Page 141 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 141
THE M'OANIEL fREE PRESS APRIL3 2008 Commentary Ct\tC April movements and felt the powerful vibration flow through my body Looking for something to do around campus? ith the help There is an old saying that says, "A from the speakers, I began ro un- of CAPBoard and many other campus organiz ons, there picture paints a thousand words." If derstand that music is a language By GarreU Eapn, Mc:Oanlel Guru several fun events planned for the month of March: mat statement is true, then a movie in itself and that dance has a visual AprilS: McDaniel Dance Company Pnformance: Future paints millions of words, bringing expression. It is just like sign lan- Well, it's official. The ex-player Sponsored by: McDaniel Dance Co. them into a full Technicolor life for guage and it is a visual expression turned snitch has inked another Time: 5:00 p.m. a Deaf person. of a spoken language. By watching book, set to hit shelves this spring. Locarion: Alumni Hall Many people are surprised dance I too can share in music. He has rung me bell on Mark that I love movies so much. Until Before we had a closed- McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry April 7: Budapest Orientation recently, most were not dosed- captioned television, Mom would Bonds. He used cookouts as meet Presented by: Rose Falkner captioned. I recall my mom tak- interpret television shows and me and greets between dealers and Time: 7:00 p.m. ing a tiny Aashlight and signing movies that we would rem. I'll players, using the interaction for Location: Hill Hall Rm. 016 low under the seat the gist of what never forget her renting [he movie future evidence. He has linked the was going on. The first movie I re- Stella when I was in high school, word "steroid" to every homerun April 9: BloodDrilJe member being a curly-haired, red and she told me ir was a very im- ever recorded. Sponsored by: College Acdvtdes headed girl dancing and singing as porranr movie about how much And now, he is doing it again. Time: 11:00 a.m. Mom's hands raced to keep up. I mothers loved their daughters. Fellow juicer and ex-big leagu- Location: The Forum was hooked! My silenc world had I sat and watched the movie, er Jose Canseco has written another been filled wirh fast action, color, and I couldn't control my laugh- book on the steroid ordeal, and the April 9: Residence Life QcM dancing and interest. ter at her when she cried her eyes names involved in it are nor a big Sponsored' by: SGA As I grew older, I read books our at the end. She then signed surprise. ln the book, "Vindicated: Time: 8:00 p.m. and then later saw their movie to me, "Just wait until you have a Big Names, Big. Liars, and The Location: Hill Hall 108 adaptations. The movies made the daughter," which made me laugh Bartle ro Save Baseball," Canseco books "live" for me and gave me a even more, and she ended up being is blowing me whistle on more April 10: Free Casino Night broader comprehension of things hurt. players, including superstars Alex Sponsored by: Late Nights I was incapable of understanding I now have a daughter of my Rodriguez and Magglio Ordonez. Time: 10:00 p.m. like "cannon blasting," "a thunder- own, and Stella is one of my fa- The book, which was acciden- Location: The Forum ous gallop," .or "a bloody scream." vorite movies. It makes me think rally bought recently, has already Thousands of these terms were of my own mom, how much she been leaked over the web. Ac- April 12: New York City trip to see "Chicago" near meaningless until I was able loves me, how much Ilove my own cording to the new book, Canseco Sponsored by: CAPBoard to visualize them on the screen and daughter, how there are no limits had introduced A-Rod to a steroid Tionco>"7,OO ....... ....:ann",c::r (hem wim the words r had ro a momer's love and me sacrifices dealer, and frcrn rhere [he charges Contact CAPBoard for derails read. moms make. even reach rhe claim that A-Rod When r saw words associated Now I can share a list of my fa- was after Canseco's men-wife. Had April 14: Etiquette Dinner with feelings and emorion con- vorite movies in a variety of genres: enough yet? Sponsored by: CAPBoard nected with expression on faces. I 1. Blade Runner, 2. Gone With the I think we all have. [ do credit Time: 6:00 p.m. was more able [0 comprehend me Wind; 3. Elizaheth; 4. 7here} Some- Canseco for not mining the game Location: The Forum story. I especially get more our of thing Ahout Mary; 5. Top Gun; 6. of baseball or rainnng it, but shed- comedy if I can see faces. 7he Family Stone; 7. Tin Cup; S. ding light on the people who were Music used {Q be a bit of a Vital Signs (a short film created by actually ruining ir- the players who mystery to me-c-something re- two deaf filmmakers, Wayne Betts, were juicing. But, the second book served for hearing people. When I Jr. and Chad W. Taylor, owners of is a bit much. No one is perfect, saw people dance and studied their Mosdeux). and with all the tests and constant scrutiny, I do not think the latest names involved in his new book are valid. Remember, this is com- ing from a guy who missed a deep fly ball, which bounced off his head and continued over the wall for a homerun. Canseco should JUSt fo- cus on his personal business, and not try to further his self-righteous role as the torch-bearer against ste- roids. One was enough, but rhis is too much. And this book comes right in time for the new season, in which A-Rod is heavily on pace to continue his pursuit of HANK AARON's record (nor Barry Bonds). Whether these charges nrc accurate is still to be determined, but one thing is certain, A-Rod is tight-lipped and focused on base- ball. Good idea. (Rend the fill! commentary on the Free Press Blogr at www.mcdanieL- DON'T AGREE? Share your thoughts.
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