Page 49 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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NEWS NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 3 More changes in class registration process ("changes," from Page 1) have more credits 1 should be me - who have three majors - changing their graduation accurate. tion date and subsequently able to register earlier." need priority. I have a very dates. Because registering for The new system was tested will assume 'membership' in a . The new system is not tight schedule; if others get classes relies heavily on a stu- with this year's Jan Term reg- later entering class," Reiff's e- meant to penalize students before me I might not gradu- dent's anticipated graduation istration, though only an esti- mail said. who have taken extra ate on time." date, students will no longer mated 400 students felt the But because few if any stu- Advanced Placement or col- Administrators said these be able to change this date impact. dents responded, administra- lege classes, as those students changes came about after with a simple form. '''I'm hoping that the antici- tors questioned. the success of will still remain at the top of years of upperclassman dis- "In the past, students could pated graduation date is being the notification process. their registration group, said content and technicality ques- come in with a form filled out used, and that they pay more "The fact that it came out on Jan Kiphart, registrar. tions from first-year students. and could change their antici- attention to it," Vaccaro said. [Aug. 31J - when students In reviewing student "First year students with pated graduation date at "I don't expect a negative were busy - probably attrib- records, the Registrar's Office [Advanced Placement] credits will," Ktphart said. "Prior to [reaction] ... I just hope for a uted to a lack of response," found that students who had who were categorized as each registration, we will look better understanding." . said Diane Vaccaro, associate extra credits were not using sophomores claimed that they at the student body to make Another change - which registrar. them to graduate early, but could get parking passes and sure people are in the appro- will take effect with the class The changes have created that most students were still be excused from the Freshmen priate class." of 2011 - is a mandatory concern in some students. enrolled for four full years. Seminar requirement because The new system will also "sophomore colloquium," a "It is fair for seniors so they Jon Teter, however, is upset of their status," Kiphart said. help honor society advisers second seminar similar to that can take all the classes they that the changes might delay "Last year the President's looking for an eligible list of required for freshmen. need and graduate on time, his graduation. Council met with a group of juniors and seniors. For more information about but what if you are a junior "It's the biggest piece of administrators and asked for Previously; this list was based these changes, students can and you need this class this [expletive] since they changed different ways to categorize solely on credit hours, causing check out weekly-updated semester and you have no the housing registration," said students." advisers extra work as they sheets that are posted on the choice? Will you be one Teter, a junior. "It gives stu- Another Significant change reviewed each student's sta- door of the Registrar's Office. semester late?" said sopho- dents no initiative to take linked to the new registration tus. With these changes, the Students can also call the more Yemmy Oladlran. "If I extra·~lasses. Some people like process affects students' list o~ students will be more office at extension 2755. Early action not yet in danger of elimination financial aid packages. the concern with a Nov. 1 "I applied [early}because I ed to worry about other SHANNON WILLIS McDaniel, however, offers a deadline was students who knew there was no other opportunities. Luckily, STAFF WRITER non-restrictive early-action are underrepresented are school I wanted to attend," Maryland's deadline date Prospective McDaniel plan in which accepted stu- often in high schools that said Miller, a freshman at the hadn't passed yet and 1 got in College students eagerly look- dents may choose to attend aren't providing counseling in University of Pennsylvania. with probably more money ing to come to the Hill will not other schools instead. advance," Hines said. "By get- "It was a relief to know that I than what Princeton might've be affected by other universi- "We're trying not to stress ting rid of this and moving to was accepted a month after I offered." ties' choices to eliminate early students out about the process a January-only [admission] applied. Had they gotten rid Hines said that there is no admissions, administration [and] what it takes to be program, their sense is that of early action it would have difference in criteria for stu- members said. admitted," said Florence they will help [those stu- greatly discouraged me from dents who apply early as In September, Harvard Hines, dean of admissions at dents]." applying at all." opposed those who seek regu- University announced that McDaniel College. "McDaniel Although some institutions Allison Samuels, however, lar admission. students seeking admission and schools like us are trying claim the applicant's choice of said that early-admission As for more schools adopt- for the fall of 2008 would no to do a lower-ke admission." the same w or equid have caused negative trend r 0 pp y ea ,a or s 00 s I e ar-varci, not e stu ent applies early, consequences for her. jug the e1imipatjoo but, unlikely It's decision mirrored weeks later Princeton and the University students see the process as a "when r decided to apply Hines said "It's too early to she added, by Princeton 'University and of Virginia, the main reason way to avoid the anxiety that early to Princeton, I was under speculate that everybody will the University of Virginia. behind ending early adrrus- comes with waiting until mid- the impression that I had a do it now because those With many early-admission sion is to provide better April forward of acceptance. better shot," said Samuels, a schools did it." plans, accepted students must opportunities for financially For Susan Miller, the choice freshman at the University of agree to attend that institution disadvantaged students. to apply early was an easy Maryland-College Park. prior to receiving offers of "For [those universities], decision. "When I was deferred I start- B t e numliers Campus Safety gets Charger However, many students tor. S"'RAHGROSH question whether its full Although pleased with the STAFF WRITER potential will ever be realized latest addition to Campus First it was a new and on a campus the size of a I Safety, Mike Webster hopes it improved office across cam- matchbox. won't be the last. pus. Next. it was fur collars for "The Charger is ultimately "There's always something the bleak winter months a back-up vehicle for busy that needs replacing or updat- ahead. Now it's "an outstand- nights," said Campus Safety ing." He said. ing combination of fuel econo- Director Mike Webster. "U Potential projects include my, exhaust emission control. the Durango is currently in creating a card access system, quietness, and durability." use somewhere, perhaps tak- installing better alarms, or just Campus Safety added the ing a student to the hospital, replacing their 15-year-old sleek 2006 Dodge Charger to for example, the Charger two-way radio system. And its vehicle pool just shortly stands in." in case you were wondering, Rape. On the llisht of Oct, 20, • ~aIe student reported before homecoming. Seeking Neighboring Gettysburg no, there will be no pimp a replacement vehicle for their College, which has a student added to Campus' i"""was rape
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