Page 23 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 23
THE M'DANIEl fREE PRESS SEPTEMBER 27 2007 11 Commentary A world without technology One student shares what it was like to live for one day without touching the everyday technologies we take for granted By ChrisUna Hinkle with one another, because the In- completely lost and out of the loop the world we live in today. Imagine a world where more remer had not yet been created. when I couldn't use my cell phone, It is amazing how much we text messages were sent in a single There were no cell phones to keep and I can't imagine living in a world take for granted when it comes to day then there were people on the in touch with friends, and the idea where rhar technology did not ex- technology. planet and where the average per- of text messaging had never been Junior Amanda Gushard-Ed- son spent over an hour driving in considered. Imagine a world wards said, "I can't imagine living a car each day. Imagine a world so Certain means of technology where more text without my cell phone for even a reliant on technology, that more rhat seem necessary [0 us today day, it's a huge part of my life and 1 than 34 million people worldwide were things char people twenty messages were sent would be lost without it." were hooked up to a social net- years ago did not have as an op- in a single day than Junior Katherine Stinchcomb working website to stay in contact ricn. there were people on said, "On average, I probably send with friends from around the globe To really understand whar it abour 40 text messages a day. Tex- (did you know? website). If you're was like ro live in a world where the planet. We live in ring has taken communication to a not having trouble imagining a rechnology was not readily avail- that world today. whole new level and I would not be world like this, it's because that is able at [he push of a burton, I de- able [0 survive without it." the world we live in today. cided co go an entire day wirhour a It is truly amazing how depen- Over the last decade, the use cell phone, a computer, television, lsr. However, college students 20 dent [he average college student of technology in our everyday Jives or me use of my car. years ago never had the option to has become on technology, with- has changed drastically. It is scary It was such a natural reaction do any of those things. [ suggest out ever realizing it. Every time you to think that 20 years ago, college to reach for my phone in class to trying to go a day without using pick up the keys to your car, your students all over me country relied send a text message or co call my any form of rechnology- it wil] give cell phone, or the remote to your on telephones to communicate friends after class to meet up. I felt you a newfound appreciation for television, try to imagine not hav- FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FR EE PRESS FR£[ PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREI' PRL,S fREE Movie Review: f)RfSS fRH: pruss fRH PRFSS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS Fin:!: PR FREt PRESS fREE PRESS R Dragon wars features great visuals, ESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREt PRESS fREE PI~ESS H{EE PRES S fREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE rIms The M!;Daniel Free Press sets up characters that fall flat Editorial Staff Staff Writers Melanie Chupeln David Nasongkh!a '08 co-Editor in Chief MJAlexander '09 Garrett Eagan '09 Mllr.eHabeger -....." Co-Editor in Chief Chris ferrick-Manley '09 Layout E"ditor Estetanla Luraschl '09 Web Editor Michelle Menner '09 Dave Robertson /09 Laura Hutton Becky Snider '09 News Co-Editor Roxanne Fleischer '10 Juliann Guiffre '10 Ceoff Peckham Rachel Hooper '10 By Patrick SUnson, Contributor News Co-Editor Katelynn McGinley '10 and Transformm. manages to successfully tangle with Ashlelgh Smith " a Whacis D-I.Vttr? Ir's a question Another is a battle to the death a fully-armed U.S. Army unit, with Katie Young lzzy Beer /11 that those who are nor as dread- between two mystical 150-meter only occasional help from their Features Co-Editor Nick Bender '11 fully geeky as me are probably ask- long serpents. For the violence- fire-spewing dragon friends. And Brandon Campbell '11 ing. Five years in the making, it's crazed young men in me audience after treating us to amazing shots Cori Simpson Meg Christian /11 a fantasy film by South Korean di- (read: me and my friends) this was of the carnage in L.A. that are both and horrifying, spectacular the film Features Co-Editor Jeff Davis '11 rector Hyung-Rae Shim (who also worth the price of admission. Matt Defonzo directed Rrptilian. another movie However, to get to that point, abruptly CUts away with no fur- Stacey Eyler Jordan Doss '11 you've never heard of), who sought we had to suffer rhrough a grear ther information on who wins the battle, deal of pointless filler. The film's what rhe aftermath was like, Opinion Co-Editor Jake Friedman /11 to combine Korean legend with dialogue was arrocious (I suspect or the world's reaction ro dragons Justin Harmon '11 modern technology and storytell- ing to create a unique action film. this is due rc Shim's relative unfa- attacking a major city. Christine Boynton Ryan Hickey '11 Opinion Co-Editor Megan Magee '11 Now anyone who knows me miliarity with directing scenes in Finally, the last scene of the chat I'm a huge Godzilla Anne Matthews knows English) and the romantic scenes film takes place in some weird fan, so a movie with dragons light- could be compared unfavorably to geographic netherworld; we are Ryan Chell Kurt Miller '11 Sports Editor Annie Myers '11 ing attack helicopters in Los An- those in Star Wars: Episode II. The never shown where it is, how the Sarah Peters '11 geles seemed like a definite must- villains are given no particularly characters were transported there, motivation, few Emily Biondo Maggie Powell '11 see. Unfortunately, while rhe final it interesting characters tend the to be- or where they are going to go after- ward. result is a remarkable interesting spectacle, Art Director Susie Riddle ulrimarely offers no reason for any come grease spors, the film's hero Bur for all that, the film's Cindy Sordo '11 actually han Ticknor Melissa Steinberg '11 normal person to watch ir. Story is a bore, and me heroine mosr of the worst sin is mat it spends a great seems to be catatonic is a semi-logical There Chief Photographer Paige Stewart '11 behind all of (he events in the film, time. deal of rime setting up three char- KimWiJliams'11 ac[~rs who then fail to accomplish would if it Stephanie Gllbertz which handled be compelling (evil ser- In addiricn, the film badly anything. The film ends with a se- properly were visit to the edit- Copy Editor penes, reincarnated lovers, a mys- needed room; another interspersed rhrough- ries of plot devices; the characrers' skills, histories, emotions, ing and mo- terious old man, and a battle over The opinions expressed do no! ne(:e1$arily repro-em these of Wt M'Daniei Free out are brief, completely pointless rivations are ail rendered irrelevant Prm srsff or rhe facul!}' and sdminisrrawrs QfM'D~niei College:. a girl's soul. .. what's nor to like?). segments about what boring and because they are saved by a magic The p~ptr wtlcomes frcd~nce $ubntissions via ~maiJ (I) Unfortunately, it is handled so irrelevant secondary characters are amulec and a big serpent. 'X'hen 1h~ N1irors re~rvc the right to edit fur clarity and libet,and {Q publish submissioru as clumsily that the film serves largely doing. one of the leads decides abruptly [Q space permit •. Plealt include a name and. phone number for verification.Namt$ will be as a framework for rwo blowout Even the aforementioned ac- make the ultimare sacrifice on be- special effects scenes. In one scene tion scenes could have used some half of mankind, all r could won- withhdd <)fIly by we diser~tinnofrhe Edirnr-in-Chict. an army of vicious reptiles attacks reworking. The film's primary vil- der was what took them so long? The- McDaniel Free Pr~ does not dhcriminare b~ on age, race. rdigion. gender, Los Angeles in broad daylight. lain, Buraki, spends so much rime D- war is raud PG-13 and scxu;ll orienllllk>n, nation:.1 origin, conditionofhandicap,ormaritaislatuS. leading to a confrontation with [he fruitlessly chasing our heroes that he should br fun by strious seimer fic- TheM'DanielfrecPrtss tion and fantasy buffi that art' look- 2 College Hill United States military rhat rivals seems almost deprived of menace. Wcsr:minMcr. MD 211S7 any similar scene in American ac- In a staggering display of illogiC, ing for som~thjng nrw. Ail others films like Indq;rndmer Day (411)) 751"8600 tion a pack of sword-wielding morons should probably avoid it. £
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