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THE M'DA.NIEL fREE PRESS OCTOBER 11 2007 News This homecoming could be the last for Founders' Dinner is underground Greek letters on field 'McDaniel at its best' From "LeHers" on Page 1 From "Convo(:atlon" on Page 1 with the Army Coin of Excellence Greek Council President as well as who was a friend of my dad's was by Major General W. Montague the Treasurer and a member of the actualiy a war hero." Winfield. "lt is not very often that Alpha Sigma Phi Prarerniry. "It has Information about rhe Bat- one gets to make a presentation ro not been turned into a policy, and talion "really opened my mind up his hero," stated Winfield upon the nothing has been established." and I was rocally flabbergasted by presentation of the coin, ~Brothers The matter has been brought what I saw," said Abdul-jabbar, in Anns is my favorite book." before the IGC, where a vote took "Smitty" only lived for a year The army never intended for place to gather support from rec- after the book was published. It the 761st to fight. They just in- ognized Greek groups to send the was JUSt enough time to share his stated the Battalion to maintain issue to administration. At this experiences with friends and fam- continued SUppOTt from African point, as Schultz explained only ily and see the smiles the book put Americans for the war. Not only time will tell if certain organiza- on the faces of the Battalion mem- did they fight, but the 761sr faced tions are denied the opporruniry bers. 183 days of continuous combat. to display their letters. If the pol- work on the issue, explaining that approved groups to register with Abdul-Jabbar shared that peo- "These gentlemen were able to icy docs indeed pass, unrecognized the McDaniel College 2007-2008 me College Activities Office before ple always ask him wily he wrote help tell America about the one to bodies will nor have the privilege to Student Handbook states "defac- painting their letters. After register- the book and he said rhar the an- rwo million African Americans that paint, as deemed by admlnisrrarcrs ing College property" will result ing, groups will receive an assigned swer"is really very simple," fought in WWII,~ explained'wln- placing priority on known bodies. in "ColI~ge discipline." With rhar space on the hill char they must Sophomore Lla Snow adds, field, who also commended Abdul- This has not, however, stopped in mind, 'it seems administration adhere to, and consequences will "It is a great honor to have Abdul- jabber for the balance he created most organizations from display- has already set the ground rules for involve disciplinary action against Jabbar visit our school." between SPOrtS and academics. ing their letters in the past. In paiming; anyone who does is clear- any violators. Also honored was Dr. Vasilis Coley added, "Founders Con- face, groups who have not received ly in violation of code of conduct. Whether or not any decision Pagcnis, professor of physics at vocation was McDaniel College at space missed out because other In this case, tradition continually will be made before Homecoming McDaniel College, with the inau- its best. Kareem Abdui-jabbar is groups take up too much room and outweighs the guidelines each year, is unknown, though it appears that gural appoinrmenr into the John . an excellent example of a scholar cur into other areas. Once many and no damage takes place. this homecoming could be the last Desmond Kopp Professorship in arhlere who valued his education groups do this, [irtle to no room is "Once rhe grass is cut, the time underground fraternities and the Sciences. and wants people to know him for left for a particular group; this hap- paint will be gone. It's as simple as sororities will have a chance to After receiving his Honorary something other than just his sky pens mostly during Homecoming. char," Schultz added. sprawl their letter out on me grass. Degree, Doctor of Humane Let- hook." Schultz has done his homc- The new policy would require rers, Abdul-jabbar was presented Campus Media: WMCR radio hopes t~ e commu- reach beyond campus nity has information "That's what we're working toward and I'm sure it's [oak The McDonieL Fret!fuss to Front "Missing Teen" on Page 1 very close." - Deborah Vance ber 29 were tight-lipped about the Hagerstown state police, to rhe officer in charge of the case, their reasons for patrolling the Sgt. Dave Bowers. Like Webster, radio eoquene guidelines for 01s, By Bethany Crove Nobody checked it, nobody knew, such as not using obscenities on campus. They admirred that while he said that there was uc indica- WMCR, McDaniel College'S and I think we were JUSt assuming they were aware of the case, they tion that Bainbridge was affiliated everyone was hearing us," Vance the air, Vance added. could nor confirm or deny that it radio station, has struggled for air- OJ training and scheduling for with the college, but [hat she did time over the past year as well as said. Despite this setback, they were live shows is currently under way. was the reason that brought them have a history of running away [Q many other obstacles. Bur over me Students and staff are working with to McDaniel. One officer had chis college campuses that were dose eager to start streaming live mu- to say about Bainbridge; "She isn'r to her home. He could neither summer, the station moved from sic through McDaniel's inrrancr, Information Technology sraff in an missing- she's a runaway. There is the basement of Rouzer and into a attempt to stan creating podcasts, some evidence to suggest that she confirm nor deny the rumors that basement room in Lewis Hall. That which is available on campus. which will be more convenient has done this sorr cf thing before." police had tracked the CPS signal on Bainbridge's phone to a.bulld- move, ample funding, and plans to than live streaming. He went on to say, "If she doesn't ing in North Village. re-connect the AM antenna have "When people Ultimately, users will be able want to be found, we aren't going According to The Charley students and the station's advisor, had radios they ro subscribe to the station's pod- (0 find her," Project, a website that has docu- Dr. Deborah Vancc, optimistic cases and listen as their schedules Derails surrounding the case mented over 6.500 "cold cases" about the station's future. Iistened to us on allow, English explained. remain vague, but [0 date, the concerning mtsstng persons, the "I'm hoping within the next their AM dial, but I All these goals hinge upon facrs are as follows: term "endangered runaway" is two weeks we should have everyone guess people aren't funding, Vance and students asso- Rebecca Paige Bainbridge is used in cases where a minor has trained and anyone who wants to ciated with {he station said. They officially listed as an "endangered been missing for more than thirty show up can still come by. We have listening to radios also note rhar funding, which is runaway". days, or when rhere is indication a lot of new DJs, and we're alway! anymore ...Everybody primarily from the college's media • She is five feet four inches tall mat a minor is missing under ctr- interested in having new (alent, board, jumped from $4,360 to with shoulder length straight red cumstances that indicate she left said senior Kevin English, who is on the Internet and $4,860 between 2006 and 2007. hair and brown eyes. She wears voluntarily. At the time me signs says he does ~whatever is needed of podcasti ng." The Media Board, which is glasses and has a scar on her left went up on campus, Bainbridge _ Dr. Deborah Vance headed by Beth Gerl, consists of knee. had officially been missing for ,Ip- The students and faculty Mitchell Alexander, director of Before she was rumored to prOXimately 15 days. involved with the station are cur- student activities, as well as student have come to Westminster, police If you have any information rently getting set up through Mc- representatives and advisors to the had reason to bdieve that she Was on the case, you are C"ncouraged "When people had radios ~ey Daniel's intranet where s(Udents five major media groups on cam- in Sykesville, MD - where she had to cal! either the Westminster listened to us o{l their, ~ d~al, will soon be able to type a URL but I guess people aren t hstenJ~g pus. These are Conerast Lirerary run away to previously, according state police 410-386-3000, or into iTunes to connect and hear Magazine, McDaniel Free Press, roGazerre,Net Sgt, Dave Bowers with'the Hag- [0 radios anymore," Vance saId. liv~ broadcasts. Many students will "Everybody is on the Internet and McDaniel "Terror-TV;" Pathways Calls to Hagerstown sheriff's erslown Srare Police at .3QI-739- enjoy the convenience of listening Yearbook; and WMCR. department, Hagerstown city po_ 2101. to WMCR while at school, English pod~:~."Bem Gerl became the "What we want is the capac- lice, and MD State police, finally said. ity for people living off-campus, or Dean and Vicc president of Stu- At the beginning of last year dent A.frrurs, she requested that the alumni, or even people in Budapest the radio club discovered mat the students create a manual before [0 be able to hear it [the station]; GOT NEWS? AM antenna had not been func- chey could set up on the intranet, thac's the goal," Vance said. "That's tioning, bur nobody knew how what we're working coward and J'm which [Ook them a few months [0 long it had been. create, a.ccording (0 Vance. basic sure it's very dose." . "Apparencly me AM antenna Its purpose was to set became unattached in a storm.
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