Page 132 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 132
12 THE M'DA.NIEL FREE PRESS MARCH 13 200B Commentary Men.aren't the only ones viewing x-rated videos If you have any further questions or are interested for their sex-ed in continuing "Sex on the HiW for spring semester 2008,pleasee-mailfreepress@mcdanieLedu. Statistics show that 70% of women have looked at pornography at least once and 70% of men look at porn at least once a month As a woman, I've always thought Internet user would stumble across clean. Not hairless. And the feeling intercourse 25% of the rime. 111e of porn as a more masculine pas- ir. goes both ways. other 75% is up to you to decide. rime-c-posr-pubescenr boys clean- So what happens when soctery (Don't worry, boys, we don't always ing OUt the Inremcr history before b-ecomes bombarded with naked Anal sex feels great.' fake it because it's bad. mom and dad get home, college pop-ups and those misspelled web- J can't give you my opinion on this Common reasons: males making use of the time [he sites? What happens when Sleeping (I'm a firm believer of 'exit only') We could be tired or sore or roommates are in class. Beaury becomes Sleeping Booty? but while men have a prostate- sometimes you just look so eager But it's becoming more com- Whar happens when people grow their version of the g-spot located to please that we don't want [Q let mon [hat women are seeking out up seeing X-rated movies and pic- in the anus-women don't. And you down). Buc, believe it or not, pornography as well. tures and start substituting digital from the stories I've heard, it's not grabbing someone's boob should Hooray for sexual liberation sex for real intimacy? [hat pleasant. And you can't just not elicit a hip-thrusting climax. and equality! So Idid my research. After all, shove it in [here! I have never really watched I couldn't very well write an article Semm is great.for the skin. porn other than jokingly with about porn without first watching Lesbians tikI! to get it on folly This one gets me. Apparently pull- friends, and the botched boob job it. I asked my horny male friends made up, hair teased and big jake ing OUt is the way to go, and cjacu- in Jade Princess pretty much turned for suggestions, made some pop- nails ready to go. laring on a woman's [insert body me off completely. corn and settled in. Yes, I've watched lesbian porn. pan here] is awesome and she loves But wait: although roughly I realized char if someone's sex- Correction: I watched straight It. 70% of women have looked at por- ual knowledge had relied solely on porn that-surprise-included I asked around about me fas- nography at least once, and roughly rhe informarion in pornography, a girl-on-girl scene. Over 90% of cinarion, and the majority of men 70% of men look at it ar least once they would have some very skewed "straight" porn includes some kind don't have a burning desire [Q do it, a month, [he statistics [hat stagger opinions on the martel". of lesbian scene. And those fake and most women would be rnurc are not about adults. For instance ... nails? I only need one Pap smear than frustrated if a parmer sud- According co Family Safe Me- a year rhank you, and J prefer the denly came allover them. dia rhe average ag'" [hal an adcles- Except for (he hair (In the "ery conon swab to acrylic probing. Sn remember: Porn is meanf tent starts !ook1ng at porn Is 11, tllf o/thl!ir h~tfds, IIJomm are "halrll!ft to be used reeF'eationally, nor-edu- and 90% of 8-16 year olds have creatures. Women orgasm quickly, fre- cationally. And the real thing is seen ir. The numbers are staggering, Witham getting into an awkward quently and at the most opportune always more exciting. I but when you consider that 11,000 discussion of my personal groom- moments. Partidpate in the discussion pornography movies are made each \ng habits, rhe general' consensus Seriously? According. to research, at ,', year, it seems i~levitable mat any seems to be ~~ep it neat; keep it women only reach qrgasrn through , " The Polar Pool Party makes it anotherLate N" . " As the second major late Nights event on campus, the Polar Pool Party,~njor and late Nights staff member Autumn Hils- inger prides the organization on giving students "a new way to engage outside the classroom, besides athletic stuff. It will Abov.e, Fresh",:"n Cierr.t Hunter, with late Night staff member hopefully draw a larger variety of McDaniel students." Rodt-~ AntonIO, ch .. t during the Swim .... rty in Harlow Pool, left, a group of students playa game of volleyball during held an late h-bruary. "The ide.. is to II\iiIkelate Nights known the party in tate February. With senior Frank Gaitan as OJ, stu- to the student body," said Antonio. "'COnsidering other events on c;r,mpus tonight, it's a great tum out" dents partied late into the evening playing a variety of games and enjoying a small offering of food. • DPR
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