Page 25 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 25
T3 THE .... Smith &Ashley Hayward E5S FREE PRESS FREf PRESS FREE PRESS FREr. PRfSS fREE PRES ......._ 1- Ifyou feel down . . . 73.4% of McDaniel students pick this up. have 0-5 drinks per week. Many people believe By Torreka Jordan that most students are high-risk drinkers. Actually, the opposite is true. "Defining myself, as opposed Why is it easy for us to define or as- Most McDaniel students who choose to drink, sign labels to others but find it diffi- to being defined by others, cult when it comes to us personally? drink responsibly. Of course we arc biased for all the is one of the most difficult obvious reasons, but maybe it is be- GET THE FACTS cause we will be aware of the charac- challenges I face." ter Saws that need improvement. Or For more Information about drinkIng on campus, con- we will discover how much perhaps - Carol Moseley-Braun potential is inside of us co fix those tact Megan Hearron In Counseling Services at x330S. Aaws. Commentary: Mickey Daniel A freshman from mean then get a dictionary and are JUSt dumb as hell and if you New York City shares look it up. If you don't know what can't think of one of your friends ~ as chat dumb, men you are that his journey from a dictionary is then just give up on person. I'm really grateful and [ life because there are harder things "Brooknam" to to know bout in life. can see myself sitting with some of "WesrIDonsrer" This is my first article and it my friends right now doing noth- was kinda hard [0 figure out bout ing with my life. I can see myself By Justin HilMOon what I wanted to write bout and standing on the corner selling drugs ~ then it hit me. I should write bout or being just another chalk line in Hello McDaniel aka Mickey T Daniel readers, this is my first ar- the transition from being in Brook- (he streets. I'm not and I'm graceful lbou l%ue: lyn to Westminster. that McDaniel 'When I wrote gave me the chance tide. I'm explaining how I'm going it down I realized how blessed I to go to their college because if I to write my article but before I do. am. Now don't take this [he wrong was still in New York I be doing GRAND OPENING! Let me introduce myself. My name way. I am in no shape or form a nothing with my life. friday. September 28. 2007 for the paper that re~:ng: is Justin aka Backpack Jack, the kid religious man, but I still realize all Look at me now I'm in college 6pm -12am on campus that always has a back- this JUSt didn't happen by chance. and I'm writing J Din us for refreshments pack on. I'm 5'11, light skinned, Out in Brooklyn there is always you are reading right now. This is at Midnight Madness! cute, funny, and single ladies, Bid5}i ttalian Silver and something going on. If there wasn't the end of my article and I hoped lIlurdoo GlMS Beads holla. Anyway I'm from Brooklyn you enjoyed it bur it's whatever. Cusrem ~~nedSweet Pea jewelry 10 Jobn street aka Brooknam in New York City. beef, someone got jumped or some Look our for my next article, SllalJb)lctiieJVtltlture Westminster, MO 211S7 Now let me explain how I go- type of shootout. Sometimes [here end uraque orhl-of,akinct gifts! 410.871.1031 ing to wrirc this and every article. was someone getting arrested. which is going to be about igno- (within W
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