Page 29 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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aniel Free Pres's October 11 2007 M'Daniel College, Westminster, MD Special Report: Diversity in Halo 3 60 Seconds Asks: Minority recruitment completely What are your plans for Fall Break? reworked Page 6 Page 5 Policy about In This Issue painting letters Football'. Ba<:k on field under Terror squeezes by Juniata, 14-10. Keating doses on lOOth career consideration win. Pase 12 Ti<:kled Pink By Greg pfeiffer Elegant and shabby chic boutique The view at Bair Stadium may opens ncar college. Page 9 not be as colorful this homecom- ing. The long-held tradition of painting Greek letters and logos of campus organizations on the hill enclosing the football field is under scrutiny, though decisive action has yet [0 be taken. There has been recenr debate over the ability of Greek organiza- tions to paint rheir Iercers on the stadium hill. Fraternities and so- rorities are sanctioned a small piece of the hill to represent their group; Homecoming acts as the best event Tuning In for these displays. With multiple On Monday, October 1, McDaniel students, According to news reports, the military re- WMCR radio moves to basement Greek bodies on campus, born rec- faculty, administrators, and staff rallied in gime killed several protesters and imprisoned of Lewis Hall, eyes upgrades, and ognized and underground, space is support of protests against the injustices in hundreds of others. Public access to phone budget remains sound. Pqe 3 limited. Burma. The gathered in Red Square, wearing and Internet communications was also cut off. The issue surfaced recently red to show solidarity. "Theconflict in Burma, another example of The protest was peaceful in nature and Fli<:kPi<:k when underground organizations meant to raise awareness. atrocious human rights abuses, will always be ignored by the United States, who is in bed Across thl! Universe brings Beades painted their letters on the field. At least 65 students were in attendence for sleeping comfortably under the invisible sheet melodies to big screen. Movie is crowding legitimate, school-backed the noon to one rally organized by Un Sun of capitalism with China," said Ben Berkow, Other visually stunning and a musical organizations. community members of 00, '10, and the Amnesty International Club. '08. MC&MH were con- me campus wonder. Page 10 cerned about the even distribution Thinking Green? of space per organization. Runaway teen still missing Probably not if you've been to Glar There has been speculation that underground groupS should be over the past month. The environ- Details surrounding denied a section on the hill, leaving was reponed missing from her Hag- progress had been made on the mental acrion club raises awareness only certain groups the chance for about the not-50-green practices on missing girl remain vague acknowledgement. According to ~~~;:;~~~f~:~~sns:~:~e~~~; :::;n:~~~~:~ :edh~:e:':~:;~~ campus. Page 11 senior Jonathan Schultz, however, Webster told the McDaniel Free a call telling us to take the signs the talk holds little certainty. By Kittelynn M~Glnley Press mat the posters were put up down, I assume the case is still InThe Next Issue "The statement about letting Signs posted around North as a favor to the Hagerstown Police open. only recognized organizations paint Village me morning of Thursday, Department, saying, "Sometimes Carroll County sheriff's de- their letters on the hill is just that, a September 27 alerted the campus people from Hagerstown will end panmenr officers spotted on cam- Recycling for Charity Crab Guys sraremenr" says Schultz, me Inter- that a teenaged girl was missing up here ... she [Bainbridge] doesn't pus the night ofSanuday, Septem- and may possibly be on campus. The Troubadour~ See "'Leiters'" on Page 3 Rebecca Bainbridge, age 16, have ~e~:~;e::~:rs':r not See "MlsllnB Teen" on hge 3 McDaniel honors alum Founders' Convocation honors and war hero Bates Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and others "He always said his purpose By LOIura Hudon, News Co-EdHor Award that was posthumously pre- McDaniel College for producing a By Geoff Peckham, News co- Contributions by Geoff Ped(ham sented to his father. This honor is leader like Paul Bates who cared so EdHor in life was to lead the 761st," Bates said, referring to his time as the On Saturday, September 29, given to a very small number of much about his soldiers and for the If you were to ask Baron Bates McDaniel College held its first alums who greatly impact society cause of social justice," States Presi- about his father's college yean, he commander during of the 761srTank Bat- Founders Convocation since me after leaving the campus. dent Joan Coley otherwise W\'QIJ, calion would probably say very firmly that known as the "Black Panthers." 125m anniversary of the school 15 "My father would have been Through Brothers in Arms, Western Maryland College played The 761st was entirely comptised years ago. Among those honored most honored," Bates said. Paul (published in 2005), Abdul-Jabbar a large part in the devdopmeor of of African-Americans, me first of was NBA hall-of-farner Kareem Bates was eager and confident to remembers the 761st Tank Battal- his character. Considering me type Abdul-Jabbar, who was awarded an lead me first African American ion. He became interested in me its kind. They were never expected of man Colonel Paul Levern Bates honorary degree in Human Letters. battalion and land on foreign soil. 76lst through a 1992 documen- [0 see combat, and very few had was, this is something McDaniel Jabbar is me author of Brothers in Bates insisted that his men, who tary that he was invited to attend. rnith in them, not even General College should take a lot of pride Arms, which centers on the 761H called themselves the "Black Pan- Disappointed with rhe sloppy pro- in. George Patton, to whose US Third Tank Battalion, the first all-African thers," be given ncrhlng but the duction and factual errors pointed "He always spoke fondly Army the battalion was deployed. American battalion in the United best. our by~ "Smitty," a family friend of [WMCl," said Bates after the But me "Black Panthers" would ul- States Army during W'WII. Best known for his basketball and member of the 761st, Abdul- Founder's Convocation on Sep- timately be engaged in four major Also honored was 1931 alum career, Abdul-Jabbar is creating a Jabbar decided to write the book. tember 29. "It had a uemendous campaigns, including me Baede of Paul Lavern Bates, who was the new name through himself through Abdul-Jabbar was surprised to influence on him." Bates was on the Bulge. commanding officer of the 761s(. his growing collection of authored learn mat this "wise-cracking cop Before he was the command- hand to accept the Trustee Alumni Baron Bates, the son of Paul works. See ....COllYOUtlo .... on Page 3 Award on his father's behalf at the See "Bates" on .... ge 2 Bates, accepted the Trustee Alumni "He was most impressed with ceremony.
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