Page 24 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 24
THE Mr those treadmill lovers occupied another Facebook or nity. It is a "place" that reflects and Ibelieve in people-that they want the simple fact that although this for: a: few minutes during their parallels what I have found to be a better world, knowing that this modern fitness center bas double workout? YouTube. Check it the empowering and comforting one is insufficient. Too many in our the cardto equipment and COUO{- Enough-abQut needed Im- out when you get a atmosphere of McDaniel College, generation are content to sit idle in bs new weight machines:, it's still prcvemenrs because props are due chance. where no one is left to be lost in the front of their TVs, allowing some- not enough for the amount of tQ the McDaniel staff who put shuffle. one else (usually corporate Ameri- students currendy atrendingMc", this 'whole design together. And This is not facebook, MyS- ca) do all the work of conmucting Daniel. cl)nrrary to what you may· now pace, Xanga, or even Currene TV. cul[Ure. Too many have sat idly by Sophomore ~talrn Silbert believe the gym IS appreciated. There arc nOt mil!ions of users as power has been whisked away remembered, "One day at the Sports teams, as wdl 3$ un- competing for the attention of from the hands of the people and gym r W'd$.standing around wait- dergrarls and graduate student'S whoever happens to be viewing a put intO [he hands of the corporate ing for a bike for:u least a solid 15 here on the hill, are now coming page at any given time. There are aristocracy (this is perhaps due to minU[fS. It was really irritating.'" by the masses to work aUf. Of no hypernerds out there [Q pick up our young age-it is not our fault Should we really have co sit coUr$C we can find $Qmt glitches. [he slack for your Jack of participa- entirely, thanks Mom and Dad). a/'Qund and wait a stinking ·15 but the new hUlas center is way tion. And unlike YouTuhe, though I am going to idle. That would minuteS to ride a bike? Someone beyond what we were previously not unlike Wikipcdia, this is not an be a waste of gas anyway, and elec- might as well take thebik~ that's uSed to at McDaniel College, orgy of low grade videos, photos, tricity if J were idle on AIM (peo- bttn outsideQf Blanche the past For many of the fitness savvy and ideas. And because of its small ple-please Hsleep~ yourcompurers three weeks and ride it around the people heft on campus the antici- size, the participants in chis com- when yOU sleep). track a few rimes. parkm fOr (he opening date last munity will have co be accountable "'This is not meant as offense, year was exciting and well worth [0 each other in the online reality thi, is from our fovorite movit of it. The buUding itself is immacu- simulation as well as real life. 2006, the Dtparttd. PiellSt note late andsho~ a modern appeal We see each Q[her every day. that anecdotes and outbursu tikt this to a campus. that was established This web community is formulated will be prevaunt in foturt postings. in 1867.
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