Page 136 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M'DA.NIEl FREE PRESS MARCH 1J 2008 PAGE 16 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 3 Men's Lacrosse: 'Terror' no longer in sight for lacrosse By Ryiln Barre, Contributor and is there to work for us, bur he kids," said Hatton. "I chink it is junior Jason Scealy as someone he rivals, Washington College (WAC) expects the same in return," said finally time to shed some positive expects to playa big role. and Gettysburg College. Stricken with turmoil throughout Edmonds. light on McDaniel lacrosse both on Despite the young team, nei- "I think one of our main goals most of the new millennium and Edmonds said the biggest dif- and off the field." ther coaches nor players sec this as is to beat Gettysburg and WAC," long removed from the glory days ference between the rwo coaches As the ream prepares for the a rebuilding season. Edmonds said said Kyle Hadden. under former coach Keith Reiten- is Harron's positive reinforcement season, its confidence seems ro practices have been going great and The April 9 showdown with bach, McDaniel's men's lacrosse and (he individual arrenrion he be increasing daily. According to believes the preseason was a sue- Gertysburg will be the first home team hopes to return [0 old form gives. Harron, depth is the ream's biggest game against them in three years in their second season under Head "If we're struggling with some- asset on offense, with four of their "I think we're ready for our and it figures to be decided late. Coach Matt Harron. rhlng, he will work with us where top five scorers returning to help first game and have whar it takes to "This is a crazy conference In the team's first season un- Townsend would not," added the lead the team, including sopho- be successful," Edmonds said. where everybody beats everybody," der Harron, a four-year letter win- captain. more Gibbs Preston who led the The team is hoping that with said Hatton. ner and two-year starter at Hobarr Senior Alex Becker, another team with 38 points. all their preparation and new ad- If McDaniel is able to bear College, the ream finished with a player who has experienced both However, the team will also be ditions, they can accomplish big Gettysburg and/or WAC, it would record of 8-6 overall and 3-5 in coaches' styles, believes mat Hat- relying on transfers including Hat- things this year. On March 1, the be a huge step toward reaching the the Centennial Conference, which ton is here ro stay. ron's brother, Mike, who transferred team backed Edmonds comments team's ultimate goals of making the is slighrly berrer than the previous "He is an excellent recruiter," from Syracuse, as well as incoming by beating Moravian 21-3 to move conference finals and then winning year but srill nor where they want said Becker. "Our last rwo recruit- freshmen to fill the void. The team to 1-0. it. [Q be. ing classes have been really good." is starting a handful of freshmen, Everyone seems to agree that Gettysburg has played WAC In the two years leading up to "Harton make players want and one of Hatton's main concerns there is a lot of talent on this in the conference championship Reitenbach's departure in 2002, the to stay here; Townsend didn't," is making sure rhey grow through- year's roster which should prevenr every year since 2001, bur Me- team compiled a 23-6 record and said Edmonds. After spending out the season. the team from letting games they Daniel would love to upset me was a force to be reckoned with in three years on Townsend's staff as "We have a lor of young guys should win slip away, as they did traditional final and snatch one of [he Centennial Conference. a graduate assistant, Hatton has that will be playing this year and last season with disappointing the twO NCAA bids that typically come from the Cemennial Confer- However, after the first season seemingly learned from [he former it's exciting," said Harron. "When losses to Urslnus, Muhlenberg and unde~ ronner "oach Jim. O'Nn~end, coachCli'
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