Page 137 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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The MCDanIel Free Press M~Daniel College, Westminster, MD ~ Alcohol for a healthy heart? Hands back on the wheel 60 Seconds Asks: Study shows moderate amount of alco- Maryland lawmakers finally ready to What are you most looking forward to on hoi reduces heart disease risk Page 10 outlaw texting while driving Page 4 Spring Fling weekend? Page 8 McDaniel remembers Herlocker In This Issue Movies are language Chemistry professor dies Herlocker, a chemistry profes- aced scores of students who have his Ph.D. in Chemistry. He was Meredith Tucker reflecrs on unexpectedly at age 67 sor on the Hill for 40 years, died gone on to impressive graduate a member of Phi Beta Kappa and her experiences with movies at home on Wednesday March 19 schools and careers in industry and served on numerous committees and music, offering a list of her By Bethany Gnwe at 67-years-old. the medical field," according to me on campus. favorite Htcks Page 5 Herlocker was department memorandum e-mail sent out by AI; a member of the West- Retired McDaniel faculty mem- chairman and was named profes- President Joan Coley on March minster Road Runners Club and All Systems Go ber Dr. David W Herlocker will sor emeritus upon his retiring in 21. founder of the Main Street Mile, always be remembered for his pas- 2006. Herlocker graduated cum Herlocker was quite a fan of track sion for running, his family and "Under his leadership, the laude from Knox College in 1962 and field. He remained an avid dogs. He'll be remembered every Chemistry Department doubled with a degree in chemistry, as stat- runner until 1995, when an acci- time his friends pour a Pepsi (not in size, moved into high-tech labs, ed me memorandum. He earned dent left him seriously injured. A Coke) over ice or purchase a lcnery founded a chemistry honor society, his M.S. from the University of IJ- ticker. Gamma Sigma Epsilon, and gradu- linois in 1964 and in 1966 earned See "'Herlocker" on Page 2 A Dedicated Following College Hosts Tournament of Champions Fellowship STI!P,,,, .. H"'SCTHAL expenences "Green Light, Looking Back [0 Move Forward" raised money for the Invisible Children of Uganda, 30-Hour raising awareness about AIDS in Africa through its portrayal of Famine fashion throughout the decades Page. By Juliann Guiffre, featarH Co-Editor ee z a " • S Jose Consecc has written another book that takes a jab at other Betsy Gravenor only made it about professional baseball players, two hours before she started knew ro Worried, she feel hungry. accusing them of using steroids PageS she'd have to make it for 28 more. At 5:00 p.m., her stomach started growling for dinner. By the middle Blanche needs are-do of the night, she felt a dull ache in Berween bed bugs, vomit stains, her stomach, and she was tempted and a lingering stench, Blanche to ear something JUSt to make it go Ward Hall is in desperate need of away. renovarions, which will get under Yet somehow she was com- way after graduation Page J forted by the fact that she knew On Thursday, March 27, McDaniel College Olympics. hosted Tournament of Champions. The fans of Elmer Wolfe Elementary's when her next meal was coming, Division IV? The annual event, has been hosted by representative athlete Robby Shilling held a and there are so many others who NCAA panel convenes Page 12 McDaniel for twenty years since its founding sign to show their support. can't say the same. by Jim Bullock. McDaniel athletes acted as One event was a shuttle relay that To suppOrt the 29,000 chil- InThe Next Issue buddies to individual student participants. combined McDaniel students and tournament dren under the age of five who die each day from hunger, on Friday, The event is modeled after the Special participants in teams. DPR March 28 at noon members of the Gamma Sig Benefit Concert Christian Fellowship and other srudenrs began whar would be Brussels program scrutinized by-students 30 hours of fasting, called' the 30 Hour Famine. "Even the hunger pains 1 [ex- perienced] are only mild when 1 8y Gail Beveridge, Contributor last fall. "Big issues." miliariry with the university in The FUSL faculty responsible put (hem into perspective; I'm sure "Frankly," said Brenden ru- Belgium, given his extensive work for McDaniel students is Ms. Pau- they are nothing compared to what The new Brussels exchange pro- ton, a fall 2007 parricipanr in me with administrators mere. "I think lus in FUSes office of international other people around the world ex- gram is garnering mixed reviews program, the meeting was called I'm as informed about me program programs. She held her first meet- perience every day," said Gravenor. among students. prompting col- because "none of the administra- as I can possibly be," he said. ing with the students "rwo weeks AU donations will go to World lege officials [0 call a meeting on tors or deans knew anything about One student in particular sent after classes began," according to Vision, a Christian Humanitar- March 5 that assessed the pros and the program." an email to Rose Falkner. director che e-mail. ian Organization that provides cons of the Belgium experience. Provost Falkner said he was of international and off-campus "We were the guinea pigs in food and other aid to countries all Officials hoped mat i( would draw "disappointed" to learn that stu- study and the wife of Provost this situation," said Oliver Cirna, around the world. McDaniel's best and brightest. dents do not trust him in his fa- Falkner, to express concerns over a senior and political science major According to Debbie Dieder- Dr. Thomas Falkner, (he the Brussels exchange experience who anended FUSL in 2007 who ich, me 30-Hour Famine national provost and dean of me faculty, just three weeks after arriving at agrees with many of the complaints director from World Vision, more said mar be Called the meeting to "We were the guinea FUSL last fall. outlined in the e-mail. According than half a million srudenrs in "evaluate where we are," concern- pigs in this situation "I am nor angry, just curi- to Cima, me program in Brussels rhe U.S. chose to "be hungry" to ing the exchange program with the ous: about "some issues" with the "wasn't organized from the get- raise money for children around Facuhes Universitaire Saint-Louis ... [the program program, wrote the student, who go." me world. She says that every $30 (FUSL), "and to make plans for me in Brussels] wasn't prefers to remain anonymous. Two of the five students in raised can help feed and care for a future." "Classes, credit transfers and me group that went to FUSL con- child for one month. Some students are not very organized from the language barriers," were cited as the firmed having failed at least one Junior Lauren Howe, a social excited about me program. "There get-go." three main concerns in the e-mail, class; four of them believe they work major, coordinated Hunger are issues," said a senior who par- along with the lack of arremion ticipated in me fledgling program from FUSL faculty and staff. See "Bru.sel." on Page :J See "Hunler Day" on Pale 4
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