Page 22 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 22
10 THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS SEPTEMBER27 2007 Features commentary: McDaniel students say the darndest things Blog showcases some of (Too Much Information!). No one ally shocked or horrified me. Much Overheard at McDaniel language and sexual who are the more unfortunate is safe - Honor students or not the of the strong could be found in an R~ "",,,_~~,,,,,\."_,s.,. ....~_ ." confused innuendo about whether phrases to come out of Amish have driveways and frat guys rated movie - which you need to Th.e a~thor of this a~icle caught up with the moderator of the blog for a and answer session. Here is what they discussed brief, Informal question students' mouths waxing philosophical about a girl's be 18 or older to attend. And since bra size are all equally fair game. A a college community is typically 1. Obvious question: Where did the idea for the blog come from? By Katelynn Mt:Clnley personal favorite would be the one aged 18 or older, I find little on me - I love the website Overheard in New York, and one day I followed where a female student was over- blog so far that is extreme." the links on the sue to "Overheard Everywhere". On that website were Whether it's (he President of heard making a parallel between Journalism professor, Terry quotes that h~d shoutouts to alternate Sites, many of which were for big the United States or the girl who GLAR cookies and a certain part Dalton, admits that he sees noth- name universities across the country. !thought "why not McDaniel? sits next (0 you in Chemistry, peo- cf the male anarcmy ing ethically wrong with the blog- People say ridiculous things here!" Hence the website. ple have a beautiful tendency [0 One might chink that such students are not named, and qUotes that ~oes behind the up keep of the blog. Do put their foot in their mouths. It's blum dialogue being used in asso- are attributed vaguely co people like 2. Explain the pr?cess you reclevet Is there anything you won't post! you post everythmg a good bet that even you, illustri- ciation with me college's name will Soccer Girl #1 or Random Drunk How often do you update, etc. ous reader, have at some point said draw some raised eyebrows and Guy. However, he also adds that he - I'm insanely busy right now and I have no idea how to work with something thar has caused your criticism from rhe administration, is "wary of another distraction for blogs or websttes, so I just wing it. I think the site looks pretty nice friends to look at you in stunned but as Associate Director of Public students" that is in che same vein It's hard to me~s up the them~ [at where the blog is ' disbelief and say "J canllot beliroc Relations, Michele Lciberman told as wildly popular sites like Myspace hosted] they give you, but I did learn some basic HTMl stuff to make you jun said that. " 7he Fru PreH; "We are an institu- and Facebook. it look prettier and add links a~d such. I don't post everything I get. People saying dumb things? tion where freedom of speech is So what do the students think Somethings are just really stupid, others are too offensive, and some That's nothing new. What is new, encouraged." This is a reassuring of Overheard ar McDaniel? In just aren't all that funny. Currently I don't get too many submissions, however, is being able to share statement, to be sure. Even more this case, the numbers speak for though, so I do put up almost everything I get. I update when I get the chance, usually ~very few days?r so. I try to check this once a day to these less than brilliant, but oh- so when you consider that the Uni- themselves. Since the first post on keep things movrng along, but life does often get in the way. so entertaining gems of wisdom versity of Florida srudenr who was September 4, the blog has massed with the rest of the world via the rasered by campus police at a Q & 1170 hits (at press cime), or an av- 3. Favorite thing you've received? internet. It's also exactly what Me- A with Senator John Kerry was ex- erage of about 73 hits a day. - hmmm ... I think a lot of what goes on the site is pretty funny. My fa~ Daniel students can do, thanks ercising this same right. Whatever your personal feel- vorite thus far is probably "Girl: Do you ever fake orgasms? Guy: Only to Overheard at McDaniel, a blog In reference to the blog, As~ ings on Overheard at McDaniel when I masturbate." r mean, let's be honest. That's just so ridiculous, that welcomes you to "The new- sisrant Professor of Communica- might be, one thing is for sure; the irs amazing. est source of awkward McDaniel [ions, Jonathan Slade had this to next time you feel like loudly dis- 4. What do you have to say to those people who might be offended by gossip!" whose popularicy has been say; "Students are clearly embrac- cussing whether or not it's possible growing steadily since its start at ing emerging media like blogs and to get gonorrhea in your eyes while the content of the blog? an ~There are things I've said on that blog. That's always fun, opening [he beginning of September. podcesdng, and while this is crear- you're waiting for your food at the email or getting an 1M with something I've said, but I put it up regard- The blog, founded and run ing new and exciting ways [0 com- pub, be warned that the people less. Things that are inappropriate won't go up. But then again, my by an anonymous McDaniel sru- municate, it doesn't always raise [he waiting in line behind you might idea of inappropriate is pretty skewed. If you don't. like it, don't ~ook. dent, is an unbiased look at what quality of discourse." JUSt want to share chac particular There isn't porn on it (I deleted that Itnk) a~d anything ov~rly racI~t won't go up. Seriously though, ignorance ISfunny, from nme to time. happens when students (or faculty He goes on [0 add, however wirticlsrn with [he rest of the cam- members) are overheard saying thee after looking over rhe posts pus. Overheard something you want to share? something winy, gross, or mat just on me sire that he "found a few email OverheardAtMcD@gmaiLcomoroveraim OverheadAtMcD falls under the category of TM.l. clever exchanges; nothing that rc- Jan Tenn joum.eys abroad Read about these rich experiences, then go. By Kim Williams The photography trip to Italy Clearly, Jan Term trips offer a Jan Term, as a requirement in 2007, on the other hand, had a variety experiences. If you are in- to graduate, this phrase may be a "different feel." terested in having a good time and source of aggravation and dread for Frieman recalls how she just doing some sightseeing, mere are a some. However, just because it is "had fun experiencing culture" variety of appealing rrips. On me required doesn't mean these trips and reveling in [he chance to look other hand, if a trip that involves aren't a lot offun. JUSt ask Christine at "history and art [she] had only volunteer work or gening to know Frieman, a senior who has gone on ever heard about." Asked whether me people of [he COUntry is of not one but twO studies abroad or not the students interacted with interest to you, there are a whole during her time at McDaniel. the locals, Frieman recalls one other set of trips to consider. Students enjoy a boat ride on lastlanuary's trip 10 Italy over Ian Term. LI
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