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11 THE M'DANIEL FREE PRESS MARCH 13 2008 Spring Break I Commentary Ct\tC Web, sports spice up Spring Break By Heather Gorsuch Coleman. For spring break, some McDan- Many student athletes were iel srudenrs are fleeing to warmer lucky enough to have the oppor- March desdnarlons while others are forced runiry to travel with their teams to stay home to earn a lirrle extra ro several spring break destina- looking for something to do around campus? With hehJ.,~PBc,a,d and many other campus cash. tions. The baseball team will be organizations, there are several fun events planned for March: With the invention of www. parriciparing in a tournament in srudenrciry.corn this made the pro- Tampa Bay, Florida. From March March 24: The Eric Byrtl Trio: Tribute to Ray Charles cess a little easier for self planned i4 through March 22, the team Sponsored by: CAPBoard excursions. The website allows will battle eight ether reams from Time: 8 p.m. large groups of college students to across the councry. In between Location: McDaniel Lounge find affordable, accessible spring games the men will have several break destinations. opportunities to take in the warm March 26: Keep;'" It Real Sophomore Briranl Direc- Flcrida climare. Sponsored by: Black Smdenr Union tor did not trust the reliability of Outfielder Chris Zimmerman Time: 7 p.m. this website when planning her said, "I plan on attending many Location: The Forum spring break. She and several of her spring training games for profes- friends will be spending four days sions teams in my spare time," March 27: Comedy Night with Shang in Walt Disney World. To avoid while others will hit the beach. Sponsored by: CAPBoard The women's lacrosse team Director Time: 8 p.m. housing expenses, will be sraylng and at . will be traveling [Q Hilton Head, her companions Location: The Pub a friend's beach house. South Carolina. March 28: "Sweeney Todd" Rather then spending time "I am really excited to be with friends, sophomore Julia Cole- spending my spring break with the Sponsored by: CAPBoard man is spending her break with her lacrosse girls in South Carolina," Time: 7 p.m. Location: Game Room mother in Manhattan. Coleman said sophomore Shaena Smith, and her mother will be shopping "but I won't have much free time March 28: DodgebaU Tournament on Fifch Avenue and attending The with all the intense practices we Sponsored by: Late Ntghrs Lion King on Broadway. will be having." Time: 10 p.m. ~I rarely see my mom because I Whether you're staying home Location: Gill gym live in Boston. We love to go shop- or rraveling elsewhere, many Stu- ping together and the last time we dents are grateful just to have a Look out for: NCAA March Mlld,Jess/ wem shopping in New York was week's vacation from classes. for my sixteenth birthday," said Forget the exotic Spring Break, home time is fine Ok, ok. r know you're going to read break as some of you out there, I see where they are coming So in conclusion, while many this and think, "What a loser," but but for me, it's just a time to relax, from, and I get it. After all, all rhe of you in faCt will classify me as a l- don't care. What's the deal with recuperate and get ready for [he beaurtfu! women in scantily dad loser, I understand why. I guess, it's spring break? Am I the only one second half of the semester. bathing suits are one reason [0 go just a matter of "whatever floats who goes home for spring break "David, you arc such a grou~h," to Mexico or Puerto Rico (Lydia if your boat" and the East River floats and either works or JUSt hangs OUt you say? No, I'm not a grouch. I'm you read this, Iapologize, bur keep mine [usr fine. with friends? just simple when lc comes to my reading). But at the same time, Participate In the dist:ussion I bet it's wonderful to go to vacation rime. However, I under- relaxing back home in New York at Mt:DanleIFreePress.t:om exotic places like Cancun or Punta stand why spring break is so popu- and playing with my dog are fun Cana, but from what I hear, plan- lar. enough. ning these trips are a hassle and «Spring break gives students cost a lot of money. That's nor my a chance to go somewhere differ- cup of tea. ent and exciring where we can re- HAZING Going home, relaxing, enjoy- lax and have fun" said senior Jane ing some good home cooked food Libert, who has plans {Q rravel this and seeing friends are what my spring break. spring breaks arc all about. f like "It's a rime you get to really (Q get reacquainted with my home- soak in because YOll have the whole HOTLINE town of New York City and do it week off to spend with your friends, where nothing else matters," said all for free. My idea of the perfect spring a buddy of mine from Penn State break. is to watch some Knicks bas- University, who plans on filming a ketball (although there's not really road trip to Florida for his spring much to watch there lately), catch break. up on some movies and most im- "Especially during senior year, portantly sleep in my own bed. when it's probably rhe last time Forgive me if l don't share you'll have to be able to have fun" {he same enthusiasm about spring he added. ATTENTION READERS The McDaniel Free Press is looking for students with experein~e in 410.871.3114 videography or video editing to work on the, staff. We hope to Implement news videos onto our website, and are look 109 for confident, s~nous a~d on Uyou witness or know of hazing happening dedicated students who are interested in journalism. Contac~ Lisa Breslin campus, call the hazing hotline. Messages can be (lbreslin@mcdanieLedu), Mike Habegger (mwh003@mcdanleLedu), or left directly on voicemail. No one answez~ the Melanie Chupein (msc006@mcdanieLedu) if you are interested 10 this phone, thexefore calls may be anonymous .: opportunity, Videos for the McDaniel Free Press will be a great addition to Questions, please contact Amanda Rose at any portfolio, IG
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