Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 18
THE J",DA.NIEl FREE PRESS SEPTEMBER 27 2007 Features II Believe r believe in freedom. in being able to do as you please. I believe in leisure time, in being able to play sports. hanging with friends, and seaylng up until insane I believe in the simple life - a life in which you can wake I believe that everyone hail the right [0 their own be- house of the nigh! talking. [believe that conllinning up every morning and just have a bowl of cereal, where liefs. I believe people are much tOO easily impressed by inro what the media says you should be is stupid. I you can even do laundry once every rwc weeks without people around them. 1 believe that music is a way of believe char friendships should last a llfetlrne and that running out of clothes. I believe in being a kid, laughing life. I beliese rhar religionis overrated and the morals you should live life to the fullest. I believe thll( life at everything even when things aren't so funny. I believe taught by religtons are often forgotten. [believe rhar shouldn't just be filled with work, but with fun and in taking baby steps forward and having friends and family you will never find our who you really are until you try entertainment. to rely on just in case... just in case you fall short. I believe something and fail- and yet. you should have the gurs in what makes me happy and carrying that idea with me to keep crying. I believe its important co be scared. be- Ashley Hayward '11 wherever I go. cause it is one Qf the purest emotions and the only one Carmen Wong '11 mat can help you grow es a person. I believe friendships are the most imporeane chings in life. I believe rhar technology is overused and human contact can never be replaced. I believe in Independence and . I beneve that one-sided friendships are not worth the time, I believe in the cathartic nature ilfhair.c;uts,_craft time, and cuddling. I believe homework ranks above deenjng bur that a little procrastination is necessary for success. 1 believe in planning for the worst Casescenario - over lind over again. 1 believe in soul mares. I believe that atheists ate kidding rherriselves. I also believe that religion is not meant (0 be Eundamenmlisr. 1believe that college is when I believe people are what make life living. growing up really begins. I believe in good school supplies and free printing in the [ believe travel makes you realize the world library, I believe char it's okay rc have a weird voice; people will always remember you. is bigger than you are. I believe what does I believtrhar literature is-asouececfborh conscious and unconscious inslghtinto life. not kill you makes you stronger. I believe Someone elsetook the rime to write it down. and we should valuelr. Faulkner should be a lUtional hero. I believe Maria Lathroum'{}S [he things worth h.aving require the most work and pain [0 acquire. I believe corn- puters may actually take over the world. I believe my parents know more than I do. I beljeve ignorance is one of the most rragic elements of our society. 1 believe an empty 1believe ehae laughree .is: thebes!; medicine, eee ,"". P"" compliment is worse than any insult. I mat dogs are truly a person's besr friend (but cae srlll believe ice cream can solve.any problem. J mat SO·degtees'llnd sunny with:r.ero hwniditr is the perfect tempera- believe music is. the best expression Qf emo- rure, arid that [here is no place like berne: I believe:in fishing witbmt tion. I believe there few things as urisfjring dad, in visiting &niIljrWhenever possible, in acting ~ with my sister, as a well-written paper, I believe fary rales ead In growing up .. be like my mom. r believe that being bes, lrirods do not exi5t bur it's fun to think they do. I I believe in cold pizza [he next day and staying up all is the~ fA) healmyboyfriendlgirlfrlend I'dationsbips. that rheteare believe my filith in God should define me; night just [0 watch [he sunrise. I believe in sandals in the carnplirt$ with 6ien
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