Page 138 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 138
THE MCDANiEl FREE PRESS APRIL J 2008 News Herlocker fondly remembered From NHerlo.:kero on Page 1 memorial ceremony on March 25. Maryland College, portrayed Her- sites, academic calendar dates or "Neither was Dave a quitter," locker's same dedication, as well as any other trivia because he always year later through persistence and said Case. "An example of this disgust with Maryland drivers in knew the answer. hard work, he was able to finish the was his first marathon, the Marine the snow. Other things he enjoyed, ac- Maln Srreer Mile. Corps marathon, back in me late uHc was a very unique man. cording to Case, were Jeopardy, '" used to visit him while he 70's. He dropped our at 17 miles He was known for never being dogs, the Carroll County Dog was in rehab after his horrific acci- due [Q fatigue. He ,was not happy late to classes and never cancel- Show, the Chicago Cubs and the dent," said Coley. "I would always about this so we drove back to ling classes," Repsher said. "l had Chicago Bears. He took a special bring him lottery tickets. I accused Washington over Christmas break an eight 0'dock chemistry class interest in McDaniel women's vol- him of holding out on me when to run the last 9.2 miles, giving with him. I remember when the leyball and basketball. He was dedi- \IT; father Donald Herlocker of he told me that he never won (he him a lime of 42 days, 6 hours and provost would close the college due jackpot, and when he recired he 12 minutes for his first marathon, to inclement weather, he decided cared to seeing his students succeed Canton, fL; brother and sister-in- and was orren seen cheering on the law William and Hilda Herlocker claimed that he had a secret Jaguar but he did not quit. Obviously to meet his classes anyway and ex- athletes and writing lengthy grade- of Kildeer, IL; sister and brother- stashed away from his lottery win- these qualities were exhibited in his pected the students to show up." ate school recommendation letters. in-law Linda and Peter Speck of nings. remarkable recovery from me rer- Herlocker was a man filled Herlocker is survived by his Wanganui New Zealand; grand- Herlocker was a very uniquely rible accideru." with knowledge and trivia. intelligent man with great drive and A story shared from biol- Coley said in faculty meetings children and partners Caryn Her- children Evan and Georgia Meade; work ethic. Former ProVOSt Sam ogy laboratory cocrdinaror, Robert they would often turn to him for locker Meade and Adam Meade of former wife and friend Helen Her- locker; and numerous friends. Raleigh, NC, and Daniel Herlock- Case made a speech at Herlocker's Repsher, an alumnus ~f ,Western quesdons abour course prerequl- er and Ellen Keelan of Brattleboro, The Lighter Side of the Campus Safety Blotter Editor'r Note: This weekly piece high- eford who had to be taken to CHC is. So keep your little red plastic cups lights some of the more inane calls for alcohol poisoning. The same night, two students y and incident! to which campus iafity Now there's a smart way ro starr were documented for underage alco- read Seems mat the only rhiog worth- hol possession in Rouzer. On March responds. I spring-woo, parry hard. Iguess thar while to'do is drink and well, pun~ 9 there were several incidents docu- "possession under 21 ~ offense wasn't mented in Decker College Center; holes in stairwell windows. 1Oa[5 Time cenainlydoes Ay.April is almost enough. One student was documented for righL On March 25 one student hen: which only brings May. Excite- There is of course the escapades underage possession, another student decided that it would be really ~ ment there, no? Hopefully Spting on PA Avenue thar we all know and was found intoxicated. The cup, err, to punch through a glass window ui Fling is nor a complete wash our this love. This time mere is an entire pagt,! Becky Snider '09 year. As bad as it sounds, let's wish ror devoted to OUf lore of the alcohol scale was tipped when a Greek orga- BIan~~. ~:che Student could nization had their party shut down Blotter Reporter lessrain-rorseveralreasons. round on PA Avenue. On March early due to violating clubroom poli- always rum to tampering with fire One reason being thar wealready B (seems to be a popular dare), stu- cies. Gee, wonder who they were? It's equipment, which happened on PA have enough liquids on campus for dents were documented ror violating Avenue. Or maybe students CUl. srarr Escapades on PA all fun and games until someone steals half the population of Westminsrer. multiple policies. One student was making their own parking permits. Avenue, parking The liquids mat I'm talking about JUSt documented wtrh failure to comply the tequila. Oh wait, someone already at- More recent drinking events on rempled ro do that. Iguess me park- permit forgery and happen to be of the alcoholic version. and dishonesty. The policy violations campus include me multiple studena; ing permitwasa'" <00ar;:::::: who were marr drinking in Decker A version mar seems to have worked indude: keg, multilitercomainef, beer in North Village better luck. nexr orne, you its way all across campus these last Center=it's all part of few weeks. On March 8, one student bong, hard liquor, drinking games, much the same as the one> on PA .v- punching in the window ~d~. possession under 21, providing false the lighter side. thought that it would be a good idea information, failure to comply with enue. Other incidents include a spnn- And with tim let's start bringing the kling here or mere on PA Avenue Of ro walk around Decker with an open Campus Safety and fumishing to semester to an end. Study hard, have container of alcohol in a public area. a minor. Quire a list: if you ask me. offcampus. fen and don't get caught. I mean, well Then there was the student in Whit- JUSt wait though, I guarantee you know what I mean. Must have been one hell of a party. you there will be more; there always ~ Drug-rel,lle
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