of the Week Football Freshman C] Naper finds ease in transition to college cross country By Daft Iloberbon He remembers back to third McDaniel men's cross-country The last thing anyone expect- grade when Coach Renner made team has struggled to keep depth ed was to witness a bright smil- him run a local race with his peers among its runners as few replace ing freshman face cross the finish in which he placed fourth. those graduating. line before the rest of his team at "It's strange how he was my Having a freshman lead the Shenandoah University's home gym teacher in elementary school pack behind a 27 year old non-tra- meet on September 7. and now my college coach," Naper ditional student has given Coach For first year student and phys- said. ics major CJ Naper, nothing has "Come to think of it, most Doug Renner a positive outlook on the season. realty changed from high school of my past teachers have become Likewise, the indoor and out- except the field of competitors and coaches at some point." door track seasons look promising the racing distance. Aside from running and wres- Placing third in his first col- as a number of freshmen from across the country have expressed lege meet, hosted by Shenandoah Unlverstry, he set the bar high for "I can almost match interest in competing. success. each guy on this team And Naper, at least, has three At McDaniel College's home more years to offer the team. meet, he ran only three seconds with the personality of So far, the men have placed shore of his best high school 5K each one of my high first and second in all of their time, finishing l l rh at 16:45. school cross country meets. "This season was supposed to Imperative to scoring the low- be just a transition from me 5 to teammates. Ifit right est porne, Sean Allen, Nape, Cody 8K," said Naper. in here." Crutchley, Tim Snyder, and Russell Clearly, he took easily to the - Cj Naper Morin have consisrenriy stuck to- change in distance and (no pun gether. intended) ran with it. "I can almost match each guy A "local," as most students on ding during the winter season, Na- on this team with the personality campus would label him, Naper per is first and foremost a student. of each of my high school cross- began running track in 9th grade He juggles taking 19 credits [his country tearnmates,n said Naper. and cross-counrry in 10m. ~rst semester on campus in addi- ~l fit right in here." For each season of compert., [Jon to a 40-hour work week rion, he earned a varsity letter and culminated his high school career "It's hard to practice wi~h the [earn," he said, "bur my schedule with an Srh place finish at the di- now allows me to run with [he guys vision 2A Maryland State Cross- each day, except Wednesdays" Counrry Meet in the Fall of 2006. Over the last few seaso~, the
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